Ohio History Journal

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210                                                         OHIO   HISTORY



especially attentive, introducing him upon the floor of Parliament and presenting him

to members generally."

50. Chatham Weekly Planet, September 3, 1863. The name of Sandwich Street was

later changed to Riverside Drive. The British-American House now stands on the spot

where once the Hirons House stood.

51. Telegram, W. P. Anderson to Col. J. R. Smith, August 27, 1863, in Citizens' File,

War Department Collection of Confederate Records, National Archives; Official Records

of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series II, Vol. VI, 231-232, 276.

52. Chicago Times, (n.d.), quoted in Dayton Daily Journal, October 24, 1867.

53. Detroit Free Press, August 25, 1863.

54. Ibid., August 26, 1863.

55. Ibid., October 8, 1863.

56. Dayton Daily Journal, August 15, 1863.

57. Cleveland Leader, August 19, 1863.

58. A. H. Thresher to Albert G. Riddle, July 13, 1863, Albert G. Riddle Papers,

Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland; Ashtabula Sentinel, (n.d.), quoted in

True Telegraph (Hamilton, Ohio), June 9, 1863.

59. Dayton Daily Journal, October 3, 1863; The Crisis, September 16, 1863.

60. The decline of midwestern opposition to the Lincoln administration is treated in

Frank L. Klement, The Copperheads in the Middle West (Chicago, 1960), 206-243.

61. Quoted in Irving L. Schwartz, "Dayton, Ohio, During the Civil War" (unpublished

M.A. thesis, Miami University, 1949), 9, 65.

62. Daily Globe, October 17, 1863.

63. Vallandigham to Samuel S. Cox, October 28, 1863. Manton Marble Papers.

64. Vallandigham to William C. Jewett, October 16, 1863, published in William C.

Jewett, Mediation Position of France (London, 1863), 5-6; Jewett to Horatio Seymour,

January 24, 1863, Horatio Seymour Papers, New York State Library, Albany.

65. Detroit Free Press, November 15, 1863. The speech to the University of Michigan

students was published in entirety in Vallandigham, A Life of Clement L. Vallandigham,


66. Ex parte Vallandigham, 68 U. S. 243-254. The decision was announced on Febru-

ary 15, 1864. The supreme court reversed itself several years later, after the war was

over, in Ex parte Milligan, 4 Wallace 2.

67. Dayton Daily Empire, March 1, 1864.

68. Thomas O. Lowe to William Lowe, March 16, 1864. Thomas O. Lowe Papers,

Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library, Dayton, Ohio.

69. Vallandigham to Messrs. Hubbard & Brother, March 7, 1864, published in Dayton

Daily Journal, March 14, 1864.

70. Testimony of Vallandigham, March 29, 1865, before the Cincinnati Military Com-

mission, published in Cincinnati Enquirer, March 30, 1865; S. Corning Judd to Abraham

Lincoln, March 3, 1865, John Nicolay-John Hay Papers, Library of the Illinois State

Historical Society, Springfield.

71. The Sons of Liberty are debunked in Klement, The Copperheads in the Middle

West, 161-169, 190-205.

72. Stephen D. Cone, Biographical and Historical Sketches: A Narrative of Hamil-

ton and Its Residents from 1792 to 1896 (Hamilton, Ohio, 1896), 198.

73. Quebec Morning Chronicle, June 17, 1864; Daily Globe, June 16, 1864; The

Islander (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island), June 24, 1864; The Novascotian, June

27, 1864; Daily Leader, June 17, 1864.

74. "Gratitude is the remembrance of the heart."





1. The chief source of information on the early life of the Porter family is the

manuscript of Mrs. Henry Farwell, granddaughter of Lemuel Porter. Unless otherwise

indicated, it is the source of the early biographical data throughout. It is located in the

Hudson Historical Society, Hudson, Ohio.

2. Edmund W. Sinnott's Meetinghouse and Church in Early New England (New

York, 1963) illuminates the probable relationship of the Hoadley and Porter churches.

According to Mrs. Farwell, Porter and Hoadley had been apprenticed as boys to the

same wooden-clock maker at the same time.

3. Frederick C. Waite, Western Reserve University: The Hudson Era (Cleveland,

1943), 471.

4. I am much indebted throughout to Waite's descriptions of the Hudson campus

buildings in the work cited above, 184ff.