Ohio History Journal

420 Ohio Arch

420         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


between Fort St. Clair and Fort Jefferson, the following is an authentic

account of that affair:

Lieut. Lowrie of the second and Ensign Boyd, of the first and

second sub legions, with a command consisting of about ninety, non-

commissioned officers and privates, having under their convoy twenty

wagons, loaded with grain and commissaries' stores, were attacked be-

tween daylight and sunrise, seven miles advanced of Fort St. Clair, on

the morning of the 17th ult. (October, 1793, E. M.) These two gallant

young gentlemen, with thirteen non-commissioned officers and privates,

bravely fell in action. It would appear that after the fall of the officers,

the party did not make much resistance, which was naturally to be


The Indians killed or carried off about seventy horses, leaving

the wagons and store standing in the road, and they were brought into

the camp six miles advanced of Fort Jefferson, on the 20th ult., with

scarcely any loss or damage, except what is before related.




In reply to an inquiry made by Secretary George Martin of the

Kansas State Historical society, Attorney General Jackson handed down

an opinion to the effect that it is just as much of a crime to open

Indian graves even in the interest of archaeological research as it is to

open the graves of white people. He says the law nowhere permits the

opening of graves for archaeological or scientific research.

"I know of no reason," he says in conclusion, "why Indian graves

should be despoiled any more than another. The rights of the red man

should be respected as much as those of whites or blacks. All the

natural instincts and feelings of humanity cry out against the violation of

sepulture. Except in the interest of justice or prompted by motives of

love and duty, the sanctity of each deceased person's 'six feet of earth'

should not be disturbed."



Since the Annual Meeting of the Society (March 22, 1907) the fol-

lowing have been elected Life Members of the Society: Hon. Charles A.

Hanna, New York; Hon. Jacob G. Schmidlapp, Cincinnati; Hon.

Florien Giauque, Cincinnati; Mr. George M. Finckle, Columbus; Hon.

William H. Taft, Washington, D. C.; Dr. George R. Love, Toledo;

Colonel John W. Harper, Cincinnati; Mr. Frazer E. Wilson, Green-

ville; Prof. Frank P. Goodwin, Cincinati; Rev. R. J. Richmond, Mc-

Connellsville; and Judge Rufus B. Smith, Cincinnati; Hon. Drausin

Wulsin, Cincinnati.