Ohio History Journal

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288 Ohio Arch

288       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

ferson to the degree that he declared it compared favorably with

any speech of Demosthenes or Cicero. It matters little if this is

not the exact spot where Lord Dunmore received the oration.

It could not have been far from here. But, tradition, coming

down through several reliable families whose representatives still

live near here, says this magnificent old elm, the largest in all the

land, which then and for many years after had a fine spring flow-

ing from its roots, is the very same elm under whose branches,

spreading then as now, the message was delivered. It was then,

is now        and ever will be, a great message. It has been

translated   into many languages, and is known by every

school-boy and school-girl throughout the land. It is a message

filled with fervor, kindness and love, yet, it bristles with right-

eous anger and fearless revenge.  It is filled with pathos and

philosophy, and ends in a sentence which is masterful in depict-

ing the extreme sorrow of a great mind.

It is then fitting that these acres of land and this old elm

which were silent observers of the epoch making event which

brought peace to the Indians and opened this fruitful country to

the new civilization, should be preserved to posterity. Such land-

marks are lost all too soon and are too little treasured.

Mr. Chairman, Pickaway County, Ohio, is proud of being in-

strumental in preserving this historic place, and with confidence

that the State of Ohio, through her Archaeological Society will

preserve it, I hand you the deed on behalf of our County Society.

In another few hundred years this tree may be forever lost, but

the site shall remain, and, let us hope that posterity may suitably

commemorate with a monument of bronze the world famed

speech of the great Mingo Chief, Logan.

Dr. G. Frederick Wright, President of the Ohio Archaeo-

logical and Historical Society, received the deed from the hands

of Mrs. Jones, and made a brief but fitting speech of acceptance.

One of the distinguished Indians present, Mr. Charles E.

Dagenett, of the Peoria tribe, was then introduced and spoke

as follows:


In the early days of Pennsylvania, the country around the

falls of the Susquehannah was assigned by the Six Nations as