Ohio History Journal

504 Ohio Arch

504        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.






[This poem was written for the Franklin Centennial, held at Co-

lumbus, Ohio, September 15, 1897.]

Fair Buckeyeland! we sing your praise

And bare our head to them

Who lived and wrought in other days

And framed your diadem!

Their handiwork none can forget;

The jewels of the years

Would in your crown be still unset,

But for the pioneers.



Then a song for the pioneers!

The praise of a hundred years

For the women true

And the brave men who

Were the pioneers!

They blazed their way through forests deep,

A hundred years ago,

And, in the trusty rifle's keep,

They braved a wily foe.

They felled the monarchs of the wood,

They tilled the fertile plain;

Kind Heaven saw and called it good

And made earth laugh with grain.

With latchstring out, the cabin door

Gave greeting unto friend;

To live was good, but it was more

To succor or defend.

And here, in every breast there beat

A heart to country true,

Which clad with strength the hurrying feet

When this old flag was new.

Undaunted then by any foe,

If red in coat or face;

Unconquered still, their spirits grow

And give us of their grace.

And here, where toiled the pioneers,

There rises now elate,

The glory of a hundred years,

The beauteous Buckeye state.