COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 4, 1871.

     MY DEAR GENERAL:--I am very glad you are pleased with

Miss Ransom's work.  The likeness is certainly capital,

and the general appearance of the picture so striking and good

that I am sure it will be regarded as one of the best, if not the

very best picture in the office.

  I confess I was a little fearful that you would not be satisfied

with the military costume. It seemed to me so desirable to have

the War for the Union represented in the garb of the ex-govern-

ors that I was disposed to insist on it. I have a fine, very fine,

portrait of St. Clair in Revolutionary attire, and a gay one of

McArthur in 1812 uniform. This completes the set. Miss Ran-

som is at my house and your letter will make her happy.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


                               COLUMBUS, January 6, 1871.

  MY DEAR TURNER:--I am exceedingly obliged for your beau-

tiful New Year's present. My step is still quick and easy, but

both legs have the marks of Rebel missiles, and bad weather

brings me certain twinges which indicate that as I get older a

cane will be very useful. Accept my heartiest thanks and my

best wishes for your health and success.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      United States Navy, New York.

               COLUMBUS, OHIO, October [January] 8, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:--. . .  I got off a very successful message.

The commendation is almost universal. Even the Enquirer,


             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          127

Statesman, and Crisis praise it profusely.  But it is of small

account to say the right thing without firm, strong men to push

through the practical measures. I look to a constitutional con-

vention for the remedy.         Sincerely,

                                               R. B. HAYES.


  Wednesday, January 18, 1871. -- Believing that an election in

the Third District, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation

of General Schenck, would be a mere farce under all of the cir-

cumstances, I declined to issue a call for an election. I received

the notice January 9, submitted the legal question to the attorney-

general and got his opinion on the 11th. On that day the ques-

tion as to my duty was decided -- fifty-two days before the expi-

ration of the term of the present Congress. My figures are as

follows. The usual notice has been in Ohio from six weeks--

forty-two days -- to two months, or sixty days. Thirty-one

days is the least time ever allowed in a contested district. The

law allows twenty-one days to make and canvass the returns.

Here are at least fifty-two days.  From two to four days more,

at least, would be required to enable the member elect to get his

certificate and reach Washington. In the meantime the term of

the Congress to which he was elected would expire. Now, my

point is, neither the constitution nor the statutes nor both to-

gether require a vain attempt to elect a member of Congress.

They do not require an attempt to elect a member  which must

be in vain. Suppose only ten days elapse between the resignation

and the expiration of the Congress; suppose only five days inter-

vene, should the election be called? If not, it is because time

enough does not intervene. Now, who is to decide the question?

The governor, of course.

  There must then be time to give notice of the election. What

time?  The answer is reasonable time.  What is reasonable time

has been settled by many precedents in Ohio. If the law-making

power think that a change of circumstances require that the

time so settled is too long, their duty is to prescribe by law a

shorter time. But no fair election can be held without reason-

able notice. No election is better than an unfair election. If


the time given is too short for a fair election, the district is

likely to be misrepresented; and it is better for a district to be

unrepresented than to be misrepresented even for a few days.

  The governor has clearly the power to fix the day of the

election. He should give what length of time? Clearly a rea-

sonable time. He is authorized to issue his writs of election to

the sheriff of each county directing him to hold a special election

"within such on a day specified in such writ."  It is in the discre-

tion of the governor to specify the day. What day? Certainly

a day of which reasonable notice beforehand can be given.

  The resolutions say there is yet time to give such reasonable

notice. Failing to agree with this opinion, I shall not, while the

law remains unchanged, issue the writs of election. My opinion

is, the law does not require it.

  If a longer period has been suggested than the Legislature

deems reasonable, the law-making power can by prescribing a

shorter notice secure its object.  But while the law remains

unchanged, the notice deemed reasonable will be required.

  If too long a time is allowed by law for making the returns

in case of special elections, it is for the law-making power to

change it.

  If by precedent a time four times as great as that which

these regulations allow has heretofore been usually given, it can

be changed by law.

                                COLUMBUS, January 18, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:-- . . . Root, in what he tells me was a

friendly spirit, reported resolutions, decidedly adverse to my

views and course [in regard to a special election in the Third

District], in the Senate and passed them.      Thus  far in the

House they have been beaten. I need not say that I am not

in the slightest degree bothered about it. I am making [a] rep-

utation for firmness, as friends tell me, all around.  If they

want to control me, [let them] pass laws and I'll obey.


  S. BIRCHARD.                                 R. B. HAYES.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          129


                         COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 18, 1871.

  DEAR HALSTEAD: -- I am glad to see the tone of your article

of today on the Third District vacancy. I think I am right, but

will not of course reargue the question. The precedents you

dread have been set long ago. In many instances vacancies have

been permitted to continue two or three months and more. I but

followed. Now, what is the remedy? Clearly for the Legisla-

ture to fix the length of time which shall be deemed reasonable

notice. Perhaps, also, to specify the length of time which must

intervene between the occurring of a vacancy and the end of

the term in order to require the calling of an election. Also

[to] amend the law as to the time allowed (twenty-one days)

for canvassing returns, etc., etc., so as to make it as short in the

case of special elections as possible.  To  merely express an

opinion by resolutions adverse to mine is nothing. My opinion

is adverse to theirs also. Let the law define the time so as to

shorten it if that is deemed advisable. This occurs to me as the

true course. I need not enlarge.


MURAT HALSTEAD,                                   R. B. HAYES.


  January 20, 1871.--I did an unusual, and, I think, a meri-

torious, thing last night. Tom Jones' Memorial to Lincoln and

the Ohio Soldiers was to be inaugurated in the rotunda of the

Capitol.  I presided.    I had a fairish little opening speech,

which with my good lungs I could make go off well. But there

were three speakers to give addresses. I knew that the little,

pretty, pet things to be said were not numerous, and that my

speech would more or less interfere with the success of theirs. I

accordingly swallowed my speech and introduced the various

actors without an extra word. Who has beaten this?

                 THE SPEECH I DIDN'T MAKE.

  Fellow Citizens: --  We have assembled this evening to witness

the inauguration, the unveiling of a Memorial--the work of an



Ohio sculptor, Thomas D. Jones, of Cincinnati -- placed here in

the rotunda of the State House, to remain, we trust, as long as

the building itself shall stand, in honor of the brave sons of

Ohio who in more than a thousand conflicts on land and water

poured out their lives for Liberty and Union; and in honor also

of him who "strove for the right as God gave him to see the

right," and who "with charity for all and malice towards none,"

   "Ascended Fame's ladder so high

    From the round at the top he stepped in the sky."

                               COLUMBUS, January 27, 1871.

  DEAR S--:--I will not write as to Davis.  It is my in-

tention, if family affairs permit, to visit Washington within a

fortnight or so when I can talk as you suggest. I am confident

that many Democrats feel that their party leaders are making

a mistake in opposing the annexation of San Domingo under

any circumstances and on any terms. The circumstances and

the terms will decide the question in the popular mind.

                              Sincerely,       R. B. HAYES.


       Washington, D. C.

  February 5, 1871. -- Mr. C. T. Webber, of Cincinnati, came

up last week with his picture of the McCook family, his "Ship-

wreck," and other lesser pieces, hoping to sell them to the State.

The McCook must, I think, be a work of merit. It represents

the father and his sons in uniform assembled in bivouac. Five

of the persons were killed or died of wounds received in service.

An example of family patriotism in no case paralleled in some

of its features. The conspicuous positions of the members of

the family, notice: The father, Major Dan, a paymaster; Major-

General Alex, a corps commander; General Robert, a brigadier;

Daniel, ditto; Edward, colonel; George, a colonel; S-, a

surgeon; John J., a captain; Charley, a boy, a private.

  Friday, February 17.--Saturday, the 11th, with S. S. War-

ner, of Wellington, Treasurer of State, I left here for Washing-

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          131

ton, via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Reached Washington

Sunday at 10 A. M. in a heavy snow-storm.

   My business, according to the papers, was to "fix up" appoint-

ments for judges, marshals, etc., etc. My business, in fact, was

to get General Hastings' nomination for the Northern District

sent in immediately. 2. To get an allowance to Ohio on military

claims of one hundred and forty thousand dollars. 3. To look

after a claim of Uncle Roger Birchard's for about five thousand

dollars, burnt bonds. And, 4, to see things generally. Not at

all to interfere with the appointments referred to. But news-

paper correspondents are bound to know the motive of every

action of a public man, or to pretend to know, and so mistakes

are often made.

   I saw the President; called with Mr. Delano at a Cabinet

meeting. All informal. The President sat at the end of a table

smoking. He rose and greeted us pleasantly and cheerfully.

Messrs. Boutwell, Fish, Ackerman, Belknap, and Creswell came

in. We chatted sociably in little groups. The President ar-

ranged with one of the Cabinet about vetoing a bill. Talked of

other bills -- signed all but one, except the one vetoed. Then

turned and talked about San Domingo. Said he chose the com-

missioners on account of their high character. Two of them he

had never seen, Messrs. White and Howe; didn't know the

opinions of any of them. Didn't want them to find facts to

sustain anybody's opinions. That if they reported unfavorably,

that would end the matter; if favorably, then he hoped annex-

ation would take place.

  Visited Corcoran's picture gallery.


                                 COLUMBUS, March 1, 1871.

  MY DEAR GENERAL: -- Your letter and telegram relative to the

resignation of Judge Burgoyne came duly to hand.  I have with-

held the resignation from the press, and it will be at the option

of Judge Burgoyne to withdraw it, as long as his friends may


  You are aware of the difference of opinion as to the manage-


ment of Longview. Good men are on both sides of the question.

I differ from several of my best friends on that subject.  I agree

with you perfectly in your favorable opinion of Judge Burgoyne

but I must frankly say that I think he has been wrong in sus-

taining the administration of the asylum these last few years.

Perhaps I am altogether wrong in this, I speak from information

merely. If so, I am free to act as shall seem right notwithstand-

ing any expression of opinions heretofore made.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


                                   COLUMBUS, March 3, 1871.

  DEAR FORCE:--I understood your recommendation to be

earnest, and I may add that its strength is vastly greater by

reason of what you say of Mrs. K-'s  interest in such an

institution. But, as I told you, I am by no means free. This

you will understand when [I] state that Judge Burgoyne's term

expires in a few weeks, and prior to his resignation recommenda-

tions of his successor had been coming in for several months --

perhaps a year. There is probably an act of justice to be done

in restoring a good man.  Besides, when Bates resigned, I of-

fered the place to a friend, etc., etc. You see! But I expect to

come down before an appointment is made, and will talk it up.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


                                 COLUMBUS, March 6, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: -- I am greatly gratified by the contents of your

letter of the 3d.  I think it is very desirable to have the portrait

of General Hamer copied during the present session of the Leg-

islature. There is a proposition before that body to erect a mon-

ument in memory of General Hamer and I think that propo-

sition will gain by an exhibition of the portrait. Please have it

carefully boxed and expressed to me, the cost of boxing, etc.,

etc., with express charges to be collected here.  I will return

the portrait in like manner without charge to you promptly--

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          133

say, in three weeks. It is perfectly safe to do this. I have done

it with portraits from Virginia, Iowa, and other States.


  WILLIAM LOUDON,                              R. B. HAYES.

      Mount Vernon, Indiana.


                                COLUMBUS, March 11, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: -- Some three months ago you sent me a copy

of "Phelps' History of Simsbury, Granby, and Canton." Your

letter spoke of Mr. Phelps' situation in a way that led me to

think I might without indelicacy send him a small testimonial

of my appreciation of his labors in preserving recollections of

the early events in the history of the town of my ancestors. I

do not find it convenient to do what I would like to do. But I

send you enclosed ten dollars with the request that, if it can be

properly done, you give it, or in some way spend it for the ben-

efit of, the venerable historian of Simsbury. By so doing you

will place under additional obligation,


  DUDLEY B. McLEAN,                             R. B. HAYES.

       Simsbury, Connecticut.

                                 COLUMBUS, March 13, 1871.

  DEAR N--:--Wife says:  "Why does he 'Dutch' our noble

boy? You must have said something, or he wouldn't have

done it." So you see the scrape you got me into. Now I pro-

test. I didn't say "Dutch." The word I wrote was beautiful,

talented, gallant, or "sich."  Take it back.  Do, now!

  "U. S. G. played out" again! Funny, isn't it? A year ago,

you remember, you told me the Republicans couldn't reelect in

New York State more than six, and none in the West, to the

Forty-second Congress. In the natural course of things, the ins

grow weaker and the outs stronger with time, until they change

places.  But how stands the great body of the Republican peo-

ple? What do they care about in public affairs? The questions

in the order of their importance, are they not these? 1. The

South. 2. The debt. 3. The British question. 4. San Domingo.

