Ohio History Journal

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On the 28th of June, 1904, the Columbus Chapter of the

Daughters of the American Revolution did themselves and their

organization great honor by placing in Martin Park in the western

part of the City of Columbus, a large bowlder of igneous origin,

bearing a very handsome designed tablet in commemoration of

the important council or conference which General William

Henry Harrison had with the chiefs of certain Indian tribes,

near that spot on June 21st, 1813. By this act the Daughters

rescued from the very brink of oblivion and gave a permanent

place in the history of the War of 1812 to one of the important

and controlling incidents of that war. But for this action on

the part of this organization, that event would probably have

soon passed into entire forgetfulness, as there was but one

co-temporary report of the proceedings ever published of that

conference or council, and that was in a weekly paper then

published at Franklinton, called "The Freeman's Chronicle,"

which was edited and owned by James B. Gardiner. It was

the first weekly paper, or paper of any kind, ever published

in what is now the City of Columbus. The first number of

this paper was dated June 24th, 1812, and the publication con-

tinued for more than two years, covering the entire period of

the War of 1812. Mr. Gardiner was present at the council and

in the issue of his paper of June 25th, 1813, he published an ac-

count of it. Mr. William Domigan, at that time a resident of

the Town of Franklinton, had the thoughtfulness to preserve a

full file of that paper as it was issued, and had the same bound

in substantial form, which sole copy has been preserved to this

time and presents the best picture of the condition and life of the

young village that is in existence to-day.

Mrs. Edward Orton, Jr., Regent of the Columbus Chapter

of the organization before mentioned, in her very appropriate

address in presenting the memorial tablet to the City of Columbus,
