Ohio History Journal


Edilorialana.                        121


order the numerous and important historical events that transpired in

his county. The little book is illustrated and has a large folding map

of the territory which it treats. Auglaize county was a sort of geogra-

phical and historical pivotal point in Ohio. It was the chief gate way

for Indians and whites between Lake Erie and the Ohio river for sixty-

five years (1749-1814). "The reader should remember that the Maumee

rises in the southern part of our county (Auglaize) south of Wapakoneta

and flows north into Lake Erie and that the Great Miami rises a few miles

further east and flows south into the Ohio. The source of the St. Mary

is really the source of the Maumee. Boats can ply on the Miami from

our county to the Ohio and on the Maumee from here to Lake Erie."

With only a few miles of portage there was water passage from the Erie

to the Ohio.



The Ohio Educational Monthly in its number for July, 1901, cele-

brates the fiftieth anniversary of that publication. The burden of half a

century rests gracefully upon this time honored and highly esteemed

monthly. No publication in our state has ever exerted such a stimulating,

wise and wide influence in favor of all that is best and most progressive

in popular education. It has been an informing incentive to thousands of

teachers, who have profited by its pages. It has had a distinguished line

of editors and an innumerable host of illustrious contributors, and to-day

it represents the best thought, methods and tendencies of our splendid

state school system. We congratulate the Educational Monthly on its

semi-centennial birth year. It has the maturity of longevity without the

slightest symptom of antiquity. It is anything but archaic. It was never

so youthful in spirit or so forceful in effort as now, under the editorship

and proprietorship of Hon. O. T. Corson. The July number in question

is of course unusually interesting. It recites the history of the Monthly;

contains articles by many of the former editors and writers. Not the

least of its valuable features is the department of "Current History"

conducted by Professor F. B. Pearson; a concise statement or commen-

tary on the leading world events of the day. The Monthly is evidently

sharing the proverbial "prosperity of the day," for it is enabled to begin

the new half century at the reduced price of one dollar per annum.




The anniversary of the battles of Concord and Lexington was fit-

tingly observed by the Ohio Society of the Sons of the Revolution at

Columbus, Ohio, on April 19, 1901. At the business session in the

afternoon at the Chittenden Hotel, the reports of the various committees

were read, showing the year to have been the most prosperous in the

history of the Society. The membership during the year had increased