Ohio History Journal



Archaeological and Historical






Ohio State University

In the autumn of 1770 George Washington made a

journey into the interior of North America in the

interest of the Virginia soldiers who had fought in

the Indian wars, and had been promised western lands

as reward for their services. Also Washington had

personal reasons for making this reconnaissance of the

lands along the Ohio River. He had the foresight to

envision the development of the trans-Appalachian

country and characteristically he was interested in ac-

quiring some of the choice lands before they were pre-

empted by others. The story of Washington and the

Ohio valley has been told elsewhere,1 therefore we will

be content to follow him down the Ohio River and

back again to Fort Pitt at the junction of the Alle-

gheny and Monongahela Rivers.

Washington began his journey to the Ohio River on

October 5, 1770, but he did not begin the actual de-

scent of the river until the 20th of the month. The

intervening fifteen days were consumed in the journey

to the junction of the two rivers which jointly become

the Ohio, and by certain other journeys and stop-

overs which delayed him somewhat. He spent some

time with Captain William Crawford who was Wash-

1 Archer B. Hulbert, Washington and the West, New York, 1905.


2 Ohio Arch

2           Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

ington's western representative, and at Fort Pitt it was

only logical that a few days would be required to outfit

the party for the river journey.

Washington's river party consisted of himself, Dr.

Craik who accompanied him from Mount Vernon, Cap-

tain William Crawford, his western agent, Joseph

Nicholson,     Robert    Bell,  William     Harrison,     Charles

Morgan, Daniel Reardon, and two Indians, one called

Pheasant and the other left unnamed. On leaving Fort

Pitt they were joined by Colonel George Croghan,

Lieutenant Robert Hamilton, and Alexander McKee.2

These last three Washington left at Logstown, about

18 miles below Fort Pitt.

The accompanying map showing the location of

Washington's camp sites was originally prepared for

the Geographical Committee of the Washington Bicen-

tennial Commission. In its preparation the author has

had access to four transcriptions of that part of Wash-

ington's journal which pertains to the "Tour to the


2 Spelled Magee by Washington.

3 Jared Sparks, The Writings of George Washington, Vol. II, Boston,

1858. This transcription omits that portion of Washington's diary which

was injured.

Washington's "Tour to the Ohio," Old South Leaflets, Vol. II, General

Series No. 41, Boston. The copy omits the entries from Nov. 3 to 16 in-


Archer B. Hulbert, Washington's "Tour to the Ohio" and Articles of

"The Mississippi Company."  Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications,

Vol. 17, 1908, pp. 431-488. Hulbert has published all of Washington's

journal which covers the trip into the Ohio valley including the record from

November 6 to 17, which has been seriously damaged.

John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor, The Diaries of George Washington, 1748-

1799, Boston, 1925. Volume one includes Washington's journals through

the year 1770, and the record of his Ohio journey of the autumn of 1770

is entirely transcribed. Fitzpatrick and Hulbert's copies of the diaries have

proved most useful to the present writer.

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 3

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  3

Saturday, October 20.

On the afternoon of October 20, 1770, Washington

left Fort Pitt on his most westward journey into the

interior of North America. From his journal a simple

entry permits us to locate with fair accuracy his camp

site. He wrote,

"At two we dind at Mr. Magee's and Incamped 10

Miles below, and 4 above the Logs Town."

In his briefer diary entitled "Where and how my

time is Spent" the entry for October 20 is as follows:

"Set out for the Big Kanhawa with Dr. Craik, Captn.

Crawford and others. Incapd abt 14 miles off."

Cramer's Navigator4 gives "Loggstown" as on the

right bank of the Ohio 18 1/2 miles below Pittsburgh,

therefore the four miles "above the Logs Town" given

in Washington's detailed journal makes his day's trip

14 1/2 miles. This camp quite certainly was on the north

side of the Ohio near where Economy, Pennsylvania,

now stands.


Sunday, October 21.

The final paragraph of his journal states that,

"From Racoon Creek to little Bever Creek appears to

me to be little short of 10 Miles, and about 3 Miles

below this we Incamped; after hiding a Barrl. of Bis-

quet in an Island (in Sight) to lighten our Canoe."

