Ohio History Journal



The seventh volume of the publications of the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society, which is herewith issued
in book form, includes the Quarterlies of the Society heretofore
published as No. 1, for October (by error dated November),
1898; No. 2, for January, 1899, and No. 3, for April, 1899.

As these three Quarterlies together comprise sufficient mate-

rial for a bound volume, the Quarterly for July is not included,
and with that Quarterly Volume VIII. will begin.

The contents of this volume are self explanatory.

The annual meeting of the Society has, previous to this

(1899) year, been held in February, but at the annual meeting,
February 24, 1898, an amendment to the Society's Constitu-
tion (see page 282, this volume) was adopted, permitting the
holding of the annual meeting not later than June 15. The
annual meeting for 1899 was held May 1. As this (VII.) vol-
ume only includes the April (1899) Quarterly, the proceedings
of the May meeting will appear in Volume VIII.

E. O. RANDALL, Secretary.