Ohio History Journal

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128 Ohio Arch

128        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Hurrah for our Country! May she ever be free.

Hurrah for our Patriots! On land or on sea,

Who gave this Liberty, to you and to me.

We will hold their deeds, and memory bright,

While the Sun and the Moon give us this light;

To their principles, we boys will be true,

And we will live and die, for the Red, White and Blue.

The speaker of the day was Hon. Henry J. Booth, who de-

livered the following address:



In the midst of the greatest war that has ever exposed the vices

and weaknesses of what we call civilization, we have met to commem-

orate events which were a prelude to another war, that ended at York-

town four generations ago. As to the results of the present world-wide

conflict let us not attempt to speculate, lest our opinions be colored by

our sympathies. But the heritage of the American Revolution is known

of all men. The supreme outstanding fact is that in the great family of

nations, for more than a hundred years our people have enjoyed the

best fruits of civilization to a greater extent than any other nation. And

now, in the great cataclysm of destruction and passion in Europe, our

country is the one great neutral, when enemies arrayed against each other

in the grapple of death are so many, and neutrals are so few. Hence

when the present war is ended, whether in victory or through exhaustion,

whether celebrated by triumphal entries into conquered capitals, or termi-

nated by the mutual withdrawal of shattered ranks from the blood-

soaked fields of conflict to their homes, where nearly every house will be

a house of mourning, the influence of America will be exerted to estab-

lish and maintain a world peace; and America, more than ever before,

will be an asylum for the oppressed of all nations.

A state as well as an individual is endowed with a personality. Its

history may long antedate its birth as a commonwealth. So it was with

the six states which were carved out of the Northwest Territory. But,

in one respect at least, more than any of the others, the history of Ohio

is unique. As a member of the sisterhood of states its history commenced

in 1803. But much of its most important history was written before that

time in events which fixed its status and molded its character.

Among the most important events which affected the early history

of the territory which we now call Ohio were the organization of the

First Ohio Company in 1748, although the grant to that company for six

hundred thousand acres was located on the northern and southern banks

of the Ohio river, the treaty between Lord Dunmore and the Indians in

1774, the adoption of the Ordinance of 1787, and the settlements during

colonial times of which the most conspicuous was the one at Marietta.