The Little Beaver Creek enters the Ohio River a

little over a half mile above the Ohio boundary. Three

miles below the mouth of the river places the camp site

near the downstream end of Babbs Island and about

one mile above East Liverpool.   Hulbert suggested


4 Zadok Cramer, The Navigator, Pittsburgh, 1818, p. 69.

4 Ohio Arch

4        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Baker's Island about eight miles farther down stream.

This certainly is too far. The footnote in Fitzpatrick's

copy states, "This would have carried Washington

nearly if not quite over the State line into Ohio." This

obviously is short of the distance actually covered.

In his entry for the following day he observes that

he came to the mouth of Yellow Creek about eight miles

down stream from his camp site, and this is substan-

tially the correct distance if we place the camp one mile

above East Liverpool.

It appears thus far that Washington's party held

their canoes close to the north shore for nearly all of

his observations on streams are about those which enter

from the north, and the fertile lands which he described

are chiefly along the north side of the Ohio River.

Monday, October 22.

On the next day the party made rapid progress down

the river covering twenty-eight miles from the last

camp. They reached "... Mingo Town; Situate on the

West Side the River a little above the Cross Creeks."

This camp was located about two miles below Steu-

benville just above Cross Creek in Ohio where Mingo

Junction is now located.

Washington states that this is seventy-five miles

below Pittsburgh. This distance checks almost exactly

with the 74 3/4 miles shown in Cumings' Western Pilot5

for 1836, and the 76 1/4 miles given in Cramer's

Navigator.6 There can be little doubt about this camp

site of the night of October 22.


5 Samuel Cumings, The Western Pilot, Cincinnati, 1836.

6 Cramer, Op. cit.

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 5

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  5

Tuesday, October 23.

Washington's account states that they passed the sec-

ond set of Cross creeks and about three miles below

this ". . . at the lower point of some Islands . . ." the

Indians told them about land here being marked. After

discussing this briefly he closes his account with "At

this Place we Incampd." This places the site near the

downstream end of Pike Island, but we have no way

of knowing on which side they camped.

A portion of his entry for October 23 is devoted to

the news that two traders had been killed, but Wash-

ington reserved space for his usual comments about the

character of the land and the streams which enter

the Ohio. Thus far he learned either from the Indians

or a member of his party that all of the land eastward

to the Red Stone, a tributary of the Monongahela, was

claimed by three Virginians.

Wednesday, October 24.

Washington's entry of October 24 states that, "Two

or three Miles below the Pipe Creek is a pretty large

creek on the West side, called by Nicholson, Fox Grape

Vine, by others Captema Creek . . . at the Mouth of

it... we came abt. 3 Oclock in the afternoon, and find-

ing no body there, we agreed to Camp."

This site just above the mouth of the Captina Creek

on the Ohio side is one of the most easily located.

Nicholson and one of the Indian guides went up the

Captina to inquire at the Indian camp about the death

of the traders. It is apparent that Washington was a

little hesitant about going farther down the river until

he could learn more of the details about the death of the

two white traders.

6 Ohio Arch

6        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

From the Indian women they learned that only one

trader had lost his life and he had been drowned in

attempting to cross the Ohio. Early the next morning

they were off again on the downstream journey.


Thursday, October 25.

Washington's entry for October 25 states that

"About half way in the long reach we Incampd, opposite

to the beginning of a large bottom on the East side of

the River."

From this involved statement it is a little difficult to

fix the location exactly. The camp probably was on

the Ohio side of the river opposite the West Virginia

city of Sistersville.

On this date Washington observed the abundance

of game mentioning in particular the wild turkeys and


From time to time he noted briefly the passing

weather and on this occasion he recorded seeing a large

number of fallen trees at the entrance to a tributary

valley. The Indians called the stream "broken Timber

Creek." Washington explained that the timber had

been destroyed by a hurricane.

Friday, October 26.

His downstream progress can be checked quite defi-

nitely, for among other landmarks he mentions three

islands formerly called the Three Brothers.

"About 12 Miles below the three Islands we In-

campd just above the Mouth of a Creek which appears

pretty large at the Mouth and just above an island."

