Ohio History Journal

360 Ohio Arch

360       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

dresses followed by Hon. Geo. E. Pomeroy of Toledo, Past

Governor of Society Colonial Wars; Prof. G. F. Frederick

Wright, Hon. James M. Richardson of Cleveland, President

General Sons of the American Revolution and Colonel Webb C.

Hayes. To all who attended the exerices were of great interest

and made the day memorable while the hospitality of Port Clin-

ton's patriotic people to all the visiting delegates will long be

gratefully remembered. Prof. Wright in his afternoon address

called attention to an interesting fact. He said that both monu-

ments were of boulders which had come from what was originally

British soil, carried down by ice floes probably about ten thou-

sand years ago from upper Lake Huron and Lake Superior

regions and deposited on Ohio's soil.



It is a well known saying that "Nations are ungrateful.".

Even Washington Irving said, "The idol of today pushes the

hero of yesterday out of our recollections, and will in turn be

supplanted by his successor of tomorrow."

While all this may have been true in the past, it is hardly

justified now.

The changed condition is largely due to the tremendous in-

fluence of patriotic societies, so ably represented here today, an

influence which is rapidly increasing year by year, and is being

recognized as a power in state and national legislation.

The marking of historic sites, locating important trails, dis-

covering Revolutionary graves has been no easy task.

The success attending such efforts is wonderful, and reflects

great credit upon the local and state committees having such

matters in charge.

It has been up-hill work because of the general utilitarian

and too practical spirit of many Americans, who are prone to

place land values upon a financial, rather than a patriotic or sen-

timental basis; but perseverance and fidelity to a set purpose,

have conquered in many instances over commercialism, and thus

we have our monuments and many old buildings restored and


Bacon has said, "Industrious persons, by an exact and

Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage

Old Fort Sandoski and the De Lery Portage.    361

scrupulous diligence and observation, out of monuments, names,

words, proverbs, traditions, private records and evidences, frag-

ments of stories, passages of books that concern not story, and

the like, do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of time."

In all such work none have been more enthusiastic and

untiring in their efforts than the Daughters of the American


It needed but the suggestion of Col. Hayes, backed by his

wonderful enthusiasm and zeal, to start the "Ohio Daughters"

on their work of helping to locate the most historic trail in the

state, running from Port Clinton to Columbus, now known as

the "Harrison Trail."

My illustrious precedessor, Mrs. Clayton R. Truesdall then

state regent, received the suggestion with her usual clear headed,

farsighted grasp of the situation, and enthusiastically presented

the subject to the Daughters of the American Revolution at their

next state conferences held in Athens.

With Mrs. Truesdall "to think is to act," and in her usual

convincing manner made the members of our society see the

matter from her view point; and the tablet to mark the end of

the Harrison Trail was assured, also much necessary work

from the Historic Sites committee, of which Mrs. John T.

Mack of Sandusky is the most efficient chairman.

All over Ohio the Daughters of the American Revolution

are doing splendid work along the same lines.

In this connection, the largest undertaking in which we are

concerned is the "Ocean to Ocean Highway," to be formed by

successive old roads and trails.

It seems tremendous in its scope and expense, but if com-

pleted will be the proudest achievement of modern times.

The work is well started in Ohio, and will be pushed as

rapidly as possible.

Much has been accomplished by our society in this work in

Missouri, Colorado, Nebraska and other western states, and with

our rapidly increasing membership formed of the best and truest

women in the land, success must of necessity crown any effort

of ours.

362 Ohio Arch

362       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.

The short inscription of this tablet we are honoring today,

gives concisely historic facts which all may read.

It does not need a very vivid imagination to see and feel

all the labor, sacrifice, bloodshed, aching hearts and desolate

homes which are summed up in these facts.

We exult over the victories achieved, and thrill with horror

over the martyrdom of Col. Crawford.

His name is on the bead-roll of fame, and we all unite to

honor his memory, (and here it gives me pleasure to state that

our newest chapter, in Bucyrus, is named "Hannah Crawford,"

in memory of the brave wife of the martyr.)

Could he speak we might hear him say: "I have executed a

monument more lasting than brass, and more sublime than the

regal elevation of pyramids which neither the wasting shower,

the unavailing north wind, or an innumerable succession of years

and the flight of seasons shall be able to demolish."-(Smart's


In the name of the Ohio Daughters of the American Revo-

lution, I present this tablet to mark the northern terminal of the

old Indian water way and land trail, later known as the

"Harrison Trail."





The Daughters of the War of 1812 esteem it a great honor

to have erected this, their first tablet in the State of Ohio on so

historic a spot, and especially so, because it commemorates so

much history in the war period this organization stands for.

We have gathered here today to commemorate scenes in the

making of our nation which transpired almost one hundred

years ago. Here the red man came from the northland on his

way to the beautiful Ohio country. Again, we read of the trap-

per and a little later, of the history of old Fort Sandoski, and

of the terrible scenes enacted there at the time of Pontiac's con-

spiracy. During the war of 1812, Commodore Perry and Gen-

eral William Henry Harrison met in council not far from this

place. Commodore Perry requested Gen. Harrison to give him

troops to help man his ships. Thirty-six men responded, and 45