5. Appointments  and  personal matters generally.  Until "the


South" is settled, all other questions are subordinate with the mass

of the people who have fought the antislavery and the Union

battle. "The debt" overshadows the remaining three. Well, --

for I get prosy -- the people believe in the Administration de-

cidedly on the first two questions. A great majority are with

it on the British question. A great majority regret the San

Domingo business and differ from U. S. G., but will accept it;

and as to the fifth [question] a majority, a vast majority, were

vexed about the A. T. Stewart, the Sickles, the Cox, the Sumner,

the Cameron, and the relations affairs. But each and all of these

are merely sensations of the day, and do not and will not mate-

rially affect the public judgment as long as the Administration

is right on the South and the Democracy wrong.

  If, by nominations and conduct, the Democrats could lay out

of sight the old questions relating to Reconstruction, the Rebel-

lion, etc., their chance would be good. But will they? There

is not a symptom of their doing it. They obviously seek power

mainly to undo what the Nation has done. The blunders of the

Republicans are many and mortifying; but thus far the Demo-

crats have been so big a blunder and crime, that sensible people

will still oppose them in the only effective way, by supporting

the Republicans.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  P. S.-- I go out of politics with the end of this term. The

old questions interested me so much that the new ones seem

small. Why be in a worry and make oneself unhappy on a

question between a crotchety old man like Sumner and such a

statesman as Cameron? It is as bad as the squabbles in Wash-

ington's or Jackson's Cabinets. Let them slide. The country is



                                COLUMBUS, March 15, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:--I am exceedingly obliged by your prompt-

ness.  The portrait of General Hamer arrived safely this morn-

ing, and is now in my office. Several of General Hamer's old

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          135

friends just called, and had the satisfaction of again looking

upon his much loved features.

  I will have it promptly copied, and returned to you as soon as

the copy is finished.

  Can you give me the place and date of General Hamer's birth,

the date of the portrait, etc., etc.? I have failed to find a satis-

factory sketch of General Hamer's life. Can you refer me to



                                                R. B. HAYES.


       Mount Vernon, Indiana.

  March 16, 1871. - Having resolved to quit the race for polit-

ical promotion, I can now look at the current events in political

affairs without the bias created by personal interest. The sen-

atorship to be decided this year in Ohio seems to be as likely

to fall to me, if I enter the struggle for it, as to any other Re-

publican. But the great questions which have so occupied my

thoughts and enlisted my feelings - the great questions of free-

dom for the slaves and the unity of the Nation, liberty and na-

tionality, are now settled. No political or party revolutions can

unsettle the established facts, that all men are to have in this

country equal civil and political rights, and that the United

States form one people, one nation.

  The small questions of today about taxation, appointments,

etc., etc., are petty and uninteresting. I cannot consent, after

having borne my part in the glorious struggle against slavery

during the last seventeen years, now to endure the worry and

anxiety belonging to political life for the sake of the honors of

office merely, and without subjects interesting me deeply

involved in the struggles. I do not expect or desire to withdraw

from all interest and participation in passing events. It is simply,

I am out of the race for promotion. I am not a candidate, and

shall avoid being made one, for the senatorship or for any other

high office.

  The Administration of Grant has been faithful on the great


question of the rights of the colored people, and has been suc-

cessful in dealing with the debt. These are the great matters,

and for this the people ought to sustain it. The San Domingo

business is a blunder. It ought not to have been entered upon at

all at present, and if entered upon it ought not to have been

pushed in a way to offend needlessly the men of the party who

opposed it.

  The personal affairs of the Administration have been badly

managed in many instances.  General Grant's acceptance of

gifts from friends ought not to have been followed by promotion

of the givers.  Better not to have taken the gifts, but taking

them ought to have disqualified the givers. Grant is not a man

of policy.  Senator Henry Wilson says he is no politician.  He

does openly, instantly, without regard to effect or time, what he

thinks ought to be done.  His quarrel with Sumner has been

wretchedly managed.  Sumner has no prduence and was de-

stroying himself by his unreasonable and violent speeches and

conduct.  But he is made a martyr of and Grant weakened by

his removal from the Committee on Foreign Relations.  If he

had instead been given full rope, he would have hanged himself.

  This trouble for the first time leads sober people to consider

the question whether Grant ought to be renominated. Hitherto

the wise heads have been clearly of the opinion that he must be.

Probably this [Summer affair] will blow over. Disgust and op-

position on account of mere personal affairs are short-lived, and

not of wide influence. If we were rid of San Domingo this

breach would soon heal, if no new causes of dissatisfaction arise.

  I fear that such advisers as Chandler, Cameron, and Conkling

are too influential with Grant. They are not safe counsellors.

I hope that the disasters sure to follow this Sumner blunder

will make them pause and reflect.  Otherwise a new candidate,

or defeat,--perhaps, defeat in any event,- awaits the Re-

publican party in 1872.

  But I hope better things. The Administration can yet save

itself. In any event, I rejoice that I long since decided to quit

the struggle for political promotion.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          137


                                  COLUMBUS, March 17, 1871.

  DEAR SIR: - I am in receipt of your letter of the 15th. There

is no reason why I should do you the smallest injustice.  I cer-

tainly am not disposed to be otherwise than square with you. I

can think of no reason why you should deal unfairly with me.

I therefore abstain from comments on your letter and its tone.

   Let me state the affair as I see it: You explained to me that

you were going to the South to enter into important business,

and that you wished a letter to be used there. You handed me

a letter from Mr. F-- and I followed it, or intended to fol-

low it, substantially if not literally.  I gave you the same com-

mendation that you received in the letter you presented.  You

now  seem  disposed to complain of Mr. F-'s letter.  You

speak of it as "a very conservative and qualified one."  You

may be justified in complaining of it, but I fail to perceive how

you can complain of me for adopting its language when you

endorsed it as satisfactory by delivering it to me as the basis

upon which you asked an introductory letter from me.

  I write this without the least unfriendly feeling. You say,

and I have no reason to doubt it, that your "business integrity

and character as a man was unimpeachable." Now I beg to as-

sure you that if the letter you produced had contained those

words, I should have, in substance, adopted them. In writing

your letter I followed not merely my usual habit, but, as I be-

lieve, the usage of business men generally, when introducing a

stranger, viz., I gave the same statements which were made to

me in the letter handed me. If there is anything wrong in this,

I repeat, I do not see it.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


       Cleveland, Ohio.

                                 COLUMBUS, March 22, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:--  .. . Nothing settled yet about my suc-

cessor.  It seems not unlikely that Governor Dennison may be

put in harness again, if he will consent.      Mr.  G-'s  [Gal-


loway's] friends are ready as usual. But we must not have

many more mistakes at Washington or our candidate will be

second in the race. The fight is not yet lost, but--etc., etc.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Washington, D. C.

                                COLUMBUS, March 27, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:- Mr. I. N. Morris of Illinois, has for years

been urging the payment of a "two per cent fund" due from the

United States to Illinois. Ohio is in the same position in regard

to it. I will not waste words about the matter. But my atten-

tion was drawn to it three years ago by Mr. Morris and I am

entirely satisfied that he is right, and that Ohio ought to receive

a large sum on account of the same claim.  I write merely to

ask you to aid Mr. Morris and to see that our Ohio members

are all posted. The claim is meritorious, and there is a fair

prospect of getting it. You may show this letter to anybody.

It is written merely to arrest your attention to the claim.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


  April 10, 1871. - Grant's message on San Domingo, our un-

expected success in Connecticut, and in town elections in Ohio,

put the Republican party again in the front, with a future by no

means dark.

  Whose is this quotation?-"He who lives a great truth is

incomparably greater than he who but speaks it."

                                COLUMBUS, April 10, 1871.

  DEAR SIR:--I was much gratified to get a day or two ago

from my cousin, Mary Birchard, your letter to her giving some

facts about our ancestors which I did not know. Your grand-

father was, as I understand it, my great-grandfather. But I

could never before learn his first name. I am desirous to know

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          139

more about him. Where was he born, where did he live, and

die? and the names of his children in the order of their births.

I suppose he lived at Mansfield, Connecticut, and that your father

was named Amasa, and was one of the youngest sons. Is any-

thing known of your grandfather's military service--how long

he was in the army, in what regiment, from what town, in what

battles, etc., etc. I have learned quite positively some of the

facts about the earlier history of the family which I give you

on another sheet.

  Please write soon and oblige your kinsman,

                                              R. B. HAYES.

  The first Birchard who came to this country was named

Thomas. He arrived in Boston in the ship True Love in 1635

with his wife Elizabeth, and six children.  Only one son and

his name was John. The name was spelled variously - Burcher,

Birchwood, Burcherd, etc., etc. But John grew to be a man of

much intelligence and had a good standing for many years at

Norwich. He was a teacher, a town clerk eighteen years, a jus-

tice of the peace, and Representative. His writings still exist.

He spelled the name Birchard. He married Christian Andrews

and had eight children who grew up and had families. Six were

sons. James, born in 1665, married Elizabeth Beckwith and

had three sons who grew up. John, born in 1704, was the father

of your grandfather Elias. The Birchards moved from Nor-

wich to Lebanon about 1700; and the later families have lived

in that place, Mansfield, Windham, etc., etc.; and for a hundred

years past their descendants have been scattering throughout

the United States.

  If you ever come to Ohio I shall be glad to have you visit

me . . .

  Please give me the names and births of your own family, as

well as of your father's, and greatly oblige.




      Belmont, Michigan.


  April 15, 1871.-Mr. Charles T. Webber, of Cincinnati, this

day finished a portrait of Lucy. She will be forty years old

next August. Also a picture of me with little Fanny sitting in

my lap. Fanny will be four next September. I will [shall] be

forty-nine next October. The picture of Lucy is like her when

flushed with the excitement and pleasure of society. Mine is

correct in the drawing. The dull expression is no doubt natural!

Little Fanny is correct in the drawing except possibly the nose

is not straight enough, and the mouth is not quite hers. The

nose is too knobby at the end. Fanny is prettier than her pic-


                                 COLUMBUS, April 18, 1871.

  DEAR GENERAL:--I have always been fond of reading

speeches. I had read all of Webster's that came within my reach

long before I ever heard of forming a style. While, therefore,

I never read Webster for the purpose of learning language or

style, no doubt I have in some degree got in the habit of copying

the structure of sentences and phrases and words peculiar to

him. I am so familiar with his speeches and writings, that I

often use not merely words but phrases from him, and many

a time I have gone over what I have written and changed words,

etc., not probably for the better, because I saw I was quot-

ing. His writings, etc., etc., are more stately than they should

be, full of merit as they are. Under advice I did read and study

Junius and Burke for style. But more words, and what not of

that sort, are in my mind from Byron than from any other

author. Short words, pithy sentences are caught from him.

Long paragraphs of great beauty occur in Byron's poetry with

scarcely a word longer than a monosyllable.

  General P- and I must have been in a frame of mind fit-

ting us for membership in a mutual admiration society. I was

particularly pleased  with  his speech.    The  feeling running

through it was touching, and the whole thing of the finest. Yes,

I am a believer in Duluth, and am betting my share of a ten-

  *Mr. Hayes was too kindly and uncritical in his judgment. Neither

picture possesses any merit.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          141

thousand-dollar building that it will be a city. If I had more

to spare, I would risk more.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  P. S.--Carl Schurz says he formed his style by translating

Junius into German and back again into English. His style you

will notice is peculiar in using obsolete words and idiomatic

expressions of great force.



                           COLUMBUS, OHIO, April 29, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:-A  severe inflammation of one of my eyes

compels me to make my reply to your esteemed favor in regard

to the governorship very brief. I long since, in conversation,

announced my wish and purpose to withdraw from the race for

important positions in public affairs. I meant this announce-

ment to apply both to the office I now hold and to the senator-

ship.  That purpose remains unchanged.       I shall, of course,

not cease to take an interest in politics, and am very likely to be

a candidate for subordinate positions.

  I feel very grateful to you for your kindness, and for the

handsome notice of me in your paper.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Bucyrus, Ohio.

                                  COLUMBUS, May 5, 1871.

  MY DEAR NORDHOFF:--Your article on the Ohio governor-

ship is of course satisfactory to me, but you will not object to

two corrections. I have not been and shall not be a candidate

for renomination. I probably could without effort have been

renominated. But usage and personal inclination were against it.

  The more serious error is: You omit to name the Republican

candidate who is morally certain of the nomination and election.

General Edward F. Noyes of Cincinnati, a brave and popular

soldier who lost a leg in the Atlanta campaign, an eloquent and


attractive speaker, and a gentleman of integrity and purity of

character, will, I think, without question be nominated.  He is

the sort of man you would support heartily if you lived in

Ohio. He can't be beaten either in the convention or election.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Evening Post, New  York City.

                         WASHINGTON, D. C., May 7, 1871.

  MY DARLING: - We are at the Arlington.  It is almost empty.

All the better, as we get the best of rooms and attendance.

