Ohio History Journal

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578 Ohio Arch

578       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

proceedings, and looked forward with pleasure to his closer

connection with its work.

There being no further business before the Society, upon

motion it adjourned. The president announcing that the annual

meeting of the trustees would immediately follow.




There were present: Messrs. G. F. Wright, E. O. Randall,

E. F. Wood, D. J. Ryan, B. F. Prince, H. E. Buck, L. P. Schaus,

G. F. Bareis, J. E. Campbell, W. C. Hayes, W. H. Cole and

W. C. Moore. Absent, Messrs. Herrick, Treadway and Thomp-


The meeting was called to order by President Wright.

Mr. Randall acted as Secretary. Secretary Randall read the

minutes of the last annual meeting of the trustees, held in the

Society Building, June 29, 1914, which were approved as read.

Mr. Prince moved that the present serving officers be re-

elected. Seconded by Mr. Buck. Carried.

It was moved and carried that the President, Vice Presi-

dents, Secretary and Treasurer be authorized to appoint perma-

nent and special committees as follows: On Finance, Publications,

Museum, Library, Spiegel Grove, Serpent Mound, Fort Ancient,

Logan Elm Park, Big Bottom Park, Harrison Monument, His-

torical Sites, Necrology, and a special Conference Committee on

the matter of cooperation with the University in regard to the

collection and publication of manuscripts.

Mr. Randall said "In my report before the annual meet-

ing it was stated that we had a special appropriation for the re-

printing of the Society Annuals, of $8,500."

In this connection the Secretary stated he had received the

following communication from the Auditor of State:


"SEPT. 10, 1915.

"Archaeological and Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio.

"GENTLEMEN:--At a meeting of the special auditing committed pro-

vided for in H. B. No. 721, held on September 9, 1915, the following

resolution was adopted:

"Resolved, That the appropriation made to the Archaeological and