Ohio History Journal

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344 Ohio Arch

344      Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.




At the close of a very imposing Pioneer and Industrial parade

the people gathered at LaBelle park and on the beautiful lawns

that terrace the immediate neighborhood at the intersection of

Fourth street and LaBelle avenue, in full view of the Ohio river

and under the shade of hundreds of trees, they crowded to listen

to the addresses.

Hon. J. J. Gill, a descendant of an old and honorable Mt.

Pleasant family, as chairman of the day, spoke as follows:



Ladies and Gentlemen:

To me has been assigned the very gratifying and highly hon-

orable privilege of acting as the presiding officer of this meeting,

and it is my wish to confine myself strictly to my duties as such

chairman. We are here to listen to the formal addresses of the

occasion as arranged, and I shall not, therefore, delay the feast

of good things which is before us longer than to pause a moment

to congratulate the good people of Steubenville and of Jefferson

county and the various patriotic and self-sacrificing committees

having the work in charge upon the memorable and magnificent

success of this centennial celebration and upon the very great

general interest and enthusiasm which have been aroused. We

can all rightfully rejoice over and take pride in the past, and as

the events of history are recounted and the panorama is unfolded

before us, I sincerely trust that under the inspiration of the occa-

sion we shall also give sharp heed to the living present and to

the duties of to-day, and turn also with anxious thoughts towards

the future, earnestly resolved that if possible a more rapid rate

of progress shall be established, and that the splendid heritage

which has been left us shall not have its lustre dimmed by any

deed of ours, or dulled by our failure to adequately and propor-

tionately advance along the line of the world's grand march.

Invocation was offered by Rev. Dr. Geo. W. MacMillan,

of Richmond, after which Hon. H. L. Chapman made congrat-

ulatory remarks.