Ohio History Journal

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318 Ohio Arch

318      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.




Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, the exercises of the day

opened at the opera house, with Capt. John F. Oliver master of

ceremonies. There was a fair audience of school children and

others, who had gathered to hear Dr. W. H. Venable's address

on Ohio Men and Ohio Ideas. After an invocation by Rev. E.

W. Cowling, rector of St. Stephen's parish, and lately from the

mother state of Virginia, the home of Jefferson, Mr. D. W. Mat-

lack, principal of Stanton grammar school, introduced Prof. Ven-

able, of Cincinnati, one of the most distinguished of Ohio's edu-

cators, who spoke as follows:



Ladies, Gentlemen and School Children :

On the Fourth of July of the present year the passengers in

a tourist car, while crossing the Mohave Desert, celebrated the

national anniversary by singing patriotic songs. The voice which

rang most clearly was that of a school-boy, going with his par-

ents from Columbus to a new home in Los Angeles. The lad

cherished two pets from his native Ohio, a caged bird and a tiny

Buckeye tree. In spite of the parching heat and killing alkaline

dust of the plain, the staunch plant, carefully watered in the flower

pot which protected it, added a green inch to its ambitious top,

during the journey from Chicago to the Colorado. "I will be the

first," shouted the boy, "to climb this tree when it grows big, in


That boy from Columbus, singing on his way to the far south-

west, with his bird and his Buckeye tree, and his confident hopes

of growth and great doing, typifies the Ohio man and his prev-

alence. New York and Chicago each has a powerful Ohio Soci-

ety, and every state and every city in the Union feels the presence

of Ohio men and the influence of Ohio ideas. The widespread

recognition of this predominance was evidenced by the remark

of a barber on the Pacific coast to an Eastern stranger: "Ohio,"

said the barber, "is a noted state. She is noted for runnin' out

big men." Then, after a pause, the professor of shaving added the