Ohio History Journal

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96 Ohio Arch

96         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


so on. Professor Siebert is a careful and painstaking student and has

exercised discriminating judgment as to what is necessary for the proper

educidation of his subject. He gives under each chapter the list of

authorities which he has consulted or which may be further examined

by those who desire more exhaustive study of the various topics. The

book is accompanied by an excellent appendix giving a chronological

outline of the historical events incident to the development of the state,

beginning with the land grant of King James in 1609 and leading through

to the last event of importance in 1904 when the new school code was

enacted by the legislature. There is also a complete text of the ordi-

nance of 1787 and the enabling act of 1802, constitution of 1851, etc.

The book is thoroughly indexed and will be of incalculable interest not

only to the historical and economic student of Ohio but particularly to

teachers. It comprises one of the series of handbooks of American gov-

ernment; 308 pages with map of Ohio giving counties, railroads, etc.

Macmillan Company. 75 cents.




John Chapman, known as Johnny Appleseed was an eccentric and

unique character who first appeared on the Ohio River about 1790 in a

boat filled with appleseeds. His plan was to go in advance of the settlers

planting orchards through the wilderness. This strange and philantropic

vocation he followed for some 25 or 30 years. His earlier career is

shrouded in mystery but is made romantic with the tradition that he was

early disappointed in love. He was a character of much ability in some

directions and exercised in his peculiar way a serviceable influence upon

the forest pioneers among whom he wandered.

Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, the eloquent pastor of Plymouth Church

has chosen John Chapman as the hero of a fascinating and beautiful

narrative entitled "The Quest of John Chapman." Says Mr. Hillis in his

preface: "Save Col. Clark, he (Chapman) is the most striking man of

of the generation that crossed the Alleghanies." Sir Walter Scott thought

it a matter of moment to his countrymen that some one should preserve

the story of that old man who went through the cemeteries rechiseling

the names of dead heroes. But this scarred old hero of our republic is

a thousand times more fascinating than Old Mortality or the heroes of

the Nibelungen Lied." Mr. Hillis with a vivid and artistic imagination

and in the most felicitious and charming English initiates his narrative

in the Town of Redham, New England, at the time of the departure of

Mannasseh Cutler and his party for their journey to the Ohio wilder-

ness. John Chapman is the son of the village minister and has given his

heart to Dorothy, a daughter of Col. Durand. The latter is a prowd,

high-spirited, influential gentleman who objects to the alliance of his daugh-

ter with John. Col. Durand and Dorothy are members of the Ohio Com-