Ohio History Journal

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Editor's Note

Editor's Note


In this issue of Ohio History we are pleased to publish the winning

manuscripts from the Ohio Bicentennial Article Contest. Sponsored by

the Ohio American Revolution Advisory Commission, the Ohio

Academy of History, and the Ohio Historical Society, the contest re-

ceived several dozen articles submitted on the theme of "The Consequ-

ences of the Revolution in the Ohio Country." Ajudging committee was

selected representing each of the three sponsors: Mr. David Twining,

College Coordinator, from OARBAC; Professor Carl Ubbelohde of

Case Western Reserve University, Professor Richard Jellison of Miami

University, and Professor David C. Skaggs of Bowling Green State

University, from OAH; and this editor from OHS. The committee had

the difficult task of selecting the best four manuscripts. Each winner was

to have his article published in this journal and receive five hundred

dollars in prize money from OARBAC.

The committee completed its work in January and the awards were

presented in early February. Editing of the manuscripts began im-

mediately. Technical problems developed, however, which made it

impossible to publish all four articles in the same issue of the journal.

One of the winners, Professor Conrad Donakowski, graciously allowed

his manuscript to be published at a later date.

The first article is a superbly documented narrative of the origins of

party politics in Ohio by a frequent contributor to thisjournal, Donald J.

Ratcliffe. A recognized scholar on the history of Ohio during the early

national period, Ratcliffe is a thirty-four-year-old Englishman who

teaches American history at the University of Durham, Durham, Eng-

land. He was educated at Oxford, where he gained First Class Honors in

Modern History in 1963. His graduate career included study at the

universities of Bristol, Oxford, and California at Berkeley.

Mrs. Charlotte W. Dudley of Sacramento, California is the author of

the article on Jared Mansfield. Originally from New Jersey, Mrs. Dudley

attended Wellesley College and graduated in 1935 with a major in Eng-

lish Composition and membership in Phi Beta Kappa. The author's late

husband, Professor Winston Mansfield Dudley, was a great-great-

grandson of Jared Mansfield.

The third article is an interesting account of James Kilbourn and the

settlement of Worthington, Ohio. The undertaking grew out of a seminar

conducted at The Ohio State University by the two authors. Dr. Paul C.

Bowers, Jr., is Assistant Professor of History at the Columbus campus

and has delivered several papers at historical conferences and has

contributed articles on the American Revolution to The Encyclopedia

Americana. Bowers holds an A.B. and Ph.D. from Duke University and

a B.D. and Th.M. from Union Theological Seminary. Dr. Goodwin F.