  I did not understand that Mrs. Swayne had fully ar-

ranged to have me at her house here. Otherwise I would have

arranged to suit. The judge met me at the depot. It was awk-

ward to refuse, but it is all right now. I spent a pleasant even-

ing with them last night. Their house is pretty, and is in a loca-

tion which improves rapidly.  Washington will realize my pre-

diction. It will, if it remains the capital, be the finest city in

the world in a century or two. . . .

  I see no reason here to regret our choice and decision. We

are quite sound in that matter. Out of public life is independ-

ence. There may be times of loneliness and lack of excitement,

but the general result must be good.  .  .  . With much love.




                                  COLUMBUS, May 29, 1871.

  MY DEAR GUY: -Your letter was very welcome. Chills and

fever and their consequence, inflamed eyes, have kept me out of

my office and away from my desk for a good part of a month.

My health is in other respects excellent, never better. I weigh

one hundred and seventy-five pounds, and am likely to be quite a

chunky, fat old fellow. We could have a fine chat on old times,

politics, college and other friends if we could meet. Do come

North. I will go with you to Kenyon and roam over the old

hill and the banks of Owl Creek as of yore.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          143

  There was never a time since 1840 when we were probably

nearer together in politics. I am a Republican, and whatever

views I have, I shall try to support in that party.  On amnesty,

I am with Greeley; on tariff, with the New York Evening Post.

You can guess the rest.  I retire from public life definitely with

the end of my present term.  I long for freedom and independ-

ence. My family and private affairs will be my care hereafter.

If I take public employment it will be as an incidental matter.

No more ambition.

  Uncle is past seventy and in tolerable health-cheerful and

social. Buttles is doing well, with an occasional relapse of short

duration. My daughter is the pet of the house - four nearly.

A boy of four months is his mother's pet. Birch in college. But

my eyes must apologize for shortness.

  Do write oftener. I had almost given you up.

                           As ever,

                                                R. B. HAYES.


      Little Rock, Arkansas.


                                   COLUMBUS, May 29, 1871.

  MY DEAR JOEL: - I was much gratified to receive your kind

letter of the 10th. Chills and fever, and as a consequence, in-

flamed eyes have prevented an earlier reply. I went up the

Shenandoah Valley two weeks ago, visiting the battle scenes of

1864, hoping to benefit [my] health, as well as to revive recol-

lections of stirring events. I am now nearly well again.

  I congratulate you and Mrs. Joel on your new happiness.

We also have another boy, now three and a half months old.

A healthy, well-behaved little fellow. It will not be possible

to visit New York this season, I think.

  I am looking forward to a release from public life and to

freedom as hopefully as a schoolboy to his coming vacation,

or a soldier to a furlough. I retire absolutely. I shall make

no attempt to go higher. If I ever accept public employment

again it will be incidental and for special reasons, not as falling

within the line of my life as now chosen.


  I shall always cherish you as one of the true friends, and shall

be interested in whatever befalls you.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


      New York City.

  June 4, 1871. - Made a successful little speech at the pioneer

festival of Franklin County at the Fair Ground yesterday. Read

extracts from old letters of Cass, Gallatin, Mason, John Jacob

Astor, and others, illustrating points of character, early incidents,

etc., etc.

                                   COLUMBUS, June 4, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:--  .  .  . I saw Colonel Noble at the pioneer

festival looking as brisk and hearty as ever. Orange Johnson and

old man Stewart, Heyl and Leiby were also present.  Old Mr.

Heyl told me that Governor Worthington was arrested on a

capias for taking a fence down from the State House yard and so

exposing a crop of corn belonging to a man who had rented it!


                                               R. B. HAYES.


                                   COLUMBUS, June 5, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: - Your interest in the Hobatty case, expressed

when you were here last week, leads me to write you briefly in

regard to it. The first publication in regard to it reached me

yesterday in the Miami County Democrat. The facts given in

that account of the crime are totally different from the represen-

tations made to me.  In such cases I must of necessity rely

largely on the judges and prosecuting attorneys whose duty it is

to administer criminal justice in the locality of the offences.

 I send you extracts from the letters of the judge of your dis-

trict and the prosecuting attorney of your county, which show

sufficiently the ground on which I acted. The case they make

was one of manslaughter only. For this crime eleven years in

the penitentiary is ample punishment, particularly in view of

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          145

the prisoner's good conduct and character in the penitentiary as

shown by letters from the last warden, General  Walcutt, and

the present warden, Colonel Burr, extracts from which I also

give you. I trust Hobatty is a reformed man and will prove

himself a good citizen.

  I do not wish this letter published, but you may show  it to

the editor of the Democrat, if you wish.      I always prefer that

the justification of my official acts should stand on the official

records, and not on my arguments in their defence.

  If a public man makes an honest mistake, it is safe to leave

it with an intelligent public, who  will be ready to appreciate

the whole affair much better if he does not make too much fuss

about it. In this case I heard also many verbal statements from

gentlemen, whose positions and reputations are good, sustain-

ing the views of the judge and prosecutor.  But "something too

much of this."

                     Sincerely your friend,

                                                R. B. HAYES.


      Piqua, Ohio.


                                    COLUMBUS, June 9, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: - I am exceedingly obliged for your letter, and

the notice of the affair in the Democrat.       I appreciate your

friendship in this matter, and thank you heartily.

  It is of course no use to debate it.  But a talk with Dr. Byers,

former chaplain of the Ohio Penitentiary, leads me to strongly

suspect that the public and yourself are in error as to the case.

He says Hobatty always impressed him, and all around him, as

an honest, good fellow, with no murder in him.  I shall think

of the case hereafter, and form my final opinion according to

Hobatty's conduct.  If he becomes a good citizen, I shall think

the pardon  was right and public opinion  wrong.  If he turns

out a villain, of course, I give it up.


                                               R. B. HAYES.




                                   COLUMBUS, June 9, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:- I am in receipt of your letter of the 5th.

on my return from a short absence this morning. I will see what

can be done. My impression is that the best thing that can be

said of our management under the General Assembly of 1870-71

is that it is a vast improvement on its predecessor, and would

have been still better if it had been distinctly Republican instead

of, practically, a tie. The main issue this fall will be national.

The "new departure," results of the war, their acceptance, etc.,


  By the by, can you send me the taxation or tariff resolution

which passed the House so strongly? Would it not do for our

plank on that head ?


                                                R. B. HAYES.


      Bellefontaine, Ohio.

  June 11, 1871. - Visited Cincinnati last week. The late Demo-

cratic convention with its new departure (a trap to catch Repub-

lican votes) has destroyed the chances of its party. Our folks are

squabbling in Cincinnati over the question of governor.  Noyes

is the general favorite in the State, but in Cincinnati he is op-

posed with much bitterness by an influential part of the Repub-

lican organization. I tried to harmonize the opposing elements,

and to secure to Noyes the united support of the county. The

absence of two important adversaries of Noyes, Eggleston and

Alexander C. Sands, prevented me from doing much. I hope

however that something was accomplished.

                           COLUMBUS, OHIO, June 11, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:-. . . The restored bonds in Uncle Roger's

case have all been received. They amounted to over nine thou-

sand dollars and at present rates would sell for a little over ten

thousand dollars. I shall borrow about five thousand dollars

of it, I suppose.  I have paid off the Deshler note, and will send

it to you. I am to pay Uncle Austin 7 per cent semiannually,

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          147

and to give you or Platt as security. I will come up and ar-

range it in two or three weeks.

  You have perhaps noticed that Doctor Joe [Webb] has been

appointed the Superintendent of Longview Asylum. I am glad

of it. It is altogether the best position for a physician in Ohio.

It is a county and city affair, with a partial control in the State.

The place is more permanent and better paid than anything

else of the sort we have. Being under a board of city men they

are liberal in all respects. The pay is thirty-five hundred dollars,

and the officer is allowed absolutely everything but his clothing-

servants, carriage, and horses, house rent, and living all com-

plete. The only drawback is health, and the doctor thinks he

can make that what it should be. He got it [the appointment]

without pushing, and without either Matthews or I [me] inter-

fering. I did not know of it.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


  June 12, 1871.-The  way I put the new departure of the

Democracy is this: The important question is what will the

Democratic party do on the subject of the Constitutional Amend-

ments if they obtain complete power in the Government in all

its departments? If they get power in the Supreme Court, in

Congress, and in the Executive Department, what will they do?

Will they maintain and enforce the Amendments or will they

overthrow them? The object of the platform of their June 1

convention is to persuade the people that they are sound on this

question; that they may safely be trusted with it; that they will

faithfully obey and enforce the Amendments. I take issue with

them on this question. You are not sound and you are not to

be trusted.  I say with the Albany Evening Journal: "The voice

is the voice of Jacob but the hand is the hand of Esau."

                                 COLUMBUS, June 13, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:-Tell General Buckland that I think it is not

impossible that the opposition to Noyes in Cincinnati may be


considerable. If so, and General Noyes' friends give it up,

there will be a disposition on all sides to support him  [Buck-

land] against Galloway.  It is therefore important for him to

have in the convention a few judicious, firm, knowing friends

to look after his interests.  He will of course not quote me.  I

will not come up until after the convention.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


                                 COLUMBUS, June 15, 1871.

  DEAR S-: - I will deny, as I can do in the most decided way,

the new departure story against Noyes. I happened to be there

(Cincinnati) when the affair was new and know that Noyes

was in public and private outspoken and square against it.

  I see my name in the Gazette and Commercial.  You know,

and may say, what I have all along said, that under no circum-

stances will I be a candidate before the convention.  If my name

is offered as a candidate it will be withdrawn.  Nothing new

here. I think Noyes is safe.


                                             R. B. HAYES.

  P. S.--This is not for publication of course, but not

"private." - H.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                                 COLUMBUS, June 17, 1871.

  DEAR GENERAL:--Were we not speaking of Senator Fessen-

den's parentage?  If so, in the memoir I spoke of in the April

New England Genealogical and Historical Register I find this:

His father, General Samuel Fessenden, an eminent lawyer, com-

petitor many years of Simon Greenleaf, was born July 16, 1784,

graduated at Dartmouth in 1806, married December 16, 1813,

Deborah Chandler, "a direct descendant from Governor Wins-

low, by whom he had eleven children."  "Of his children, viz.,

nine sons and two daughters  . .  . three have been Members

of Congress, viz., William Pitt." If this were all, the story of

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          149

the illegitimacy of William Pitt Fessenden would seem to be

unfounded.    But farther on:  "William Pitt Fessenden, the

eldest son of General Samuel Fessenden was born

October 6, 1806-the same year his father graduated.  His

mother, whose maiden name was Green, and a native of

Boscawen, was an attendant upon the services of the Episcopal

Church, and later in life became a communicant of that church.

Her infant was accordingly baptized agreeably to the forms

of that church, and Daniel Webster, an acquaintance of the

Fesendens, was its godfather." "During childhood young Pitt

received the affectionate care of his father and stepmother."

Ask some Maine man about this.

  Shocking, Vallandigham's sudden death.  He will be remem-

bered more kindly as a martyr to his professional zeal.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

Private and confidential.

                                  COLUMBUS, June 22, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: - In the case of Hobatty it is represented that

"Hobatty is getting drunk and raising the devil." His pardon

was conditioned on his keeping sober. Now I want you to ascer-

tain the facts.  If he gets drunk I want to know  it, and the

names of witnesses by whom it can be proved. I will put him

back in the penitentiary promptly, if this is so. Keep this strictly


  If he has broken the condition I want to get him back into

prison before any suspicion is excited of my purpose. I want

to try the question, if it is to be tried, here.  I will pay all costs

of your investigation.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Piqua, Ohio.



                                  COLUMBUS, June 23, 1871.

  DEAR JUDGE:- I am in receipt from you of the Coshocton

Democrat of the 20th containing a notice of the pardon of Mr.

Ketchum. The notice is a friendly one, and I am obliged to

you and to the editor for it. But it is right that you and Mr.

Ketchum should know the precise ground of the pardon, as

the question stood in my mind.

  Dr. Loring is of the opinion that Mr. Ketchum stands a fair

chance of recovering, not perfect health, but a fair degree of

strength- sufficient to give him perhaps many years of life. He

was clear that imprisonment would kill him -probably within

three months, possibly sooner, but that it was quite certain he

could not live beyond six months in prison. This presented to me

a case in which, practically, the sentence against Mr. Ketchum

was a sentence of death. The humanity of our laws does not

exact that penalty for Mr. Ketchum's crime. It was my plain

duty to give him a chance for his life.  His pardon is given

in the belief, and hope, that with good air, kind care, and the

cheerfulness which freedom will give him, he may live. I hope

to hear of his living as a good citizen with a prospect of long life.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      West Lafayette, Ohio.

                                 COLUMBUS, June 27, 1871.

