Ohio History Journal

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170                                                                    OHIO HISTORY



from 1811 to 1881," Fire Lands Pioneer, New Series, I (1882), 75.

82 James E. Gray, The Family Record and History of Rev. David and Naomi Gray (Indianapolis.

1887), 102-103; Minutes, III, 181, 290.

83 William Herr to Williams and Killrath, July 8, 1844. Williams Collection.

84 Williams and Killrath to Herr, August 7, 1844. Williams Collection.

85 Minutes, III, 516-517.

86 William D. Barrett to James B. Finley, March 7, 1837, Finley Papers: Minutes, II, 356, 420.

87 Werter R. Davis to James B. Finley, December 18, [1845]. Finley Papers.

88 Finley to Davis, July 18, 1846. Finley Papers.

89 Davis to Finley, July 27, 1846. Finley Papers.

90 He returned to the Eaton Circuit in the fall of 1846, but during the following year Finley

received a letter from his son-in-law saying that "Bro. Davis is not desired back." Davis did leave

Eaton for Finley Chapel in Dayton, named in honor of James B. Finley, where he served from

1848 to 1850. The next two years he was at Lebanon and his last year in Ohio (1852-53) was at

Hamilton and Rossville. John C. Brooke to Finley, August 27, 1847, Finley Papers; Minutes, IV,

167, 289, 383, 517, 662: V, 121, 294.

91 Davis to Finley, May 18, 1852. Finley Papers.

92 Homer K. Ebright, The History of Baker University (Baldwin, Kans., 1951), 58-60.

93 See Finley, Sketches of Western Methodism, 185-192, 317-329, for biographies of Sale and


94 John Sale to James B. Finley, May 17, 1825. Finley Papers.

95 J. Hendershott to James B. Finley, September 25, 1848. Finley Papers.

96 John P. Finley to James B. Finley, August 29, 1821. Finley Papers.

97 C. C. Hood to James B. Finley, August 1, 1845. Finley Papers.

98 Henry Wilson to James B. Finley, August 29, 1846. Finley Papers.

99 Members of the Germantown Station to Conference at Mansfield, 1831. Manuscripts of the

Methodist Episcopal Church in Ohio, Ohio Historical Society. The circuit name was changed

from Greenville to Eaton. Minutes, II, 81, 124.

100 Joseph Tarkington, Autobiography of Rev. Joseph Tarkington  (Cincinnati, 1899), 21-22.

The reference is in the introduction by T. A. Goodwin.

101 Gray, Family Record, 83-84.

102 Minutes of the Cincinnati Annual Conference (Cincinnati, 1853), 41.





1 A grant from the Penrose Fund of the American Philosophical Society made it possible for

the author to do some of the research upon which this article is based.

2 Pittsburgh Gazette, October 17, 1850.

3 Communication signed "Many Masters" in Frankfort (Weekly) Commonwealth, May 21, 1850;

Congressional Globe, 31 cong., 1 sess., 123.

4 Congressional Globe, 31 cong., 1 sess., 79.

5 For a discussion of the fugitive slave question, see Larry Gara, The Liberty Line: The Legend

of the Underground Railroad (Lexington, Ky., 1961), Chap. 3.

3 Delaware State Journal (Wilmington), April 1, 1851; "The Fugitive Slave Law," reprinted

from Brownson's Quarterly Review (Boston) in National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York),

August 28, 1851.

7 Tri-Weekly Maysville Eagle, November 5, 1857; Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, June 16, 1857.

8 Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, March 15, 1851.

9 Pittsburgh Gazette, September 24, 1850: Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, October 12, 1850.

10 Pittsburgh Gazette, November 4, 1850; Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, October 12, 1850.

11 Thomas Garrett to William Lloyd Garrison, December 5, 1850, William Lloyd Garrison

Papers, Boston Public Library; David Evans Journal, entry for December 1, 1850, Chester County

Historical Society, West Chester, Pa.: Anti-Slavery Bugle (Salem, Ohio), October 12, 1850.

12 This information is taken from Samuel May, Jr., The Fugitive Slave Law and Its Victims

(New York, 1861). In this pamphlet May included virtually all cases of rendition and prosecution

under the 1850 law in addition to much other information, all from the abolitionist point of view.

13 Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, August 18, 1853.

14 Ibid., February 2, March 2, 12, April 24, 25, 1856.

15 Ibid., November 10, 1857.