Ohio History Journal

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358 Ohio Arch

358      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.




Secretary Building Committee.

I trust as Secretary of the Building Committee of the Ohio

State Archaeological and Historical Society that a brief history

of the building, including its cost as it now stands, will be of

interest at this time.

The appropriation of $100,000 for this building was made

by the 79th General Assembly, 1911. It was presented to the

assembly through the Auditor of State's office and acted upon

favorably and recommended for

passage by the finance committee of

the house of which Hon. Harry L.

Goodbread of Wyandot County was

the chairman and by the same com-

mittee of the senate of which Hon.

William N. Shaffer of Paulding

County was chairman.

The appropriation passed with-

out a dissenting voice.

The   succeeding  Legislature

granted an additional $10,000 for

building equipment.

It was definitely understood

that the trustees of the Univer-

sity would supply the site for the building, and in accordance

with this understanding the present site was suggested by the

University authorities and accepted by the trustees of the Society.

The trustees of the University courteously extended the ser-

vices of the University architect, Prof. J. N. Bradford, which

were accepted. Prof. Bradford and his associates worked dili-

gently during the summer and autumn of 1911 to perfect a

building to care for our present wants and capable of the proper

expansion necessary for a growing museum and library.

The problem was a very difficult one as the Curator was to

furnish the necessary data, secured by the inspection and study

of similar buildings, and the architect to build a classic edifice

to occupy certain space.