Ohio History Journal

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Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. By William Wade

Hinshaw. (Richmond, Ind., Friends Book and Supply

House, distributors, 1937. Vol. I: 1185p. $20.00, with

discount to libraries and Meetings.)

Genealogy, which is an auxiliary of historical science, has

been defined as the systematic account of the origin, descent, and

relations of families. Genealogical knowledge becomes of great

importance in many ways both as to individual interests, and as

an aid in interpreting historical development. Such knowledge

becomes important in a personal or legal view when family claims

are to be established, and in a general way in tracing fundamental

causes which have entered into migrations and the expansion

of a nation. How important then is it to keep the most exact

records possible of all families, so that if for no other purpose,

they can be used to authenticate any point either genealogical,

social, or legal!

The best example of an unselfish project of the kind, and

at the same time of the greatest magnitude for a single project

provided by one person, is the mammoth one undertaken by

William Wade Hinshaw in his Encyclopedia of American Quaker

Genealogy, the first volume of which has just appeared off the

press. This attractive, cloth bound volume of 1185 pages is de-

voted to data obtained from the official records and minutes of

the thirty-three oldest Monthly Meetings which belong or ever

belonged to North Carolina Yearly Meeting, and these embrace

the membership of all Friends within the limits of North Caro-

lina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and parts of Virginia.

This volume thus furnishes the background for a large part of

the Quakers and descendants of Quakers who laid the foundation

of Quakerism in Ohio and Indiana, and eventually expanded to

the Pacific Coast. In addition to the genealogical records, an

historical account of each Monthly Meeting precedes the records.