  DEAR GENERAL:- It is odd about Fessenden. I can't think

who it was I talked to who seemed interested in the affair.

Webster rode in a snow-storm twenty miles to stand godfather

to the little bastard, William P., and was terribly angry in 1852

when he learned that in the Baltimore Convention Fessenden

had steadily voted for Scott's nomination, and gave no vote for

him (Webster). He alluded to the ride in the storm.

  The convention was the best of its kind I have known. Noyes

is in luck. No fears of the result.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          151

  I go to Vermont - a hasty trip- next week. To Kenyon

tomorrow.                   Sincerely,

                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                                 COLUMBUS, June 27, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: - Accept my thanks for your prompt attention

to my request relating to Hobatty. Send me the bill of your

officer, or pay it and let me know the amount, and I will remit.

  The person who called at my office told Colonel Neil with

great positiveness that Hobatty was drunk and raising Cain in

his neighborhood. No doubt there is much misrepresentation

about the whole case. But I shall stand to the opinion that his

pardon was proper if he makes a good citizen, otherwise, OTHER-

WISE.                       Sincerely,

                                              R. B. HAYES.

  P.S.-Keep this investigation to yourself.-H.


      Piqua, Ohio.

                                 COLUMBUS, June 27, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: - It is true that I did state the matter you refer

to in the presence of the gentleman named. I was undoubtedly

in error. The mistake arose from the fact that gentlemen from

your part of the State, Members of the Legislature, had recom-

mended, or named to me, as a suitable person, the gentleman

mentioned, and I confounded your recommendation of another

person with theirs. I regret the blunder, and particularly the

annoyance it has caused you. The conversation was very hurried,

of a confidential nature, and I did not give it the reflection I

ought. Still, I should no doubt have repeated the same thing

if occasion had offered a thousand times, for I did not doubt its

correctness until I got your letter.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Athens, Ohio.


  Albany, July 11, 1871.--Left  Fremont yesterday morning

with Uncle Sardis and Miss Sarah Jane Grant; spent the night

at Buffalo, and reached here early this evening.

                   DELAVAN HOUSE, ALBANY, NEW YORK,

                                               July 12, 1871.

  My DARLING:- We have got along finely thus far.  The rains

have laid the dust. The weather is bright and beautiful. Uncle

stands it well and enjoys it well.

  Colonel Mason was on the train yesterday.  We were noticing

the great speed of the cars and timing them. Seeing the picture

in the lid of my watch he said: "How good that is. That is the

best face I ever saw on a woman. It is very handsome. It is a

good face."  Don't that take your breath away?  But he is no

longer a widower! He is married now.

  We go to Springfield over the Berkshire Hills today, and pos-

sibly reach Brattleboro tonight.

                 Sincerely--no, affectionately,

                                                R. B. HAYES.


                      FAYETTEVILLE, VERMONT, July 15, 1871.

  My DARLING:-. .  .  The village is the perfection of a

quiet retreat for families of children in the hot weather.  The

square is better shaded than formerly. I can see in imagination

little Fan dancing across it.  Gentlemen and ladies play croquet

wherever they please; the air is bright and bracing.  The finest

thing here is the cemetery -- a small affair perched on a pleasant

hill, overlooking the village.  No expensive work but substantial

plain stone terraces and steps, with a fair proportion of hand-

some monumnents  and nothing ugly in sight.  It has an unusual

number of soldiers' graves - the most of them having the finest

monuments, and all of them having very pretty flags marking

them.  The flags are a size or two larger, and in particular they

have wider stripes. than those we generally see.  They give the

hill a peculiarly pleasant look.  There are just trees enough of

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          153

all sizes-- maple, pine, fir, elm, and beech. The view of hills,

valleys, and village is uncommonly fine.

  The two brother [Sardis and Austin] look alike more than

ever before.  They talk over old times with the help of slate and

pencil [Austin being deaf], very easily. It is a happy meeting

for both.  We go in a carriage Monday over to Wilmington,

their birthplace, and their home in childhood.

  I still think I shall start back so as to reach home in a week

or so.




  July 17.  Monday.-- In carriage,  with Uncles Austin and

Sardis and Mr. Croker, to Wilmington.  Glorious views  of

Green Mountain scenery in Dover en route. Reached Wilming-

ton 1 P. M.  Half a mile eastwardly of the village, visited the

old burying-ground where Grandfather Roger Birchard's monu-

ment stands. His remains are where he died at Saratoga, near

the High Rock Spring, in 1805.  [Here too are buried] Grand-

mother Drusilla Austin Birchard, also my great-grandparents,

Daniel Austin and Abigail Phelps Austin, and my mother's

sister and brother, Arabella and Lorenzo Birchard.

  In the afternoon visited the place where Uncle Sardis was

born, now occupied by G. C. Hubbard, about two miles south-

east of Wilmington.  A  noble view in all directions westerly.

The large flat stone, with a hole in it for the bucket, is still

over the well as in the days of seventy years ago. The house

is gone but the cellar and its walls remain.  The two uncles

were boys again.  The seventy-year old and the seventy-seven

year old, Sardis and Austin, reminded me of little Fan our four-

year old, when she is in one of her happiest frolics!  We con-

clude to stay another day. At night with M. R. Crosby, town

clerk, looked over the old town records and found many interest-

ing items about Grandfather.

  July 18, 1871.  Tuesday. --With  a carriage and buggy the

whole party drove out to the place where Grandmother, after


the death of her first husband and her unfortunate marriage

to Major Lewis Joy, 1809, kept tavern on the old stage road

to Bennington from Brattleboro. The turnpike is now aban-

doned and fenced up; the grass is growing over it. The house

is gone, only the cellar remains.  We picked raspberries in the

cellar which was under the room where father and mother were

married in 1813. . . .

  July 19.  Wednesday. -- We returned to Fayetteville by Ray

Pond and the big elm near Pondville. A monstrous tree, only

seventy-five or eighty years old-- about six feet in diameter and

with a spread of one hundred and twenty feet, vigorous, beauti-

ful, and still growing. Searched the county records. Found

them in miserable condition, scattered, torn, damp, and dis-


  July 20, 1871.--Stage with Mary and Sarah Jane to Brattle-

boro. I bid good-bye to the girls and took the railroad to Hart-

ford.  About 2:30 P. M. found Charlie Mead in the House of

Representatives, a member. He called with me on Governor

Jewell, a stout, florid-complexioned, handsome man, whose beau-

tiful gray, almost white, hair was in beautiful contrast with his

ruddy young face and bright sparkling eyes. A jolly talk of

twenty minutes, and left feeling like saying "Bully for Jewell."

Went onto the top of the Charter Oak Insurance building. What

a noble view!  What improvements!  Paint, grass, and trees!

Visited  the  library-- law  exclusively-- Charles  J.  Hoadly,

librarian.  Off to New Britain; saw Fred Mead, a handsome,

promising youngster-- in his coat sleeves,-- clerk in the Stanley

rule factory. They made in 1870 one hundred dozen daily for

the year.

  Returning, took the cars for Mansfield, Connecticut, at Hart-

ford about 6 P. M. on railroad from Hartford to Providence.

Here begins my search after my great-grandfather, Elias Birch-

ard. I knew he lived somewhere in Mansfield, and died about

1781.  .  .  .  The "Railway Guide" did not show precisely

where Mansfield was, but a look at the map satisfied me that

it was in the direction of Norwich from Willimantic.  I checked

my trunk at Hartford to Mansfield. . . . On passing

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          155

Willimantic I inquired of the conductor for a "stop-off" ticket to

Mansfield. "Why," said he, "you are on the wrong cars; you

are going directly wrong. You should have gone north from

Willimantic." "When is the next train back?" "At four A. M.

tomorrow." "Too early for comfort. How far from [the]

next station to Mansfield?"  "About ten miles."  "What is it?"

"Windham," replied the conductor. I remembered that Wind-

ham joined Mansfield, and what was better, that some of the

early Birchards had lived in Windham.  Here was my oppor-

tunity. Not so bad after all. So at Windham off I hurried. I

leisurely looked about before deciding what hotel I would patron-

ize, putting on an indifferent look for the benefit of the runners

for the rival inns. The cars rolled rapidly away. I soon in-

quired for a hotel, when one of the idlers told me there was none

nearer than South Windham, two miles off. This was Windham

Station and Windham Centre was six miles distant. About this

time I discovered a carry-all going to the hotel with one pas-

senger besides the driver. I got in, and in due time with my

patent pedlar companion (a pedlar of a patent shears, for Rus-

sell of Clyde, Ohio), I was duly delivered at a fairish country

inn in the village of [South] Windham about ten P. M.

  The landlord said there was no livery stable in the village,

but thought he could get me a horse to drive out to Windham

Centre. Without my trunk which was ten miles off at Mans-

field station or "depot," I was in bad condition for the night.

  July 21. Friday. - After a tolerable night's rest got up in

time to learn before breakfast that no horse and buggy could be

had for love or money. The next best thing was to go on back

to Willimantic at 8 A. M.

  I rode three and a half miles on the outside of the hack with an

intelligent, communicative driver, who gave me full and accurate

information about the villages, roads, trains, and people of the

two towns of Windham and Mansfield. In ten minutes after

we reached Willimantic I was in a good buggy on the road to

Mansfield Centre, well posted as to the old graveyards and town

clerks, present and past, of the old town. About 10 A. M. I

reached an old graveyard in excellent condition near the centre


of the town of Mansfield. Going into it, I found many stones

whose inscriptions were not legible from age, and others as old

as 1750. The curious thing was the number of stones of all

ages with the name of Barrows. That name seemed to be on one-

fourth of the monuments.  No Birchard was in the old grave-

yard. The village of Mansfield Centre was a fine old place,

remarkable for its large maple trees.  Many were three feet,

perhaps almost four feet, in diameter, and with their aged

rough bark resembled white oaks in looks and size.

  As I approached the village I was told that the town clerk

was Bradley M. Sears, and that he lived near the Baptist Church

about two miles beyond on the road to Mansfield Depot. I had

written to Sears on family history and received a very civil

reply, so I felt at home. When I drew near the church I saw

a large number of men hard at work haying.  .  . I asked

if Mr. Sears was there.  A  young, fine-looking, athletic man

replied, "That is my name." I told him my name was Hayes

and that I was from Ohio. He replied, "Oh yes, Governor Hayes,

I presume. I am glad to see you here." He immediately said,

"I will go with you." We went back to Sears' house. The

town records were in perfect order, and went back to the first

settlement of the town.     There  were a number  of vellum-

covered volumes of different sizes going back to perhaps A. D.

1700. I found the following interesting items relating to the

Birchard family.

  After finishing the examination of the records, Mr. Sears

and I rode down to Mansfield station four and a half miles.

There I rechecked my trunk to New London.  We returned to

Mr. Sears' via Eaglesville.  We had a substantial lunch, after

which I bid good-bye to Sears and drove to Willimantic about

six miles, via Perkinsville or Pudding Lane. Mr. Sears directed

me to Mr. Martin's, where I was to learn the route to Samuel

Perkins, who would know all that anybody knew about the old

Birchard homestead.

  I found Mr. Perkins living in a small white house near a con-

siderable tract of pretty good bottom-land.  He was raking hay

with a horse-rake.  His daughter, a barefoot child of perhaps

ten years old, was riding the horse.  As soon as I made known

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          157

my business, he said, "Yes, yes, you have come to the right

place. There," pointing to a wooded elevation about a quarter

of a mile distant, "is 'Birchard Hill.' It is always called so,

and the Birchard house stood near the foot of that hill. I never

expected to see a Birchard here. They are gone this eighty or

a hundred years. I am only fifty-two, but I have heard the old

people talk.  There is a song about the hill which the school

children sing."

  Here the little girl broke in, "I can sing it," and she sang:-

             "We come, we come from Federal Street,

              We come, we come from Perkinsville

              With nimble feet over Birchard Hill,

              From up on distant Mansfield Road,

              We come from many a bright abode

              From many a pleasant home."

  Mr. Perkins told me I could easily find the place where the

house once stood by the cellar.  As I left he urged me to stay

with him; to stop when I came again that way.

  I easily recognized the little old cellar, grown up with bushes.

I borrowed an axe of a poor woman living where the Perkins-

ville Road entered a large road leading to Willimantic, two miles

distant, and cut a couple of sticks from  the cellar.  The place

is not now attractive.  The neighborhood is full of Perkinses

good people.

  I rode to Willimantic, took the cars for New London, and about

9 P. M. was safely in a stateroom on the beautiful steamer City

of Boston, bound for New York City.

  July 22, (Saturday), 1871. -Awoke on the City of Boston

as we approached New York.  Sailed around the lower end of

the city, Castle Garden, and up North River above Chambers

Street to Dock 40. What a noble site for a city! What scenery,

what business facilities! Nothing like it, I am sure, on the

globe. Walked up Broadway a few squares, gazed at the

elevated railway in Greenwich Street, now thought to be a

failure, got breakfast, and at 9 A. M. took the cars on the

Erie Railroad.


