Ohio History Journal

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Reviews, Notes and Comments 219

Reviews, Notes and Comments           219


who lies buried at Bethel, will be held in connection with the

Grant Memorial Services.

"On the following day, April 29, the services will be held at

Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio, where Senator Atlee Pom-

erene will be the principal speaker.

"A detachment of the United States Army will be present

on all three occasions, accompanied by the Camp Knox, Ken-

tucky, military band.

"A great many distinguished men and women will be present

on all three occasions, including the wife of the President; the

widow of Lieutenant-General Henry C. Corbin and the widow of

Major-General Frederick D. Grant will also be among the num-

ber of ladies who will grace the occasion.

"Souvenir coins commemorating the event have been

authorized by the Congress of the United States-10,000 gold

dollars and 250,000 silver halves. These coins, on the obverse

side will bear the bust of General Grant, garbed in the military

attire of the Civil War period, and on the opposite side a minia-

ture representation of the little cabin in which he was born."




Marion, Ohio, will celebrate its one hundredth anni-

versary the first week in July. The officers of the com-

mittee arranging for the celebration are, J. W. Jacoby,

attorney, and John Brigel of Marion.

Marion was founded by Eber Baker and Alexander

Holmes early in 1822. Its location was on the Har-

rison Military Road of the War of 1812. Baker and

Holmes, both of Newark, Ohio, had entered the lands

a few years before.   It was platted soon after a com-

mittee was appointed by the legislature to locate the

seat of justice for Marion County.   A spirited contest

arose over the location of the county seat, Marion

finally winning by a divided vote of the committee.

It is the intention of the committee to make this

celebration one of the big events of Central Ohio for

the coming summer. The program will begin on Sun-