Ohio History Journal

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PROCEEDINGS                          215


tory section, under the supervision of the State Historical So-

ciety. It is not intended to limit the activities and interests of the

conference to Ohio history alone, but rather to develop an annual

Ohio History Conference devoted to all phases of history in which

the membership might be interested.

The president called for a report of the Nominating Commit-

tee for trustees. The chairman of the committee reported that the

committee recommended the re-appointment of Dr. George W.

Rightmire, president of Ohio State University; Mr. Harold T.

Clark, of Cleveland, and Mr. Webb C. Hayes, II, of Fremont,

as trustees for the regular term of three years from date. This

report was unanimously approved. The Annual Business Ses-

sion of the Society then recessed to April 26, 1938.




APRIL 1, 1938

The regular April meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio

State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in connection with

a called meeting of the Society on April 1, 1938, at 1:00 P. M. Trustees

present were Messrs. Johnson, Florence, Goldman, Hayes, Miller, Parker,

Rightmire, Spetnagel and Weygandt. Director Shetrone, Secretary Lind-

ley and Mr. McKinley also were present. Mr. Johnson presided.

There being no objections to the minutes of the previous meeting

which had been sent to members of the Board through the mail, these

minutes were approved.

Mr. McKinley reported for the Committee on Membership and policy,

that, although one meeting had been held, there had been no definite action

to report. He stated that the meeting may have had some value as a

precedent for future gatherings of the kind but that a definite report would

have to be delayed until a later time.

The secretary reported that it was necessary to get a definite action

from the Board concerning their wishes regarding the publication of the

Ohio Guide for which the Society is co-operating sponsor. He reviewed

previous transactions. It was the general opinion of the members present

that since the money for writing the Ohio Guide had come from W. P. A.

that the Federal Government procedure should be followed so far as pos-

sible. Mr. Goldman moved that the Board approve letting the contract

for publication of the Ohio Guide according to specifications of the federal

director of the Writers' Project on the basis of bids submitted by various

publishers with the understanding that the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society would under no circumstances underwrite the publica-

tion in any amount and that an Ohio publishing firm would be favored, all

other considerations being equal. After some discussion, the motion was

seconded and approved.

The secretary read a brief report of the current status of the Rankin

State Memorial which had been prepared by the Society's Park Depart-