Ohio History Journal

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For many years an interesting bit of literature has

been going the rounds that has in many instances gained

currency as a chapter in the history of the governors of

Ohio. Under the caption "A Story of William Bebb",

it has found its way into the schools and the public and

private libraries of the state. Here it is without omis-

sion or addition:

If you should visit the State House in Columbus,and look

among the pictures of the governors of the state, you would find

among these, a portrait of William Bebb, who was governor of

the state in 1846 and '47. After he had finished his term of office,

he decided to go west, and so, gathering together his effects, he

went overland and settled near Rockford, Illinois.

In the course of time there was a wedding in the family,

his daughter becoming the wife of one of the young men of the

neighborhood. As was customary at that time, the parents of

the bride gave a great supper to the guests, who came from far

and near to attend the wedding. The occasion was a very joyous

one, as such occasions usually are, and the festivities were pro-

longed until late in the evening.

After the guests had finally departed, the ex-Governor of

Ohio sat meditating. No doubt he thought of how soon the little

girl had grown to womanhood, and perhaps his mind returned to

Ohio, and it may be he lived over again many of the events con-

nected with his political career.

While thus meditating, he heard a great noise in front of the

house, and knew at once it was a belling party come to do honor

to the newly-married pair. But he was not in the mood for such

revelry, and hurrying to the front door, he called out to the


"Now, you fellows, get off my place." They answered him

by ringing their bells and blowing their horns and shouting lustily.

He went back into the house, and from two pegs on the kitchen
