Ohio History Journal

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By Louis A. WARREN


The program this evening has been arranged in the form

of a symposium in memory of the 150th anniversary of General

Joseph Harmar's expedition against the Miami Indians here at

Fort Wayne in 1790.

We are pleased indeed to have three able speakers who can

speak with authority on the various phases of the expedition.

You will observe on your program that the subjects to be dis-

cussed will approach the general subject from different points

of view: "Captain Thomas Morris, a Forerunner of Harmar"

by Dr. Howard H. Peckham, William L. Clements Library, Ann

Arbor; "The Indians Who Opposed Harmar" by President Otho

Winger, Manchester College; "The Harmar Expedition of 1790"

(Illustrated), by Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director, William L.

Clements Library, Ann Arbor.

The symposium is not just as we had planned it, and we

are disappointed that one phase of the Harmar story will have

to be omitted, although the Program Committee made an earnest

attempt to complete the symposium as originally outlined.

We do not have with us a prominent Kentucky historian

whom we had hoped would speak on behalf of the Kentucky

settlers who were primarily responsible for the Harmar expedi-

tion. Rather than allow this phase of the story to be entirely

overlooked, it seems obligatory for me to make some very brief

references to the Indian massacres in Kentucky and the reaction

toward these massacres which found expression in the expedition

against the Indians by General Joseph Harmar.

The Miami Indians, or the Indians of the upper Wabash

as they were often called, were the most aggressive tribe which

confronted the pioneers moving into Kentucky, and they were

continually sending out marauding bands which kept the Ken-
