Ohio History Journal

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With the exception of a few pages, Volume Twenty-six is made up

of two articles, "History of Educational Legislation in Ohio," by Prof.

Miller, and "The Indians in Ohio," by H. C. Shetrone. These articles

are so foreign to each other that few of the subjects treated are identical;

hence an index covering both would possess no special advantage.             Be-

sides, these articles are of such value in themselves that there will be

undoubtedly a demand for their publication separately.            In this event

each should have its own index, which would prove a great advantage

to those interested in either subject and no real disadvantage to the

general reader.

Accordingly, the index comprises three parts: First, a general index

for such small part of the contents not contained in the two articles;

second, index to Prof. Miller's article; third, index to Mr. Shetrone's

article.                                                            C. L. M.




(General Index.)



A.                      Benton, E. J., 536, 272.

Bethel, 535.

Abbott, Harriet. L., makes donation toh        , B 535    .

Abbott, Harriet. L., makes d n to  lig Bottom Park, 513, 531; Committee on,

Society's Museum, 535.                     551

Ada, 272.

Ada, 272.                                 B Ilackmore                              Museum,  Ohio   prehistoric

Adams County, 512, 513.                                                                                       ,

relics in, 512.

Akeroyd, W. J. R. (Dr.), makes dona-        anchester, 535

.Blanchester, 535.

tion to Museum, 535.

*tion to Museum, 5353.                                           Boggs Monument at Logan Elm Park, 518.

Akron, 272; Municipal University, 536.                                          urneville, 535.

A 2ourneville, 535.

Alliance, 272.

Allan  „ , ce,   -_2  .                                                             Boyer, James, donation to .Mu9seum, 536.

American Red Cross, 272; time fuses 53                                  , 53n                   t 5.

Bradley, Glenn D., 272, 536.

Appleseed, Johnny, 513.

Appleseed, Johnny, 513.                                                            lBradley, John E., 536; 572.

Archaeology, Ohio, lectures on, 533;                                            row      ,   ,56.

BIrownsville, 535, 536.

specimens donated to Museumn, 535,,

.specimens donated to Mseu, 5,       3Burkett, H. F., 511; donation to Museum,

536.                                         .


Articles, "History of Educational Legis-

lation in Ohio," Miller, 143; "In-   Burns, Clara Russell, donation to Mu-

dians in Ohio," Shetrone, 274.           . seum, 535.

Athens, 272.                              Bushfield, Miss Minnie, 532.


Baldwin, C. C. (Judge), 512.                                 C.

Baptist, Frank, 534.                      Campbell, James E., 511; elected President

Bareis, Geo. F., 511; elected Trustee So-      of Society, 548.

ciety, 542.                          Campus Martius, proposed purchase of,

Barnhart, A. P., erects Logan Mont-            516; Society committee on, 552.

ment, 547.                                                                       ('amp Sheridan, 538.

Bawden, H. F., donates to Museum, 535.                                  Camp Sherman, 272, 537, 539, 538.
