Ohio History Journal

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VOI. XXVI.       No. 1.



The Editor of the QUARTERLY has seen occasional references to the

tradition or fact, if it be the latter, that Isaac Zane married a daughter

of Tarhe, the Crane. Learning that General Robert P. Kennedy was

familiar with and an authority on this matter, having gotten his in-

formation at first hand from members of the Zane family, we wrote the

General concerning the same and received the following reply, which we

regard worthy of permanent preservation.



In answer to your inquiry concerning Isaac Zane and Tarhe, the

Crane, my information comes from different sources.

Of course the capture of Isaac Zane and his long and continued

residence with the Indians has passed into undisputed history. There is

one statement in my article--one published some time ago in a local

paper-that I think I should correct, and it relates to his release and

return to Virginia, and his election to the Virginia House of Burgesses,

and his subsequent return to Ohio.

Information since writing that article persuades me that that is an

error, and that Isaac Zane (our Isaac) did not return to Virginia, but

that he remained with the Wyandots, and that the Isaac Zane who was

elected to the House of Burgesses was another Isaac Zane,-a member

of the same family which remained in Virginia, -and of course a rela-

tive of the Zanes of Wheeling and Ohio. Now as to Isaac Zane and his

marriage. Of course we understand that in the absence of positive his-

tory, made fully of record -there is much tradition in the history of the

Indian tribes.

It has long been the family history of all the Zanes that Isaac who

was captured in his youth and brought up and remained with the Wy-

andots was adopted by the Chief and made a member of the Chief's

family - and it was a part of that well understood history that he mar-

ried what they were pleased to call an Indian princess, the daughter of

the Chief.

That he was in the family of Chief Tarhe is almost unquestioned

for Tarhe was the Wyandot Chief in this section of Ohio for many
