Ohio History Journal

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[Professor William Henry Venable ranks among the first of Ohio's

most honored educators and authors. For many years he was professor

in the High Schools of Cincinnati. His published works embrace history,

poetry, literature and fiction. He has been a devoted student of the liter-

ature of the Ohio Valley. He delivered the address on Ohio Literary

Men and Women at the Ohio Centennial celebration, Chillicothe, May 20,

1903. His splendid ode herewith printed was recited by his son, Profes-

sor Emerson Venable, at the banquet given by the Cincinnatians at the

Queen City Club, Friday evening, November 29, 1907, to the delegates to

the Central Ohio Valley Historical Conference. - EDITOR.]



O not unsung, not unrenowned,

Ere brave Saint Clair to his reward had gone,

Or yet from yond the ample bound

Of green Ohio's hunting ground

Tecumseh faced the Anglo-Saxon dawn,

My City Beautiful was throned and crowned;

Then all Hesperia confest,

With jubilant acclaim,

Her sovereign and inviolable name,

Queen of the West!


Upon the proud young bosom she was nursed,

Of the Republic, in the wild

Security of God's primeval wood:

Illustrious Child!

By Liberty begotten, first

Of all that august civic sisterhood

Born since the grand Ordain of Eighty-Seven

Promulged its mandatory plevin,

Which fain had reconciled

Human decretals and the voice of Heaven.
