Ohio History Journal

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From advance proofs of the sixth volume of Randall and Ryan's History

of Ohio. By permission of the publishers, the Century History

Company, New York.

Simon Perkins, of Warren, was one of the earliest and most

influential promoters of settlement and progress in northeastern

Ohio, and a citizen of distin-

guished reputation and use-

fulness in varied activities and

affairs.  A  native of Con-

necticut, he first came to

Ohio in the summer of 1798

on a commission to survey,

explore and sell the large un-

developed holdings of the

Erie Land Company in the

Western Reserve. Becoming

a permanent resident of War-

ren some years later, he was

the foremost man of that

community until his death in

1844. He was long engaged

in land transactions of great

volume and scope, with es-

pecial reference to the settle-

ment and development of the

new country; was a pioneer

in  financial interests  and

management; founded the

city of Akron; served with

distinction as a brigadier-gen-

eral on   the  northwestern

frontier at a critical period in the War of 1812; held responsible

civil positions, and was a trusted representative and adviser of

the United States government in western affairs.
