Ohio History Journal

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Probably no other Indian chieftain was ever more admired

and loved by his own race or by the outside world. He was

either a true friend or a true enemy. Born near Detroit, Michi-

gan, in 1742, he lived to see a wonderful change in the great

Northwest. Being born of humble parentage, through his brav-

ery and perseverence, he rose to be the grand sachem of the Wy-

andot nation. This position he held until the time of his death,

when he was succeeded by Duonquot. Born of the Porcupine

clan of the Wyandots and early manifesting a warlike spirit, and

was engaged in nearly all the battles against the Americans until

the disastrous battle of Fallen Timbers, in 1794. Tarhe saw that

there was no use opposing the American arms, or trying to pre-

vent them planting corn north of the Ohio river. At that disas-

trous battle, thirteen chiefs fell and among the number was Tarhe,

who was badly wounded in the arm. The American generally

believed that the dead Indian was the best Indian, but Tarhe sadly

saw his ranks depleted, and at once began to sue for peace. Gen-

eral Wayne had severely chastised the Indians, and forever broke

their power in Ohio. Accordingly, on January 24, 1795, the

principal chiefs of the Wyandots, Delawares, Chippewas, Otto-

was, Sacs, Pottowattomies, Miamis, and Shawnees met. The

preliminary treaty with General Wayne at Greenville, Ohio, in

which there was an armistice, was the forerunner of the celebrated

treaty which was concluded at the same place on August 3, 1795.

A great deal of opposition was manifested to this treaty by the

more warlike and turbulent chiefs, as this would cut off their

forays on the border settlements.

Chief Tarhe always lived true to the treaty obligations which

he so earnestly labored to bring about. When Tecumseh sought

a great Indian uprising, Tarhe opposed it, and awakened quite

an enmity among the warlike of his own tribe, who afterward
