Ohio History Journal

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Historical News

Historical News



Columbia University is preparing for publication a new and complete

edition of the papers of Alexander Hamilton. The editors wish to locate any

letters to or from Hamilton and any other Hamilton documents that are

in private hands. Communications may be addressed to Harold C. Syrett,

Executive Editor, The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Columbia University,

New York 27, New York.

On the editorial board are John A. Krout, chairman, Harold C. Syrett,

executive editor, Henry Steele Commager, Joseph H. Dorfman, Carter Good-

rich, Louis M. Hacker, Dumas Malone, Richard B. Morris, Allan Nevins,

and Robert L. Schuyler.


The editors of Weatherwise magazine are asking assistance in locating

early American weather records. A canvass is being made of all historical

and scientific depositories and college and municipal libraries as a preliminary

to writing a history of early meteorological activity in the United States.

Information concerning meteorological journals, imprints on particular

storms, and weather data in personal diaries, contemporary newspaper ac-

counts, state and local histories, and agricultural periodicals prior to 1870 is

sought. Such information should be addressed to David M. Ludlum, Editor,

Weatherwise, Box 216, Princeton, New Jersey.


The Ohio Academy of History held its fall meeting at Ohio University,

Athens, on October 21-22, with about forty-five members in attendance.

Carl G. Gustavson was chairman of the committee on local arrangements.

He was assisted by A. T. Volwiler, O. D. Morrison, Frederick Kershner, and

Charles Mayes.


The American Jewish Archives has recently acquired a collection of the

Minis family papers, consisting of family correspondence from 1835 to 1870.

The Minis family was the first Jewish family of Georgia, having settled in

that state in 1733.


Irwin Abrams, chairman of the department of history at Antioch College,