Ohio History Journal

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Columbia's pride, Ohio, grand and fair,

Where wealth and beauty are beyond compare,

Where labor, truth and knowledge have control,

Thy name is peer upon the honor roll.

Ohio, first-born of the great Northwest,

Nursed to thy statehood at the Nation's breast

And taught wisdom of the Ordinance Rule-

No slav'ry chain but e'er the public school,

Ohio, name for what is good and grand,

With pride we hail thee as our native land;

With jealous pride we sing our heartfelt lay

To laud thy name, this first Centennial Day.

One hundred years and half as many more

Ago, from ripples on proud Erie's shore

Far to the south where, beautiful and grand,

The placid river's wave kissed untrod sand,

The dusky twilight of the forest old

Concealed the native Indian, wild and bold.

Within the awe of that primeval wood

The white-skin captive, pining, lonely stood

And longed to lift the prison veil to roam

From savag'ry to join dear ones at home.

Here lived the greatest, noblest Indian men,

Retreating from their Eastern glade and glen,

They crossed the River, called this land their own

And hoped to hunt and fish and live alone.

Here came another Race. The renegade,

The scout, the trapper, followed each his trade.

Here, too, the priest and bishop, with sad face,

Converted souls, built missions, "Tents of Grace."

But they are gone. The annals of the strife

That brought to one race death, another life,