                           CLEVELAND, OHIO, July 23, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:--I reached here this morning. .  .  . I

stopped at Hartford and spent three or four hours with Charley

Mead .  .  .  and left that evening for the home of your

fathers -- Mansfield.   I spent  one  day  there  most  happily.

.  .  . The town is a fine old Yankee region with three things

noticeable: 1. Big maple trees in the roads as large as your

oaks, nearly. 2. Not a tavern in the town. 3. Friendly and

hospitable people.

  I found the following facts about the Birchards:  Joseph,

Daniel, and Elias moved into the town from Hartford County

in 1757. Elias bought two hundred acres of land in the south-

western part of the town and married Sarah Jacobs in 1758.

He had daughters and sons--daughters were Sarah and Martha

In 1777 he sold out in Mansfield and moved back to Hartford

County. In 1781 he died. In 1782 his wife, "Widow Birchard,"

moved back to Mansfield and bought back the old homestead

there, near her father's. The Jacobs[es] were well-to-do, and

very reputable people. The place where your father was born

is well known still. It is always called "Birchard Hill." No

Birchard has lived there for more than eighty years.  People

told me they never saw a Birchard before. I cut two sticks--

canes-- in the cellar of the house your father was born in. Of

no value but as "momentums."  You will find them in your room

at Fremont.

  If you want me to come after you be sure to send for me.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Fayetteville, Vermont.

  Monday, July 24.-- Cars via Monroeville and Newark to

Columbus. General George W. Morgan got on train at his resi-

dence, Mount Vernon. A good long talk with him, mainly the war

and politics. He is canvassing actively the State for the Demo-

cratic party. A liberal, generous-minded man, of gentlemanly

feeling, instincts, and bearing. A Democrat of the straitest sect.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          159

Not very able, but a fair speaker. End of trip 2:30 P. M. At

home I found Lucy, little Fan, and Scott Russell gone with

Webb to Elmwood. A pleasant but a lonely home. I hope they

come soon.

                                   COLUMBUS, July 26, 1871.

  MY  DEAR BIRCH:--I want you and Ruddy to collect one

specimen of the leaves of each tree and bush in Spiegel Grove.

Carefully press them in some old volume -- one leaf or bunch

of leaves in a place --and with each a slip of paper showing the

kind of tree and, if convenient, where  it stands.  Only one

specimen from each kind of tree. I suppose there are thirty or

forty species, or varieties of trees. That will be the number of

specimens required. Get them, in preference, from trees nearest

the porch-- in sight if possible.

  I will pay five cents a specimen if the number reaches thirty.


                                                R. B. HAYES.

  B. A. HAYES,

      Fremont, Ohio.

                                   COLUMBUS, July 26, 1871.

  GENTLEMEN:-- I am informed that you are the attorneys of

E. A. Abbott, recently from this State, charged with forgery in

St. Louis. If I have heard a true statement of the facts there is

no defence, and Abbott is without excuse in the affair. But it is

right that, in case of conviction, the judge, whose duty it will

be to fix the term of his sentence, should know that he is not an

old offender, and that until quite recently he has been a man of

good character. I have known him well more than ten years. He

is naturally an honest man. Up to within a few months his in-

tegrity and truthfulness were not questioned, so far as I know,

by anybody. Certainly, I would have trusted him implicitly.

  My information is that about a year ago, perhaps somewhat

longer, he became infatuated with a prostitute in Cleveland, Ohio,

and went down rapidly. A few months ago he was detected in

some grossly impropert conduct as a deputy marshal-- perhaps

it was criminal conduct (I do not know the details)--but it was


of such a character that the United States marshal, a warm

friend of Abbott, discharged him. Soon after, Abbott left Ohio

with the woman referred to, and the next heard of him is this

crime. It is to be hoped that this will cure him. His family

and bringing up were good.  He is naturally upright - for many

years his life has been one of more than usual correctness. I

trust the judge will know the facts and give him such a sentence

as he will deem fitting in such a case as this is.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  P.S.- I will add that Abbott was a faithful, brave, and very

efficient and valuable Union soldier and officer in the late war.

He suffered severely from wounds and as a prisoner. He always

had the confidence and respect of all who knew him in the

army.-R . B. H.


      St. Louis, Missouri.

                                COLUMBUS, August 23, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE: -I think you will find your plan about [giving]

a grove to Fremont will please you more and more. My only

suggestion is fit it up well.  A good painted fence can be put

up for five hundred dollars. Don't have anything unworthy of

your reputation.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


                                COLUMBUS, August 29, 1871.

  MY DEAR GENERAL: -  We are all glad to have confirmed the

report that Montana is redeemed.  I was sure you would have

a Republican State there. It lies between the Republican parallels

-in the radical latitude, but I did not expect you would get the

victory so soon.  It is reported that the Northern Pacific will

go right across Red River on to the Missouri without a halt.

If so you will get a stream from that direction soon, and be in

the world. I congratulate you heartily.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          161

  Noyes does well. I see no reason to doubt our complete

success this fall. Sherman is quite sure to be Senator again,

as I see it, and generally the prospects politically and financially

with our people are very good.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


                         COLUMBUS, OHIO, August 30, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:-- In a speech made here last night Senator

Thurman made the following statement, which I am confident

must be erroneous. Please give me the facts.

  He stated that a revenue officer in New York named, I think,

Bailey, appointed by a former Administration, became a de-

faulter in the sum of six hundred thousand dollars. That Gen-

eral Grant appointed or "promoted" him to another office in

the Thirty-second District, and that he soon became a defaulter

there to the tune of five hundred thousand dollars more. That

he then absconded, and is now travelling like a fine gentleman

in Europe. That although he stole eleven hundred thousand

dollars, he has not been indicted, and no effort made to capture

him and bring him back to the United States for trial. This was

given as a specimen of the mismanagement of our financial

affairs under General Grant.

  An early reply will oblige.


                                               R. B. HAYES.


       Treasury Department,

           Washington, D. C.

  September 10, 1871, Fremont.--Uncle Birchard settled at

Fort Ball, now Tiffin, on west side of the river, in April, 1827.

In 1827 (December) he moved down to Lower Sandusky, now

Fremont; forty-four years ago next December. He first visited

Lower Sandusky with Benjamin Powers to return a buggy be-

longing to Sloan of Sandusky, borrowed by my mother on her

return from Vermont in 1824.  With a jug of brandy the young



men, Powers and Birchard, left Delaware on a trip to Niagara

Falls or somewhere else! They passed through the country of

the Wyandots and Senecas, everywhere made welcome by their

brandy. They reached the tavern built of logs near the river

bank at Fort Ball, kept by Erastus Bow. Here, Bow, who was

an acquaintance from Delaware, got in the Delaware people

settled there and invited them to drink new whiskey. But the

brandy of the young men was produced and a high time followed.

The next day they started for Lower Sandusky down the river

bank by Fort Seneca. A few miles on their road they met on

horseback an acquaintance named Cresey-- a blacksmith. He

shouted and greeted them uproariously. Soon they began on the

brandy.  Cresey would bid good-bye and start on but would

soon return to tell some new story or to ask a question, and of

course partake again of the brandy.

  About one o'clock they drove into Lower Sandusky by the

old Harrison Road, through what is now Spiegel Grove, and

around the old graveyard on the brow of the hill. They drove

up to the tavern kept by Ammi Williams at that time and

called the Harrington Tavern. Birchard threw off the reins to

alight when a Delaware acquaintance, Tom Gallagher, a tailor,

stepped up and whispered, "This is the wrong tavern." Birchard

gathered up his reins hastily and drove back to the Leeson or

Gleason Tavern. The tavern, kept by Rev. Harrington, was

where Leppelman's store now is (nearly) next north of Buck-

land's block on the west side of Front Street between Croghan

Street and Garrison Street, afterwards known as the Hull

House. The Leeson or Gleason Tavern was on the east side of

Front Street, where the postoffice now is in Shomo's Block. It

was built of logs.

  There Birchard made the acquaintance of George Olmsted

and Elisha W. Howland. George Olmsted's store was a great

establishment; one of the greatest stores in the State. It stood

on Front Street, east side where Heffner's grocery now is. No

church here then. None built until the Methodist church was

built by Thomas L. Hawkins and others on the corner of Arch

and Garrison Streets. The pickets were still standing around

Fort Stephenson and the ditch was quite perfect.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          163

   The same evening they left the little village of perhaps two

hundred or three hundred inhabitants for Sandusky, then called

Portland, crossing the Sandusky river between what are now

Garrison and Croghan Streets at the old ford.  They drove in

the woods by a route near Green Springs and stopped in pretty

poor quarters at a dirty log cabin (Baker's) with nothing to eat

for horse or man. At daylight they pushed on to Portland

 [Sandusky] and stopped at Abner Root's tavern. They re-

mained waiting for the only steamboat on the lakes, The Walk

in the Water, a week or ten days when a cousin of Birchard's,

Mrs. Hall and her husband, came into Portland in a fine

schooner, and Birchard took the schooner to Detroit, and

Powers remained to take the steamer to Niagara. After a short

stay at Detroit and a few days' sickness at Pontiac, or near it,

Birchard returned to Portland, and there being no stage or other

public conveyance, Birchard with a young graduate from Phila-

delphia, started afoot by way of Mansfield for Delaware, reach-

ing there in about a week.

  September 11, 1871.  Fremont.--Uncle  began  to build in

Spiegel Grove on the 22d [of] August, 1859. Rev. A. Phelps

moved into the house when it was finished in April, 1863. Mr.

McLelland and Uncle made the plan. I got the plan drafted in

Cincinnati. The start was in wood.

  Ottawa, Putnam County, September 12, 1871.--I came here

from Fremont via Toledo last evening, reaching here at mid-

night. A good village; dry, well-drained site. Putnam County

has many hundred miles of ditches and from a swamp is one

of the finest agricultural counties in the State.  Dr. Godfrey

invited me to tea after speaking. Mr. Swan, lawyer of Swan

and Moore, was very civil. A small meeting--one of the small-

est I ever had-- but I got warm and funny and so was suc-


                      OTTAWA, OHIO, September 12, 1871.

  MY DARLING:-- I reached this stronghold of the Democrats

in the night, last night. Have just got a so-so breakfast, and am


expecting the local magnates of the Republicans to call as soon

as it is noised about that I am at the Leopold House . . .

  I met on the stand at the Ada meeting an old gentleman

named Shafer, I think, who was one hundred and one years old.

He seemed intelligent enough, and acted about as men of his

class usually do at seventy or seventy-five.

  I see that Father Goepper is nominated again for the Senate.

The papers I have seen are too few to tell me how things look

there. Wherever I have been the prospect seems excellent.

The drift in our favor is, I think, too strong to be turned aside

by local dissensions.  I have had no poor meeting yet.

                   Affectionately, ever your



                     COLUMBUS, OHIO, September 16, 1871.

  MY DEAR Guy: -Returning after a two weeks' absence I

find your good letter from Waukesha, Wisconsin.

  My eyes have given me trouble at times for some years. A

bursting of blood-vessels - blood-shot eyes - nearly blinds me

once or twice a year for a week at a time. I have been free

from it since March, but am in danger of it occasionally now.

In such times, as symptoms appear, I quit using my eyes. I am

now well apparently.

  Come and see me if you can. Don't be too anxious to sell.

Your time will come and soon.

  I go to Fremont Monday to stay a week.

                    Sincerely "as ever," yours,

                                              R. B. HAYES.


                            COLUMBUS, September 17, 1871.

  DEAR FORCE: - I congratulate you on getting through the

convention so handsomely.  You would have been amused to

hear the replies I got when asking various politicians about your

chances. "He has been absent all summer"; "Doesn't know the

active men, etc., etc."; "A first-class judge, ought to be renomi-

nated, but, etc., etc." I was goose enough to feel some appre-

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          165

hension -- wrote a couple of letters, and when the proceedings

came to hand was, of course, in a hurry to see where you stood,

and was particularly glad to find you at the head of the list.

  Things seem to be well. I shall spend a week in Cincinnati

next before the election.


                                               R. B. HAYES.


                             COLUMBUS, September 25, 1871.

  MY DEAR MRS. CROOK:--On returning from a ten days' ab-

sence I found here your letter as to the general's promotion.

I am disposed to do heartily all I can for it. I am on good terms

with General Grant and will be glad to urge General Crook's

claims upon his attention.  I suppose, however. that General

Grant is so familiar with all army affairs that very little can be

done to change his purposes on such a matter.  Besides, Ohio

has had so much from this Administration that we must as a

State be quite modest in asking for more. But General Crook's

claims are so strong, that with the help of the Pacific Coast

he ought to win.

  We are all well.  Mrs. Hayes sends her best, etc., etc.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Oakland, Maryland.

