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Samuel Galloway

Samuel Galloway.                  263





It is hardly necessary to ask where the Galloways came

from. Their name bewrayeth them. The southwesternmost

peninsula of Scotland, jutting out into the Irish Channel, and

separated by only a few miles of water from County Antrim in

Ireland, was known as the Galloway district. Burns's country

of Ayr was just north of it, Carlyle's country of Ecclefechen

and Dumfries was just east of it, and Wordsworth's country of

Cumberland was not far south of it. The green hills of Ireland

were in plain sight of the eastern shores of Galloway, and their

invitation was accepted by numbers of the Scotch people, who

crossed the narrow strait and made for themselves a home in the

north of Ireland. Thus it was, no doubt, that some Scotch

John or Alexander or Andrew of Galloway found his home and

his surname in Ireland. How long the race had been established

on Irish soil we do not know; it was early in the history of this

country that the first Galloway took up his further journey west-

ward, crossing a broader sea, and setting up his roof-tree in

Gettysburg, Pa. About the same time the Buchanans, another

Scotch-Irish family, came to the same neighborhood; and a

daughter of the Buchanans became the wife of James Galloway

and the mother of Samuel, our honored townsman. President

James Buchanan and Samuel Galloway were cousins; politically

they were somewhat distant cousins, I judge, from a remark in

a letter of Galloway to his brother, written in the last days of

1860. "Are you troubled," he asks, "about the secession of

South Carolina? I am; but I should not be troubled if we had

a man of principle in the White House." Evidently he was not

inclined to shade the truth on account of relationship.

It was in the ancient and renowned town of Gettysburg that

Samuel Galloway was born March 20, 1811. The paternal resi-

dence is still standing, as I learn; during the eventful days of '63


* An address delivered at the First Congregational Church, Columbus,

January 6, 1895.