Ohio History Journal

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Book Notes



The Overland Journal of Amos Piatt Josselyn: Zanesville, Ohio to the

Sacramento Valley April 1849 to September 11, 1849. Edited by J. William Barrett

II. (Baltimore: Gateway Press, 1978. 129 p.; illustrations, appendices, bibliography,

index.) The principal value of this brief work is that Josselyn was one of the few

"forty-niners" to record his experiences. As told through his journals and letters,

Josselyn's description of his three-year affliction with "gold fever" recounts one of

the more exciting episodes in nineteenth century American history. It took Josselyn

163 days to travel overland from Zanesville to Sacramento. Along the way he and

his company encountered bad weather, crossed rivers such as the Platte, and passed

through such places as Forts Kearny and Laramie and Salt Lake City. Once in

California, Josselyn made that sobering discovery common to most prospectors-

namely, there was little gold to be found and chances were great that one would

return home poorer rather than richer. Josselyn was more fortunate than most

miners, returning to Zanesville in 1852 a "might richer" for his efforts. Ably edited

and annotated, Overland Journal is a useful contribution to the history of the

California gold rush.

Cincinnati in Color. Text by Walter C. Langsam, photographs by Julianne

Warren. (New York: Hastings House Publishers, 1978. 95p.; illustrations.) The

authors offer a colorful introduction to this midwestern commercial center.

Langsam provides a brief, well written history of Cincinnati, as well as comments

on Warren's attractive thirty-two full-color photographs of the city's landmarks.

The book will appeal primarily to local residents, although the photographs alone

should attract a wider audience.


Creative Congregationalism: A History of the Oak Grove Mennonite Church in

Wayne County, Ohio. By James O. Lehman. (Smithville, Ohio: Oak Grove

Mennonite Church, 1978. v + 320 p.; maps, illustrations, appendices, notes, index.)

This is the author's third book on a Wayne County congregation, and as with the

previous two he makes an original contribution to Ohio's local religious history.

Lehman presents a detailed account of Oak Grove's Amish Mennonites, covering

their activities over the century and a half since their organization in the early

nineteenth century. The work is more than just religious history; using the

Mennonites as his vehicle, Lehman provides a social and economic history as well.

It is a well researched book-sources include archival manuscripts, letters, census

and burial records, diaries, newspapers, and secondary works. A worthwhile piece

of scholarship, this work is a valuable contribution to Ohio's religious and local



The Papers of Henry Bouquet, Volume IV, September 1, 1759-August 31, 1760.

Edited by Louis M. Waddell, John L. Tottenham, and Donald H. Kent.

(Harrisburg: The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1978. xxiii +