Ohio History Journal

82 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

82     Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.

and profit historical students in all parts of the United States,

but that through its pages a stimulus can be given to the

further and more systematic study of Western archaeology

and history by those best situated for carrying on such work

-students, old and young, residing in the West.



NOTICE.-It is but just to the Editorial Committee to state

that the papers that have hitherto been read before the Soci-

ety were secured by the Library Committee. Their appear-

ance in the QUARTERLY, in full or in abstract, is in persu-

ance of arrangements which were in force when the Editorial

Committee was chosen, and for which the latter is in no way

responsible. Hereafter, however, the selection of papers to

be read before the Society will be made by the Library Com-

mittee, with the knowledge and approval of the Editorial

Committee, as expressed through its chairman, and the selec-

tion of material therefrom for insertion in the QUARTERLY

will be left solely to the Editorial Committee, where it right-

fully belongs.



Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.