Ohio History Journal

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Historical News

Historical News




THE WISCONSIN HISTORY FOUNDATION has been awarded a $45,000

research and publication grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc., of Indian-

apolis, Indiana, in support of a three-year program on the history of

the American Midwest. About one-third of the grant will be used for

grants-in-aid to post-doctoral scholars doing research on midwest his-

tory between the Civil War and World War I, and the balance will

be used for publication of the results of these studies, as well as of

others within the scope of the project. Subjects to be included are

agriculture, tariff, currency, railroad regulation, rise of industry, civil

service reform, culture and education, immigration, politics, and foreign


The Wisconsin History Foundation is a cooperative program of the

University of Wisconsin and the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

This is the first grant of the kind to be received by any historical society

in the country.


A new archives and research center for the Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints is to be constructed at Salt Lake City in the next

year or two. An archives building -- a fifteen-story structure with

413,000 square feet of floor space--will house the historian's office and

the library of the church. A research center, with floor space of

258,500 square feet, will house the genealogical records and will include

microfilm reading rooms to accommodate 800 readers and an audi-

torium seating 1,000 persons.


On June 17, 1961, the Butler County Historical Society, in coopera-

tion with the Butler County Park District, dedicated the restored birth-

place of William Bebb, nineteenth governor of Ohio, as a historic

house. A plaque, erected by the Ohio Historical Markers Committee

to mark the site, was unveiled on the occasion.


The city council of Cincinnati has authorized the city planning com-

mission to prepare legislation for the purpose of preserving historic

and unusual sites in Cincinnati.