Ohio History Journal

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Book Notes



The Papers of Henry Bouquet, Volume 5: September 1, 1760-October 31,

1761. Edited by Louis M. Waddell, John L. Tottenham, and Donald H. Kent.

(Harrisburg: The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1984. xxx

+ 875p.; illustrations, bibliography, chronology, index.) Henry Bouquet, born

in Switzerland in 1719, passed his early military training and experience in the

service of several European states. In 1756, he was recruited to serve as a

lieutenant colonel in the Royal American Regiment, and was sent by the British

to the North American colonies following the outbreak of war with France. He

served mainly on the western colonial frontier, becoming involved in some of

the more important events of the day; he continued with the British until his

death in 1765. During the period of this volume of his papers, fourth in the

series, several events of historical importance and interest took place: surren-

der of French Canada to the British Army and subsequent surrender of Fort

Detroit and other western posts; attempts to control illegal hunting and

settlement by eastern colonials of the frontier area; various and many problems

with the western Indians; naturalist John Bartram's tour of the upper Ohio

River area. Letters and other documents (with translations of those in French)

give accounts of these events. The annotations, chronology, and index make

this another very useful volume in a very useful series.

Above and Beyond: A History of the Medal of Honor from the Civil War to

Vietnam. Edited by Gordon Hardy. (Boston: Boston Publishing Company,

1985. vi + 346p.; illustrations, maps, register of recipients, bibliography,

index.) "America's history is well-stocked with heroes ... 3,393 men-and

one woman-... have been awarded the Medal of Honor for displaying

courage and sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty." The Continental

Congress awarded the first United States medals for individual gallantry in

military action during the Revolutionary War. It was not until the Civil War,

however, that Congress established a permanent system of recognition: first,

for the Navy in 1861, and then for the Army in 1862. Since then, Congress has

awarded the Medal of Honor during every major military conflict, and has

bestowed it nearly 200 times for meritorious action of soldiers and sailors

during peacetime. This book is divided into chapters, each relating to an

important period in the military history of the United States down to the

Vietnam War. And, it concludes with a very useful Register of Recipients.

The story of the Medal of Honor is replete with fascinating accounts of

attention to duty, selfless heroism, and derring-do; it begins with the Civil War.

The sole woman ever to receive the Medal was Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, one

of the first woman physicians in the United States. Although denied a

commission as an Army officer, she served as field surgeon for the Union

Army. General George Armstrong Custer's brother, Thomas, was the only

soldier to be awarded two Medals of Honor during the Civil War, both for

capturing the battle flags of opposing units during combat. Congress had