  October 2, 1871.  Fremont, Ohio.--Reached here Saturday

evening, 30th ult., from Martinsville, opposite the upper part of

Wheeling. Spoke there to a fine audience. Staid on the bluff

at a Mr. Wiley's. Was escorted by a cheerful, energetic, true

man, Dr. Todd. Saw Mrs. Affleck who was Anne Howard, a

friend of our family in Delaware.

  Sunday, the first [of] October, was a mild, fine day.  Uncle

who is getting feeble again, walked out with me in the grove

which he admires so much.

  October 3,  1871.--In  November,  1824,  Sardis  Birchard

bought about five hundred hogs in partnership with Stephen R.


Bennett to drive from Delaware, Ohio, to Baltimore, Maryland.

The hogs were wild. The whole country on the road was new

and with few fences, and it took the first day a large number of

extra hands to keep the hogs in the road.  After a few days

they got broke to the road and ten or fifteen hands got along

very well. At Wheeling the Ohio was crossed by driving the

hogs into the water and letting them swim to the opposite

shore.  The leading hogs missed the landing, and struck the

shore where the bank was steep and no hog could get out.  For

a time it seemed that all would drown.  A few were lost.  But

finally a leading hog turned down to the right spot and the

drove landed safely.  The trip took six weeks.  On a soft day

the day's drive was ten or fifteen miles.  When the roads were

frozen hard, two or three miles was all that could be made.

The hogs were driven by the old Cumberland Road route. They

were sold a few miles before reaching Baltimore at a profit to

each partner of about five hundred dollars. They had bought

largely with borrowed money and borrowed money for the

expenses of the trip.

   On the route they were overtaken by General Jackson going

to Washington after the famous election of 1824. He had a

carriage and four horses and two or three saddle-horses. The

general happened to be riding on horseback, and helped Birchard

drive the hogs out of the way of the carriage. His talk was of

the market for hogs and other topics of interest to the drovers.

He left a pleasant impression on young Birchard. It was the

only time he ever saw the general.

  October 4, 1871.-- Birthday-- forty-nine years old. By rail

from Fremont to Norwalk; thence with Judge Fox in buggy to

New London. Made an hour-and-a-half speech in a crowded

hall in the afternoon, and in the evening to Columbus. Speech

much applauded. The laughter was unusually hearty, and the

satisfaction of the people quite marked.

  October 5, 1871. --To Cincinnati.  Stopped at St. Nicholas.

Spent the evening with General Force at his room. L. J. Cist

exhibited volumes of autograph letters of all of the Presidents

and of the generals of the Revolution. John Q. Adams gave a

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          167

fair argument in behalf of Christianity. Mr. Farney showed a

large number of sketches. He is a young artist of much promise.

  October 6, 1871.-The Davidson Fountain unveiled.  The

speakers stood on an elevated platform, perhaps twenty  feet

high, on the north side of Fifth Street, with the fountain veiled

in front. On the stand in front were, beginning at the right or

west side, W. S. Groesbeck, Mr. Probasco, Archbishop Purcell,

Lilienthal (Jewish Rabbi), George F. Davis (President of the

day), myself, Richard Smith, and Job E. Stevenson. About

ten or fifteen other gentlemen were on the stand; perhaps some

of them on the front seats. The crowd in the square seemed

to extend from west of Walnut to Main and filled the houses

and roofs on both sides of the square. They were estimated at

fifty to sixty thousand people. Very little of the speaking could

be heard. I succeeded best. When I rose I could see the effort

to hear me as people leaned forward with their faces towards

me. The number who could hear seemed to increase and before

I was done I thought I was heard across the square and well on

to Walnut and Main. The great crash of falling stands at inter-

vals of a few moments disturbed the proceedings. Four stands

fell. Fortunately few persons were seriously hurt.

  October 7, 1871.- Spoke at Walnut Hills - Twentieth and

Twenty-third Wards - in the evening, and later in Fountain

Square to the first political meeting held there after the erection

of the Davidson Fountain.

  October 8, 1871. - Sunday.  With General Force and [the]

Honorable A. F. Perry dined at A. D. Bulloch's. After dinner

visited the orphans of the Germans.

  October 9, 1871. - Spoke in Seventeenth Ward, as usual the

night before the election. Abrahams and Perry also.

  October 10.- After voting went with Force to Chicago to see

the big fire and help the sufferers.

  October 11.-General Sheridan gave me fine quarters at his

house. Sent me with his ambulance to visit the ruins. Dr.

Asche introduced me to the leading people. Saw Mr. [George


M.] Pullman, Rev. Robert Collyer, [and the]  president [of the]

City Council; dined with Governor Palmer (12th) at Mr. Dore's

(a senator).*

                                 COLUMBUS,  October 20, 1871.

  DEAR GENERAL:-Your resignation of the office of Commis-

sioner of Railroads and Telegraphs, dated yesterday, is ac-

cepted. I regret that the State is to lose your services. A lead-

ing political adversary, on hearing of your resignation, said you

were perhaps the only man holding an office of that character

against whose official integrity there was never even a suspicion.

Your ability and honesty in the office and your decided success

in accomplishing all the good that under the limited authority

conferred by law was possible, are recognized by all who are

well informed on the subject. I congratulate you on the golden

opinions you have won -  all the more heartily because I know

you  deserve them.


                                                R. B. HAYES,



       Columbus, Ohio.

                        COLUMBUS, OHIO, October 22, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE: - We reached home after a pleasant ride with-

out  delay.    Friends  here  all well.     The  family  event--the

wedding of Fanny Platt- passed off very nicely according to

  *"I accidentally met Governor Hayes as he was slowly walking over

the debris and contemplating the extent and thoroughness of the destruc-

tion.  It must have been in the vicinity of Madison and Wells Streets

(Fifth Avenue).  There was not a single wall in that vicinity left above

the general level-not one brick upon another.  In the gloomy state of

mind I then was, the sight of an old friend was the next best thing

to the restoration of the city. His cheerful face and manner and earnest

words of encouragement acted like magic, and I soon found myself taking

a hopeful view of the future. We proceeded across the river to the

office on -Canal Street from which Mr. Medill had been issuing his Tribune

since the 10th, and after a few moments' conversation with that gen-

tleman, the governor wrote a brief address to the citizens of Ohio,

which I caused to be sent in the Associated Press report.-WILLIAM


             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          169

programme.    She made a beautiful bride -  orange blossoms,

white veil and the rest agreeing well with her fine complexion.

  Mrs. Hickok [aunt of the bride] was present looking very

little changed. The new husband is evidently a man of most

excellent character and qualities.   His brothers were present,

both Presbyterian preachers and men of talent and scholarship.

One is a professor at the new college at Wooster, and the other

at Lane Seminary.  The doctor, our new nephew, has the ad-

vantage of both in health.  Their father was a much esteemed

clergyman of the same church.  It is one of the family facts

that are curious that Lucy's father and mother forty years ago

left the Presbyterian Church on account of the ill treatment

[of] Reverend Mr. Fullerton, the father, by the majority of

his congregation at Chillicothe, by reason of his antislavery



                                              R. B. HAYES.



                               COLUMBUS, October 24, 1871.

  MY DEAR S-:-I am about to place in the State Library,

to be regularly catalogued, all the manuscripts I have collected

during my term. They will be under lock and key and rules that

I think will keep them.  Now I propose to [do] the same with

those you collected, which by great odds are the most valuable.

  I shall see myself to the printing of the catalogue.  Hence

I write to ask, shall I say, "Collected and presented by Honorable

William Henry  Smith," or "Collected by Honorable  William

H., etc."; and in the case of the Worthington papers say, "Pre-

sented by General James T. Worthington"?  If the latter is

preferred, is anything of the sort to be said about the Meigs

and Brown papers? or how?


                                               R. B. HAYES.


      Associated Press,

           Chicago, Illinois.



                               COLUMBUS, October 24, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: --I wish as my last contribution out of my

contingent fund to the portraits of eminent Ohio men, to get a

first-rate portrait of Mr. Ewing to be placed either in the su-

preme court room or in the library. The condition of Mr.

Ewing's health prevents me from writing either to Mr. Ewing

or the general. Will you manage to send me by express, at my

expense, to be promptly copied and returned, the best portrait

extant of Mr. Ewing?

  I mark this "private" merely to indicate that I don't wish

this thing to get in the papers or be discussed on the streets.

You can speak of it according to your own discretion.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Lancaster, Ohio.

  October 31, 1871.-- Was one of the pall-bearers at the funeral

of Mr. Thomas Ewing on Saturday, 29th instant. The biggest

intellect Ohio has ever had.

  Judge Jewett, probate judge of Athens County, told me that

he heard my first speech in the Supreme Court (January, 1853)

in the Summons case. That while I was speaking, Mr. Ewing,

who sat near, said: "Are you listening to that argument?"

"I replied, Yes, I have heard every word of it." Mr. Ewing

said, "That young man will, I predict, make his mark in the


                             COLUMBUS, November 3, 1871.

  DEAR UNCLE:--I am housed up for probably two or three

days with a sprained ankle, or rather foot. Last evening just

at dark I wanted Lilly to go home with me from here, when she

seemed to want to stay longer. She is fond of being carried by

me and to induce her to go I offered to carry her.  We came

downstairs and as I stepped down the highest stone step at my

front door, I stepped on something that rolled or slipped, and

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          171

down I went with a badily strained foot. It is nothing unusual

or severe, but postpones a trip to Fremont, and lost me the

wedding party of Fanny last night . . .

  Last week I went down to Lancaster to Ewing's funeral. It

was well attended, particularly by notabilities, but the number

of people of the neighborhood taking an interest in it was much

less than I expected to see. It was a Catholic affair. The old

gentleman in his last days allowed himself to be taken into the

Romish Church. The archbishop was on hand and much was

made of it. The ceremonies would have been very offensive to

Mr.  Ewing  in  his better days.      Burning  candles,  incense,

sprinkling, processions of boys, and the like. He kept his reason

to the very last-spoke distinctly and rationally until within

three hours of his death. Some heart trouble with erysipelas and

-   was  the cause.  His constitution was so strong that he

lived long after he was thought to be dying. He was kind and

considerate always after he felt that the business of life was over.

  I spent last Sunday with Lucy at General Noyes' on Mount

Auburn. At dinner we had Mr. Perry, Mr. Taft, and General

Force. Mr. Perry made his usual kind inquiries about you. He

said the archbishop was greatly mistaken in saying Ewing was

in principle a Catholic thirty-eight years ago. "He had no faith

at that time." Sunday evening we stayed with Uncle Joe at

Longview and returned home Monday. -All well now.  Love

to boys.


                                              R. B. HAYES.



                              COLUMBUS, November 8, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: -I am glad you enjoyed your stay with us,

   . .  .  If the Legislature has the control of the matter, I

would think it quite proper to purchase such works as yours

for the school libraries. As to that, I am not posted. Indeed,

I think the library system is broken up. Mr. [William Henry]

Smith is alone entitled to the credit of collecting the Worthing-


ton and Brown papers. It is in my administration that they

have been placed in the library.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  H. S. KNAPP, ESQ.,

      Toledo, Ohio.

  November 10, 1871. - Last night, at a preachers' gathering at

Brother Bartlett's with  Lucy. Mr. Armstrong told me  this

anecdote of Mr. Ewing.  There was a bitter contest for con-

gress between Philemon Beecher and General Joseph Vance.  No

parties then.  Every man ran on his own hook, and the voters

went for their personal preferences. Beecher was elected. Col-

onel Wm. Daugherty was  for Vance.        Ewing  for Beecher.

Something offensive occurred. Ewing was getting shaved in a

barber's shop.  Colonel Daugherty pulled Ewing's nose.  Ewing

seized a chair. Friends on both sides interposed. T. C. Flournoy

on the side of Colonel Daugherty. The next day Ewing met

Flournoy.  Flournoy had a cane.  Ewing approached him in a

friendly way and with a jocular remark about Colonel Flournoy's

cane took it. The instant Ewing had possession of the cane, he

struck Colonel Flournoy a blow "which nearly knocked the top

of his head off."  Flournoy was senseless some time.  Flournoy

challenged Ewing to fight a duel. Ewing paid no attention to it.

A brother of Beecher sent a challenge to Colonel Daugherty; but

Colonel Daugherty said he had nothing against Beecher and re-

fused to fight.


                             COLUMBUS, November 10, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: -I have your letter of yesterday. It is the

fourth or fifth letter naming a candidate for Taft's place which

I have received. I have said to others that I would try to select

the choice of the bar, if the bar has a choice. This is the rule I

have often announced in similar cases.  It will not be necessary

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          173

to say anything about my personal wishes or feelings to you in

such a matter. You see how it stands.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                     COLUMBUS, OHIO, November 15, 1871.

