Ohio History Journal

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248 Ohio Arch

248       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications




596--Hand-bags; presented by Mrs. M. C. Hopewell, Chilli-

cothe, O. 9-29-'24.

597--Portrait of Simon Kenton by Morgan; loaned by Mr. W.

D. McKinney, Columbus, O. 10-2-'24.

598--Acts of State of Ohio and other books; presented by Mrs.

G. W. Landes, Columbus, O. 10-2-'24.

599--Quartermaster's Record, 1793; presented by Mr. F. E. Wil-

son, Greenville, O. 10-2-'24.

600--Collection of carpenter planes; presented by F. P. Hall Co.,

Columbus, O. 10-3-'24.

601--Deed to site of monument to Gen. Geo. Rogers Clark; from

the Clark Co. Historical Society. 10-17-'24.

577--(addition) Portraits of Salmon P. Chase and James C.

Birney; presented by Miss H. N. Townshend, Columbus,

O. 10-10-'24.

602--Loom, for bead work; presented by Mr. R. G. Smith, Ohio

State University. 10-20-'24.

603--Scrapbook of Spanish American War Clippings; presented

by Miss N. J. Collins, Columbus, O. 10-20-'24.

604--Two large wreaths of Flowers in Hair, and Zephyr,

framed; presented by Robin C. and Owen Obetz, Jr. 10-


605--Bible; presented by Miss Alice Gilbert, Columbus, O. 11-


579--(addition)  Silver loving cup and ship's bell from U. S. S.

Ohio. 10-31-'24.

606--Flax hackle; presented by Mr. F. B. Jennings, Columbus,

O. 11-6-24.

533--(addition) Lamp chimneys, (3); presented by Mr. F. M.

Boyles, Columbus, O. 11-9-'24. Lamps, (3); purchased.

607--Military relics and books; presented by Capt. I. J. Mor-

rison, Columbus, O. 11-10-'24.

606--(addition)   Rifles (3) and Pistols (2); purchased. 11-


487--(addition)   Maul, presented by Mr. J. R. Gragg, Bain-

bridge, O. 11-10-'24. Wooden bread trough; J. R. Gragg,

Bainbridge, O. 11-28-'24.

608--Historical specimens; presented by Mr. M. E. Thrailkill,

Columbus, O. 12-16-'24.

245--(addition)   Historic Picture; presented by Mrs. M. E.

Rath-Merrill, Columbus, O. 12-23-'24.

609--Wooden coffee box, Civil War period; presented by Mrs.

Travis C. Latham, Dublin, O. 12-24-'24.