This item from his more elaborate journal gives the

distance by a downstream measurement from an indefi-

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 7

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  7

nite location. The three islands mentioned by Washing-

ton and later known as the Three Brothers are of vary-

ing dimensions and occupy a section of the river

approximately four miles in length.  However, the

Navigator7 gives the Third Brother a specific distance

of one hundred and seventy miles below Pittsburgh and

thirteen miles above the mouth of the Muskingum. In

The Western Pilot Cumings8 gives the Three Brother

Islands a distance of one hundred and fifty-eight miles

below Pittsburgh with the mouth of the Muskingum

sixteen miles farther downstream. Washington states

that his party camped twelve miles below the islands,

so this would place his camp four miles above the mouth

of the Muskingum. In his briefer diary the following

statement is recorded: "Incampd at the Mouth of a

Creek about 4 miles above the Mouth of Muskingum,

distant abt. 32 miles." This places his camp just above

the mouth of the Little Muskingum and not Duck Creek

as suggested in Fitzpatrick's transcription.9 Hulbert10

gives the correct location just above the mouth of the

Little Muskingum.


Saturday, October 27.

On this day Washington and his party moved down-

stream past the mouth of the Muskingum, the Little

Kanawha, and "a cluster of Islands."  This cluster

must have been the higher portions of Blennerhasset's

Island which was to become of peculiar interest in con-

nection with the activities of Aaron Burr.


7 Cramer, Op. cit., p. 82.

8 Cumings, Op. cit., p. 20.

9 Fitzpatrick, Op. cit., Vol. I, p. 421.

10 Hulbert, Op. cit., p. 463.

8 Ohio Arch

8        Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

"About 8 Miles below little Hockhocking we In-

camped opposite to the Mouth of the great Hockhock-

ing." This entry places his camp site on the West

Virginia shore of the Ohio River.

Sunday, October 28.

The camp of Sunday, October 28, is very uncertain.

Washington reports meeting Indians about four miles

below his camp of the previous night. He was delayed

by idle councils with the Indians who finally moved

downstream with his party in order not to delay the

journey. Fitzpatrick11 reports the move as three miles

but Hulbert12 gives six miles. In either case the loca-

tion cannot be exact. In a footnote Hulbert gives Pond

Creek as the location, and this makes the site only three

miles below the place where Washington met the


In the entry for the following day Washington

states that "Opposite to the Creek just below wch. we

Incampd, is a pretty long bottom, and I believe tolerable


If this bottom is the one now known as "Long Bot-

tom" his camp was probably just below the mouth of

what is now Pond Creek, which enters the Ohio from

the West Virginia side.

If he camped six miles below the bottom in which

he met the Indians his camp may have been on the Ohio

side just below the mouth of Shade River.

Monday, October 29.

The entry for this day is a little indefinite but certain


11 Fitzpatrick, Op. cit., p. 423.

12 Hulbert, Op. cit., p. 465.  Jared Sparks's transcription omits the num-

ber of miles entirely. The copy in the Old South Leaflets gives six miles.

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 9

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  9

landmarks which can be identified indicate that he made

rapid progress downstream. He passed the rapids at

the point of the Great Bend. He writes that "for two

Miles and a half below this the River Runs a No. Et.

Course, and finishes what they call the "Great Bent.

Two Miles and an half below this again we Incampd."

From his camp of the night before this site is thirty-five

miles downstream, a very long distance to make in a

single day considering that he did not set out until after

9 o'clock.

On which side he camped we cannot be sure, but

probably on the West Virginia shore, for the next

day's entry refers to the wide bottom on that side reach-

ing to the point of the Great Bend. His allusion to

having camped in it places the site on the West Virginia

side but the exact place along the river cannot be



Tuesday, October 30.

From the entry of Wednesday, October 31, we learn

that his camp of October 30 was five miles above the

mouth of the Kanawha River. He wrote: "I sent the

Canoe along down to the junction of the two Rivers abt.

5 Miles, that is the Kanhawa with the Ohio." This site

probably was on the West Virginia side, for during that

day he had been exploring the land on the south side of

the river. As Washington approached the Kanawha

he made a critical examination of the terrain. On this

date he landed and made an excursion some distance

from the river where he found the ". . . Land grown up

with Hicky. and oaks of different kinds, intermixed

with Walnut, etca. here and there."

10 Ohio Arch

10      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Wednesday, October 31.

During the day of October 31 Washington spent

some time exploring the lands in the open angle formed

by the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers. From his camping

place of the night before he states that "We steered

nearly East for about 8 or 9 Miles, then bore South-

wardly, and Westwardly, till we came to our Camp at

the confluence of the Rivers." It is clear then that his

camp on the night of October 31 was at the junction of

the Kanawha with the Ohio, on land now included in

the city of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.


