Ohio History Journal

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Editorialana.                        123


"that ordinance and especially the non-slavery clause, was not the work

of Nathan Dane of Massachusetts, but of Thomas Jefferson of Virginia."

It is not our purpose to enter into this discussion which has been

the theme of many a writer. Our impression is that Mr. Jefferson has

not been duly accredited with the share due his ordinance as a basis for

the one of 1787. Jefferson must, says Curtis M. Geer, in his volume on

the Louisiana Purchase, be "credited with the effort of trying to abolish

slavery but his anti-slavery clause would have been of doubtful value,

for the Ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery at once instead of waiting

sixteen years before abolishing it."  Mr. Benton was of course spe-

cifically in error, but on the other hand partially correct, for the Ordi-

nance of 1787 was based in large measure on the provisions of Jefferson's

ordinance of 1784. The latter, however, as has been noted, was sug-

gested in the main features by the Bland ordinance of 1783, so that

who "thought first" is still an open question. Mr. Jefferson is to be

credited in no small way with the many features of the final famous

ordinance, but many of its chief and characteristic articles were the

products of other hands--the hands of Nathan Dane, Rufus King and

Manasseh Cutler; while to the latter, above all others, was due the

final touches and diplomatic efforts that brought about the passage of

the great Magna Charta of the Northwest Territory.






The Rufus Putnam Memorial Association, the headquarters of

which are at Worcester, Mass., and which society now has the title and

possession of the Rufus Putnam Homestead at Rutland, Mass., held its

tenth annual meeting in the Rufus Putnam House at Rutland on Septem-

ber 27, 1910. G. Stanley Hall, President, presided. At this meeting the

following resolutions were unamiously adopted:

"WHEREAS, General Rufus Putnam, in whose honor this Asso-

ciation was formed, in his home at Rutland, Mass., with General

Benjamin Tupper planned the Ohio Company of Associates and

within its walls wrote the call for election of delegates to form

that Company, an event of great national importance, and

"WHEREAS, General Putnam led the first colony of pioneers

from Massachusetts and Connecticut to Marietta, Ohio, making

there the first legal settlements in the Territory Northwest of the

River Ohio, where he labored for thirty-six years for the cause

of City and State, promoting and organizing Muskingum Academy

in 1797, the percursor of Marietta College, and

"WHEREAS, Marietta College represents the high ideals of

patriotism and morality carried into the Northwest by Massa-