  MY DEAR H-:-I have your letter.  Expecting to see you

I have not written before. What I said to Judge Miner was,

that if you would accept the judgeship I would appoint you un-

less the bar was decidedly opposed, which I felt sure would not

be the case. I hardly knew what to think would be your feeling

about it. What you say does not surprise me, although an op-

posite conclusion would have struck me as natural enough.

Probably your decision is best in view of all the facts.

  Of course anything I can do about the convention I will do.

I do not expect to have anything else to do at that time and I

would like to be a member. But we will talk that over when

we meet.

  Noyes will take this house about the first of February. This

sends me back to Cincinnati two or three months earlier than I

expected. I want a quiet boarding-place for myself, Lucy, and

the two little ones and a nurse, until I can buy a home-prob-

ably for several months. If you hear of such let me know.-

Love to Harriet.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                     COLUMBUS, OHIO, November  15, 1871.

  MY DEAR GENERAL:-Returning from a short absence I find

here your note of the 9th inst.  The  rumors you allude to

had some circulation in Democratic circles, and were evidently

received with much favor by them.  But the universal impression

among our Republican friends is, that no man elected as a Re-

publican will refuse to go into caucus, or to abide the result


of a caucus. I think there is not the remotest probability of

General C- [Cox] getting the support the rumor supposes.

Indeed it is commonly believed that he gives no encouragement

to the intrigue. It is of Democratic origin and has no other


  The common impression is that Mr. Sherman will be nomi-

nated and, of course, elected if nominated. My affairs and en-

gagements are such that it would be very inconvenient to come to

Washington during this month, and with my notions of the

situation which I have given you squarely, it would probably

not avail anything if I were to come. I would, of course, come

if I shared your apprehension of a division among the Re-

publicans. But unless there is much more out of sight than I

think possible, the party will go through harmoniously.


                                                R. B. HAYES.

  P. S. -You are at liberty of course to inform Secretary

Delano of all this. With that exception, it is confidential. - H.


      Washington, D. C.

                      COLUMBUS, OHIO, November 17, 1871.

  DEAR MADAM:--The maxim "pay what thou owest" compels

me to say no with emphasis. As to the inducement you offer,

  *General Leggett had written:--"There seems to be some fear of

disaffected Republicans uniting with the Democracy upon General Cox

for the Senate. You probably know that General Cox and myself are

old and warm personal friends. But I must oppose his coming here

under such a coalition as the one suggested. In case Sherman's election

is not certain there should be a careful consideration of the whole matter

before many weeks. Should there be any reasonable doubt of Sherman's

election either yourself or Governor Dennison ought to be in condition

to step in and unite our friends in the Legislature. From this hint you

can judge a little of what is wanted.  We don't want Cox here as an

opponent of the Administration and by Democratic favor, and we fear

danger of that result. Hence there should be somebody to unite on if

Sherman fails.--Whether you think of being a candidate or not the

Secretary of the Interior and myself would be glad to see you, and I

write by the Secretary's request."

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          175

if I thought there was the slightest danger of so obscure a per-

sonage as I am being attacked with that wretched mania, an

itching for the White House, I would beg for the prayers of

your church for my deliverance.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  [Unidentified. ]


                             COLUMBUS, November 18, 1871.

  MY DEAR H-:- The bar is very much divided on the judge-

ship. As between Carter, Miner, and Walker, the letters and

petitions I get do not decidedly incline so clearly that I feel

absolutely bound by their choice. So that Harriet may feel that

there is no lack of explicitness, I again say that under all the

circumstances I prefer to appoint you, and will do so if you

will accept the place.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                             COLUMBUS, November 18, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: - I write to remind you of my desire to place

in [the] manuscript department of the State Library some of

your own writings and any other papers of General Sherman,

your brother, Mr. Ewing, and other public men which you may

be willing to part with.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  P. S. -We still occasionally hear of Republican members

who will act with Democrats against the general judgment of

their fellow members of the Legislature. I don't believe there is

a word of truth in such gossip.- H.


      Washington, D. C.


  November 20, 1871.-My  dear friend Rogers is again un-

fortunate. He has visited here the past week. The Chicago

fire burned him out. His furniture, books, keepsakes, favorite

mementos, all gone! It has no doubt given him great anxiety

especially as his wife's interest in the Andrews block which is

also burned was their chief source of income and support. I

too am  somewhat  burdened  with  liability by  this calamity.

Rogers will be unable to make up his share of the cost of our

Duluth block without my aid. The block will cost about double

what we intended it should when we began it. We expected

it to cost ten thousand dollars. It was to be a two-story brick

fifty by seventy-five feet; well built and walls so solid that if

need be two or three more stories could be put on it hereafter.

This was the plan we set out with.  Its increased cost is due

to two changes of plan. Finding that the ground sloped to the

rear very rapidly, we concluded to finish the basement so as to

afford two additional stories in the rear of the building. After

going on a while it was decided to make the building three stories

in front. These two changes make the building cost about

twenty thousand dollars. The fire lost friend Rogers his chance

of raising five thousand dollars, as he expected, and we are now

in need of about eight thousand dollars to complete the build-

ing. To pay up my share of the total cost of two lots and the

block would require me to raise about three thousand dollars;

but now I must help Rogers to his five thousand dollars also.

This is hard; but must is inexorable.  I have paid already on the

lots, taxes, and building nine thousand and fifty dollars.

  Now, how to raise this sum of eight thousand dollars still due

is the question.  I can do my share easily.  But my chief em-

barrassment is Rogers' additional five thousand dollars. Uncle

will be made anxious and troubled if I go to him with it. I

must not let him know it. It will fill him with my troubles and

these he must not know.  His own comfort and mine seem to

require that I should keep them from him.

                            COLUMBUS, November 25, 1871.

  MY DEAR GENERAL:- I have your letter about Walker. If

he does lose the place, and I assure you no decision is made, it

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          177

ought to make him quite comfortable to know what good lawyers

say of him.  Without knowing him intimately, I can readily

believe all the good you say of him, and would cheerfully, and

more than cheerfully, take the course which that belief requires.

At the beginning of this business, and in all such cases, I have

uniformly said that I would abide the choice of the members of

the bar, if they have a choice. The papers before me have not

been critically examined, but when examined with such other

light as I may have, the rule I name must govern.

  I send you by J. G. Jones Esquire a cast for the Society.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                              COLUMBUS, December 9, 1871.

  MY DEAR S-: - In yours as to manuscripts, you speak of the

Worthington papers as furnished by General T. etc., etc. Was

it not General James T. Worthington, the present occupant of

Governor Worthington's home farm? I think the Harrison

letters are all gone.  If any turn up among those sent to the

library which you own or want, I'll help you reclaim.

  In the report I say: -"Honorable William Henry Smith,

during his official term as Secretary of State, collected a large

number of manuscripts for the State and began a correspondence

with a view to obtaining portraits of all the ex-governors.

Great credit is due to him, as will be seen by the accompanying

lists, for what has already been done." Criticize before it is too



                                              R. B. HAYES.


                             COLUMBUS, December 11, 1871.

  MY DEAR SAVILLE: -Thanks for the report of Mr. Boutwell.

The Administration, since the message and reports of this month,

is stronger than ever, and it has never been weak in Ohio. I

can't help hoping that the reduction of taxes recommended will

be so arranged as to give us the benefit of at least six months



more of large reductions of the debt. Give us a continuance

of the past in this respect, at least until the Presidential cam-

paign is opened.

  I send you two hundred and fifty dollars for Mrs. Patterson.

It has been delayed too long, but will be in time for Christmas.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


       Washington, D. C.


                               COLUMBUS, December 14, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:--Your resignation as Judge of the Superior

Court of Cincinnati, to take effect on the 31st day of December,

1871, is received.

  The bar and the people will no doubt signify to you in many

ways their appreciation of the great and eminent talents and

learning which for so many years you have given to the public.

The law makes no provision, can make no provision, suitably to

reward such services as you have rendered. I know that with

your character you will always feel that your best reward for

what you have done is the consciousness of duty performed.

  With the highest respect for your character, personal and

professional, I have the honor to subscribe myself,

                        Sincerely yours,

                                              R. B. HAYES.*


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                               COLUMBUS, December 16, 1871.

  DEAR SIR:--The plan you recommended has been much con-

sidered by those who have given attention [to] prison reforms.

  *In gratefully acknowledging this letter Judge Storer wrote:--"In

these days of political selfishness, when every generous feeling would

seem to be lost in the struggle of ambition with the grosser elements of

our being, it is cheering to be assured there is a public man who, while

he has faithfully performed his duty, can retire from the gubernatorial

office pure and uncontaminated. This those who know you will readily

assure you is their deep conviction- true to God and the country."

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          179

It is unquestionably suggestive of right measures. The true

thing is to form in prisoners habits of thrift and self-control.-

Something like the plan which is known to the world as the

Irish system. Industry and good conduct should be rewarded in

all our prisons. The proposition you favor is in the line of

present progress. Prisoners ought to be better provided when

they leave prisons, and ought to be able to earn something dur-

ing their imprisonment to be placed where they wish.

  As you take an interest in studies that I have given some

thought to, I send you a volume containing discussions of the



  N. H. BOSTWICK,                               R. B. HAYES.

      Medina, Ohio.


                              COLUMBUS, December 18, 1871.

  MY DEAR H-: - I have yours of yesterday. When I wrote

you I felt perfectly free to appoint you and Miner.  The latter

because he has the recommendation of the bar quite decidedly.

I am probably still free to leave out Walker if you will take the

place.  I foolishly, without waiting for your letter, said some

things. It happened this way. I got a letter from Matthews

recommending Miner and Walker.  I knew he preferred you to

either and inferred that your decision was regarded, or known

by him to be final. Friday and Saturday I saw Lincoln, Cox, and

Hoadly. All spoke of you and regarded your refusal as final,

all being favorable - very favorable to your appointment.  But

all recommending Miner and Walker. I told all that I should

have appointed you if you would take it. Now, to all of these

gentlemen I said that I would not say decisively that I would

appoint Miner and Walker, but I probably left all with the im-

pression that [I] would appoint them and they may have so

reported me in many quarters in the confidential way such

things are done. I went so far as to block out a short letter

to you, dated back in the beginning of this thing, enclosing you

a commission to fill Taft's vacancy. I intended to put the ap-

pointment on record and your declination of it. I mean a "mem."

of it, etc., etc.


  I am now disposed to leave the question altogether to you.

You may decide, and I will abide by it cheerfully.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.

                             COLUMBUS, December 24, 1871.

  MY DEAR GUY:--I am so glad to get your warm old-times

letter that I acknowledge it without waiting for time to do as

I would like.

  My term ends in two weeks and I am so busy closing up

various matters that I have no time to think of anything else.

  One thing on public affairs: You have seen the President

on amnesty. Be assured that about all you would ask will be

done soon. Delays and hitches are to be expected. There are

wrong-headed people on all sides, but the generous and just

will in due time win everywhere. The old strifes are about at

an end. An era of good feeling prevails here to a degree not

seen before in fifty years. It will extend and embrace all unless

new causes arise. But the old sectional bitterness is dying out

rapidly never to revive.  New parties and new divisions in which

I shall take no prominent part are in plain view ahead. But --

Kind regards to yours.

                          As ever,

                                              R. B. HAYES.



                             COLUMBUS, December 24, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR:--I have caused to be sent you the reports of

the last three years of the Board of State Charities. The report

of the current year is not yet published.

  You will see that the powers of the board are small--merely

to investigate and expose abuses. But the results of their work

have been most valuable.  Our jails, infirmaries--in fact all

penal, reformatory, benevolent, etc. institutions -- are vastly im-

proved as a direct result of what they have done. The expense

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          181

is nominal--viz., clerk hire and stationery.  Less than twenty-

five hundred dollars per year. They ought to have more power,

and will have in this State soon, I doubt not. But their work

has been so good, that more seems unnecessary to vindicate their

importance.                  Sincerely,

                                                R. B. HAYES.


      St. Louis, Missouri.

                               COLUMBUS, December 25, 1871.

  MY DEAR MRS. DESHLER:--Your country and party lost one

of its shrewdest leaders when your husband left politics  for

business. Take this as an example of his fitness for the devious

paths of public life. Wishing to make the governor happy by

giving him what he really wants, and to make the wife of his

excellency still happier by the flattery of a gift she is not specially

addicted to, he sends her, with good, honied words, the very

things her husband likes, with an intimation that he is too

Spartan-like in his virtue to take presents!      So you see both

flattered and both fed--two birds hit with one stone and both

hit in two places, and both places mortal. Watch him closely

--he needs it.                Sincerely,

                                                R. B. HAYES.



                              COLUMBUS, December 27, 1871.

