Ohio History Journal

Index M Results

Mowry, Duane
"Letters of Senator H. B. Payne of Ohio,"
543 - 548 Volume 22/October 1913/Number 4
Mowry, Duane, editor
"Richard Plantaganet Llewellyn Baber: A Sketch and Some of His Letters,"
370 - 381 Volume 19/October 1910/Number 4
Mr. Mathew's Address
"Mr. Mathew's Address" (Ohio-Columbus Centennial)
452 - 461 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Mr. Meek's Address
"Mr. Meek's Address (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield),"
366 - 369 Volume 19/October 1910/Number 4
Mr. Richardson's Address
"Mr. Richardson's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument),"
371 - 374 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Mr. Thraves' Address
"Mr. Thraves' Address (Dedication of Hayes Memorial),"
420 - 425 Volume 25/October 1916/Number 4
Mrs. Julia B. Foraker
"Mrs. Julia B. Foraker: A Review of Her Autobiography,"by C. B. Galbreath
377 - 408 Volume 42/October 1933/Number 4
Mrs. Kite's Address
"Mrs. Kite's Address (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument),"
360 - 362 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Mrs. Trollope in Porkopolis
"Mrs. Trollope in Porkopolis,"by William H. Hildreth
35 - 51 Volume 58/January 1949/Number 1
"A Public Official as a Muckraker: Brand Whitlock,"by Neil Thorburn
5 - 1 notes 67 - 68 Volume 78/Winter 1969/Number 1
Mulder, John M.
"The Heavenly City and Human Cities: Washington Gladden and Urban Reform,"
151 - 174 Volume 87/Spring 1978/Number 2
Mullan, Edward C. and George T. Harding
"Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln (R,N and C),"
282 - 284 Volume 32/January 1923/Number 1
Municipal Government
"Municipal Government in an Average City: Cleveland, 1876-1900,"by James B. Whipple
1 - 24 Volume 62/January 1953/Number 1
Municipal reform
"Obstacles to Plan Implementation in the Age of Comprehensive City Planning: Cincinnati's Experience,"by Robert A. Burnham
157 - 173 Volume 105/Summer-Autumn 1996
Munk, Christoph Jacob
"Down the Rhine to the Ohio: The Travel Diary of Christoph Jacob Munk, April 21-August 17, 1832,"by August C. Mahr
266 - 310 Volume 57/July 1948/Number 3
Munson, A. W.
"Fort McArthur,"
321 - 327 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3
Murdoch, Florence
"Summary of the Manuscript Recollections of Milo G. Williams (1804-1880),"
113 - 126 Volume 54/April-June 1945/Number 2
Murdock, Eugene C.
"Cleveland's Johnson,"
323 - 333 Volume 62/October 1953/Number 4

"Cleveland's Johnson: At Home,"
319 - 335 Volume 63/October 1954/Number 4

"Cleveland's Johnson: Elected Mayor,"
28 - 43 Volume 65/January 1956/Number 1