Ohio History Journal

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One of the functions of an Historical Society is, or at least,

ought to be, to criticize doubtful and inexact statements in works

professing to be History, and where practicable, to make known

the truth.

Let us apply this principle to some of the statements made by

different writers in reference to the places named at the head of

this article. But first it is well to give the location of the forts,

both of which were long ago demolished, and nearly every

vestige obliterated.

In the summer of 1899, the writer visited the first named

place twice, and the latter once. For the exact position of Picka-

willany, I am indebted to the venerable Major Stephen Johnston,

of Piqua, who was born in the vicinity in 1812, and who has been

familiar with the locality all his long life. In the second place,

my thanks are due to Mr. C. B. Jamison, an attorney much

given to historical research and who has made particular examina-

tion of the site.

Loramie's creek enters the Miami on the west side about three

miles north of Piqua, and nearly a mile north of the farm-house

formerly owned and long occupied by Col. John Johnston, who for

about half a century was Indian agent for the United States

government. This house is nearly a century old, and stands on

the west bank of the Miami, twenty-five or thirty rods north of

Fort Piqua, (built by Wayne in 1794,) and, as before said, at a

greater distance from Fort Pickawillany.

About a hundred yards below the mouth of Loramie's creek,

the bank of the river, here fifteen or twenty feet above low water,

turns abruptly towards the west, and runs probably twenty rods

or more before resuming its generally southern trend. On this

shoulder of land just below the mouth of the creek stood Fort

Pickawillany. It was made of logs which were set on end in

trenches dug for the purpose,-a stockade, such as was built by