  MY DEAR SIR: -- I am glad to know your views are so exactly

in accord with my own as to the new duties you enter upon next

week. Two things I want to say: You are in the place of Judge

Storer because his resignation takes effect one day sooner than

Judge Taft's. Your commission is operative December 31, Judge

Walker's January I. I don't know as seniority is of any im-

portance, but if so the intention was to give it to you.

  The other remark is, the only objection from the bar was on

the score of promptness.  This you appreciate.  I am glad of it.

You will make few mistakes, in any event, I am confident. De-

lays and postponement, trials long drawn out, are the evils of


that court. By going to the opposite extreme, even, you will

make no mistake.

  It really did me good to have the opportunity to do this thing.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Cincinnati, Ohio.


                             COLUMBUS, December 28, 1871.

  MY DEAR S--:--The letters came to hand safely. They could

only be included in the printed lists in this way. We had three

letters of General Harrison. We changed the figure from three

to twenty-four, or "sich," (I can't give you the exact figures)

between certain dates.

  I shall not go before the caucus--shall not be a candidate

[for the senatorship] under any circumstances. I know nothing

interesting. Sherman seems likely to go in easily. I send you

my message not to be used until, etc., etc.

  I wish I could serve you.       Sincerely,

                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Chicago, Illinois.

                              COLUMBUS, December 28, 1871.

  DEAR SIR: -- My wife's father, James Webb, was a member

of a company commanded by Captain Garrard in the War of

1812. The company belonged, I think, to Bourbon County, and

I am told by General Leslie Coombs that you can probably give

me some account of its services. Dr. Webb was quite young

and I think served for only a few months. I would like to know

where, when, and what the service was during his term of en-

listment. It is merely as a matter interesting to my children

that I ask about it. Any facts, anecdotes, or items of any sort

you may be able to give about Dr. Webb will be interesting and

will confer a favor on,         Sincerely,

                                              R. B. HAYES.


      Paris, Kentucky.

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1871          183

                      COLUMBUS, OHIO, December 29, 1871.

  MY DEAR GENERAL: -- I am much interested in an unfortunate

boy named Charles R. West who is now in the penitentiary at

Leavenworth, sentenced to four years' imprisonment for desert-

ing Company C, Sixth Cavalry. I want to get him out of the

scrape as soon as possible and to take such steps, and only such

steps, as are likely to do it.

  My interest in him arises in this way. His mother was a

friend of my wife in prosperous days before either were married

--always a nice and estimable lady.  She married a Methodist

preacher who died six or seven years ago leaving her with three

children and no property. The boy Charles was born June 25,

1853, grew up an affectionate, doless fellow with a fairish char-

acter, and when he was a few weeks past seventeen he ran away,

enlisted in September, 1870, and in May, 1871, deserted. An

application was made through Mr. Sherman for his pardon and

discharge. To this application a reply was made refusing the

discharge and the pardon "at this time at least." This was

November 13 last.

  I send you the application and the letter of Secretary Belknap

to inform you fully with the request that you will return them

with your advice and suggestions.

  I would not trouble you with this if I did not take a deep

interest in it.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


       Leavenworth, Kansas.

                               COLUMBUS, December 29, 1871.

  DEAR GENERAL: -- I am going back to Cincinnati in a few

weeks, very glad to be out of the bondage of office and the ruts

of politics. I do not mean to take any prominent part in public

affairs again.* My family, friendships, books, and happiness

  * General Pope in reply declared: -- "Your resolution to take no

further conspicuous part in public affairs is not accepted with so much

satisfaction even if you had the power to carry it out. Men like you

are too much needed in public affairs to be permitted thus to escape

the bondage of public life. . . .   I do not for a moment believe that


will, I hope, hereafter be the aims of life. I quit in no disgust.

My dip into the pool has been rather comfortable than otherwise,

but I have a schoolboy's vacation feeling in leaving it.

  I saw Mills and Force a few days ago.  Sincere, sterling men

they are.  Of course we talked of you in the friendliest way.

All had read the soldier talk you made some weeks ago.             I

can't help feeling that you owe the world a book or two.  I am

sure success would attend you in such an effort.

                     Sincerely your friend,

                                                R. B. HAYES.


                               COLUMBUS, December 29, 1871.

  MY  DEAR SIR:--The sentences you  read Mr. Boutwell did

not accurately convey my meaning if his remark as to keeping

and eating our cake was in point.  We can afford, politically

speaking, to bear present taxation with present reduction of the

debt, much better than reduced taxation without the reduction of

the debt.  By "we" I mean the people of Ohio.

  I have not been and shall not be a candidate for the Senate.

Mr. Sherman is quite surely to be elected.

  I am sorry to hear that the judge is so poorly.  Perhaps a

return to Ohio will freshen him up.  I hope so.

  I have no present purpose of coming to Washington.  I shall,

of course, come sometime, but my journeys in that direction are

not likely to be frequent. Albeit I think of it and you with very

great pleasure.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


       Treasury Department. Washington, D. C.

  Columbus, Ohio, December 31, 1871.  Sunday. -- I begin a

new note-book with the last day of the year and the first day of

the people will permit you to withdraw from what they consider a duty

to the country. . . . I foresee a great future for you and don't think

that a few years' vacation will have other than a favorable influence upon

your career."

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1872          185

my twentieth year of married life. I leave the governor's office

next week, and with it public life. Elected city solicitor thirteen

years ago, I have held offices, civil or military, ever since, with

the exception of a few weeks in the spring of 1861 and a few

weeks in the fall or winter of 1867, after I resigned my seat

in the Fortieth Congress and before I entered upon my duties

as governor. The life has been on the whole a pleasant one.

But for ten years and over my salaries have not equalled my

expenses, and there has been a feeling of responsibility, a lack

of independence, and a necessary neglect of my family and per-

sonal interests and comfort, which make the prospect of a change

comfortable to think of.

  The whole family has been together during these holidays.

The boys all seem to be forming good characters. None of them

are remarkable for talents, acquirements, or industry. . . .

The old people have had a happy life together. Lucy is hand-

some, ages slowly. and gaining flesh with years, is a fine matronly-

looking woman.

  I quit public life with good feeling towards the world in gen-

eral and my political friends and adversaries in particular. The

place of United States Senator has seemed to be within my

reach; at any rate, so nearly so that many of my friends think

I might have it. A year ago the question came before me for

decision. Men were fixing up slates and getting the wires ready.

I was urged to enter the contest. Now, of course, I would like

to be a senator, notwithstanding the solid reasons there are why

I should quit this sort of life. But I do not care enough for it

to go into a struggle for it. And so I told my friends to look

elsewhere for a candidate and they have formed other alliances.

                                 COLUMBUS, January 1, 1872.

  MY DEAR JOE:--. . . The law creating the Board of State

Charities was passed April 17, 1867. . . . Supposing you

feel aggrieved by their censure, I wish to say quite earnestly:

"Keep your own counsels until you are all ready to act.  Don't

talk to anybody, and don't act until I can advise with you." It is

the simple truth that the Board of State Charities have done more


good in the matter of the treatment of criminals, the unfortunate,

and the poor, than any other agency we have ever had in Ohio.

They may and doubtless do make mistakes, but on the whole

their work is most important and valuable. I know you never

acted harshly or cruelly, willingly, much less intentionally, but

there are two sides to the question of your grievance. But what

I wish to say is, Do not act until your friends have a chance

to be heard by you.


                                              R. B. HAYES.

  DR. J. T. WEBB,

       Longview Asylum,

           Carthage, near Cincinnati, Ohio.

  January 2, 1872. -- Yesterday I was detained at my office,

waiting for the announcement that the Legislature was organized

and ready to receive my message, during the most of the day.

The committee called about 5 P. M. I made a few calls with

my successor, General Noyes, at the noon recess, viz., at Gov-

ernor Dennison's, John G. Deshler's, General Comly's, President

M. M. Green's, of Hocking Valley Railroad, and at Mrs. Hayes'.

After the message was sent in, I called on  .  .  .  [many

friends], and took supper with R. D. Harrison. Guests: Gov-

ernor Dennison, General Noyes, Senator Jones, of Licking, Gen-

eral Wm. H. Enochs, of Ironton, Colonel Wm. R. Thrall, etc.

Altogether, a happy New Year's day. Lucy had about one hun-

dred callers and enjoyed it vastly.

  Wednesday, January 3. -- For three or four days it has seemed

to be quite certain that the senatorship was at my command.

The Democrats, with possibly two or three exceptions, are ready

to vote for me, are desirous to vote for me, and, it is said, in

case I would consent to an election in this way, enough Republi-

cans will stay out of the Republican caucus to elect me. I

squarely and steadily refuse to take the step. I will not consent

to take and hold the office without the majority of the Repub-

licans in the Legislature wish me to do it; and with my present

feelings I would not want it even then. I wish to get out of

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1872          187

politics, to be independent, to attend to my private and family

affairs. Yet, I suppose, if the majority of the Republicans should

wish it, that I would consent. But of that there is no probability,

unless I become actively a candidate, and that I shall not do.

  As to the union of the Democrats and a few Republicans who

are so anxious to defeat Mr. Sherman that they will separate

from their party so far as to stay out of caucus, I will not con-

sent to unite in that scheme. I am a party man and until the

party decides to act without a caucus, I must abide by the caucus.

I think the day is perhaps coming when the party ought in

cases like this to give up the caucus. But that question is for

the party to decide.

                         COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 3, 1872.

  DEAR UNCLE: -- Everything for two days or three has been

absorbed in the senatorial fight. I am squarely out of it. It has

seemed, and still seems, that I could command the place by

entering the contest. But I have steadily refused. I could not

consent, even if I wanted it, in the way proposed. The requisite

number of Republicans to elect added to the Democrats would

stay out of caucus if I would consent to be elected that way.

This is the only condition--my consent to be elected.  The

upshot will be, I think, that Sherman will be nominated and

elected. It is rather pleasant to be so endorsed by one's op-

ponents, but, etc., etc., etc.

  I will come up and stay a day or two or three after the inaugu-

ration of Noyes.--All well.


                                                R. B. HAYES.


                          COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 5, 1872.

  MY DEAR GENERAL: -- I am glad to know by your letter that

you will retain your citizenship in Ohio and ultimately return

to Cleveland. This being so, of course, you ought not to leave

your place in the Antietam Board.

  By my message you will see that I quote largely from your last

report. It will set people to thinking. I also publish with my


message your report.  As I may become railroad engineer, con-

ductor, or something else, I shall not hesitate to accept a D. H.

on your railroads.

  My regards to "home folks." We give our blow-out Monday

night. John Sherman is again Senator--much aided by Ash-

ley and the savage attacks of the Democrats. It did look as if

they would take me or anybody else to beat him. Of course we

did not bite.


                                              R. B. HAYES.


       Meadville, Pennsylvania.

  January 9, 1872. -- We gave a reception to the Legislature,

the state officials, officers, and employes of the institutions, the

mayor and council of Columbus, clergymen, press, the callers of

New Year's day, and other gentlemen. It was in honor of the

governor elect, General Edward F. Noyes. Mrs. Noyes, and

young Eddy were present. They stayed at our house the day

and night of the inauguration. Birch was our only boy present.

Senator Sherman, General Ashley, Mr. Parsons, and others pres-

ent. A very lively, happy thing of the sort. Oceans of oysters,

ice cream, meringues, coffee, etc., etc., left over, were sent next

day to the hospital and to friends. I like on such occasion to

have a good surplus. A failure to have enough would vex me


  Acts I have urged the Legislature to adopt or otherwise con-

tributed to: -- 1.  Geological Survey.  2.  Soldiers' Orphans'

Home.  3.  Board of State Charities.  4.  Removal of Central

Lunatic Asylum out of the city of Columbus. 5. Provision for

the chronic insane. 6. A graded prison, enlargement of prison,

improvement of prison discipline.  7.  Minority representation.

8. Agricultural college. 9. Governor's portraits. 10. The suf-

frage amendment to the Constitution of Ohio, 1867.  11. The

Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States,

1869. 12. The Lincoln Memorial --T. D. Jones. 13. Inebriate

Asylum. 14. Right to vote of disabled volunteers at National

             GOVERNOR OF OHIO--1872          189

Asylum at Dayton. 15. Right to vote of visible admixtures.

16. Right to vote of college students. 17. Collection of pioneer

sketches, letters, and other manuscripts, throwing light on

pioneer history; purchase of St. Clair papers. 18. Collection of

work of the mound-builders. 19. Took ground that no more

public debts ought to be allowed. 20. As to judges--mode of

appointing-term of office, salaries. 21. Girls' Reformatory.

22. Monuments to Generals Harrison and Hamer.

  I have appointed political adversaries on important boards,

viz., Agricultural College, Soldiers' Orphans' Home, the Commis-

sion on Mining and Strikes. At first the attempt to put a Demo-

crat on each board was resisted in the Senate of the State.  I

was assailed as untrue to my party, but the advantages of minor-

ity representation were soon apparent, and the experiment be-

came successful.

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