Ohio History Journal

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Big Bottom and Its History

Big Bottom and Its History.            33




If I were to ask you what I should talk about, I suppose

you would answer me as the small boy did in Sunday School

one day when a man got up and said, "Now,

children, what shall I talk about?" and the

bright boy said, "about one minute." I am

somewhat like an old Scotch preacher I once

heard of: A man went to church one day,

and he noticed that the preacher was crying

a great deal during the delivery of his ser-

mon. Finally the stranger turned to an old

lady who was sitting near him. "What makes

your preacher cry so much?" he asked her.

She answered, "Hoot mon, if you dinna have

more to say than he has, you would cry too."

So if you see great streams of tears running down my face before

I finish talking you will know the reason of it. It happened to be

my good fortune to be sent with other gentlemen representing the

commission appointed by the Ohio Legislature to investigate the

State Hospitals erected for the care of those afflicted with tuber-

culosis; one of the places we visited was the town of Rutland,

Mass. After we were through our investigation of the splendid

hospital at that place, I happened to wander through the old

town of Rutland, and soon found myself standing before the

historical Putnam house, and by a strange coincidence I stood

there on the anniversary day on which that band had started

out from that home, and it struck me with peculiar force that

we were from Ohio endeavoring to carry out a splendid purpose,

that of erecting a hospital for the care of those unfortunately

afflicted with disease, just as our forefathers had left the little

town of Rutland, Mass., to aid others of their nationality to pro-

cure homes in this wilderness.

Little did I think on that April morning as I stood there

that I would be privileged to be here on this occasion, at the

dedication of this monument, erected to commemorate the mas-

sacre of the sons of that splendid band of pioneers who set out

to people this valley. My friends, we of Ohio do not have to

Vol. XV-3.