Ohio History Journal

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Minutes of the Meeting of the

Minutes of the Meeting of the

Ohio Academy of History,

Columbus, April 4, 1959




THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY held its twenty-sixth annual meeting

at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday, April 4, 1959.

Three concurrent morning sessions were devoted to a variety of

topics. Alfred D. Low of Youngstown University, as chairman of the

section on modern European history, introduced David C. Riede of the

University of Akron and Grover C. Platt of Bowling Green State

University, who presented papers entitled, respectively, "National So-

cialism and the Catholic Church" and "German Social Democracy,

1946-1958: An Appraisal." Discussion was led by Irwin Abrams of

Antioch College. In the area of American history, with Francis P.

Weisenburger of Ohio State University in the chair and James H.

Rodabaugh of the Ohio Historical Society leading the discussion, Wil-

liam G. Keener of the Ohio Historical Society presented a paper on "His-

torical Villages: Fact, Fiction, and Function" and Walt P. Marchman

of the Rutherford B. Hayes Library one on "Research Projects at the

Rutherford B. Hayes Library." Richard A. Thompson of Ohio Univer-

sity was chairman of the third session, a seminar on American foreign

policy. A paper by Thomas LeDuc of Oberlin College, "Exports as

the Most Consistent Theme in American Foreign Policy," which had

been distributed prior to the meeting, was the focal point of the discus-

sion, in which Lawrence S. Kaplan of Kent State University, Harris

G. Warren of Miami University, and the speaker took the lead.

Paul I. Miller of Hiram College, president of the Academy, presided

at the luncheon, which was served to 105 persons at the Ohio Union.

The Certificate of Award for Historical Achievement in 1958 was pre-

sented to John F. Cady of Ohio University for his book, A History of

Modern Burma. The announcement was made by Donald P. Gavin of

John Carroll University, chairman of the Committee on Awards. The

president, after reading Article VII, Section 2, of the Ohio Academy

of History Constitution, recognized the secretary-treasurer, who pre-