Thursday, November 1.

"We judgd we went up this River about 10 Miles

to day." In this manner Washington gives the approxi-

mate location of his camp site. Presumably it was on

the east side of the Kanawha, for practically all of his

recorded observations show that he spent some time

examining the lands to the east of the river.


Friday, November 2.

His progress up the Kanawha was indeed slow on

the first day of November, but on the second he did not

go half so far as on the preceding day. "We proceeded

up the River with the Canoe about 4 Miles more, and

then incampd and went a Hunting." Some of the party

went four or five miles farther upstream but there is no

evidence that the camp was moved. Again we may

assume that the camp was located on the east side of

the river.


Saturday, November 3.

Washington camped a second time at the mouth of

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 11

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  11

the Kanawha River. On November 3 he recorded:

"We set of down the River on our return homewards,

and Incampd at the Mouth."

Also from this day's record we know that Washing-

ton ascended the Kanawha only fourteen miles, for on

his downstream journey to the Ohio he gave the direc-

tions and distances which total exactly fourteen miles.


Sunday, November 4.

The journey up the Ohio began on November 4 on

which date the party made about twenty miles, reaching

the bottom in which they camped on October 27. Wash-

ington recorded observing the bottom above Point

Pleasant and the bottom along the horseshoe-shaped

course of the Ohio. Continuing he writes that "After

passing this bottom and abt. a Mile of Hills, we entered

into the 3d Bottom and Incampd. This bottom reaches

within about half a Mile of the Rapid at the point of

the Great Bent."


Monday, November 5.

Washington and Captain Crawford walked about

eight miles along the base of the hills which parallel

the south side of the river, and probably joined the re-

mainder of the party just below the rapids in the Great


As they made their way upstream they came to a

bottom which Washington described on October 29.

This gives us a key to the location of his camp for the

night of November 5. In his journal he wrote, "A little

above this Bottom we Incamped...." The point indi-

cated on the map is somewhat indefinite, but the camp

was probably located on the south shore.

12 Ohio Arch

12      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Tuesday, November 6.

Five miles upstream they came to Kiashuta's camp

and were detained all day in a lowland on the east side

of the Ohio. In his journal he recorded, "We left our

Incampment a little after daylight, and in about 5 Miles

we came to Kiashutas Hunting Camp. . . ."   A little

further on he added, "I was detained at Kiashuta's Camp

all the remaining part of this day." This move of only

five miles is one of the shortest on his Ohio River



Wednesday, November 7.

The Washington journal covering the ten-day period

from November 7 to 16 has been greatly injured, thus

the location of the camp sites becomes increasingly dif-

ficult. Fortunately his briefer diary entitled "Where

and how my time is Spent" gives some assistance in

making the locations.

The camp of November 7 cannot be located with

certainty. In the diary he wrote, "Reached the Mouth

of Hockhocking--distant abt. 20 Miles."  From the

mutilated journal we glean the following:

". . . ile or two, we passed a good smart . . .

on the East side, this Bottom . . . opposite to

Great Hockhocking above which, and opposite to

Dela . . . Hunting Party, we Incamped."

From these two entries we may conclude that his

camp was near the mouth of the Hocking River. From

the fragmented sentence we note that he located the

camp opposite to the Delaware hunting party. This

probably means that his camp was on the Ohio shore

above the mouth of the Hocking River. This would

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 13

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  13

free him from their idle conversations and permit him

to get an early start the next day.


Thursday, November 8.

Exact locations become difficult where the mutilated

journal permits of several interpretations.

". . .st below the Mouth of Mus . . . Incampd" has

been interpreted by Hulbert13 as "Just below the mouth

of Muskingum we Incamped." In the shorter diary

Washington wrote that they "Came within a Mile of

the Mouth of the Muskingum 27 Miles." On that day

he and Crawford explored the hills back to the south of

the river, and the Indian guide brought them to the

river lower down than they planned. This probably

means that the camp was on the south side of the river

and about a mile below the mouth of the Muskingum.

Friday, November 9.

The party made only about seventeen miles and

reached a section along the river later designated as the

Three Brothers. Washington's journal carries the brief

record: "Incampd by the 3 Islands." Not only stormy

weather but a bear hunt delayed the party for that day.

Obviously only an approximate location can be made of

the camp for the night of November 9. Washington's

estimate of the upstream distance was too high by ap-

proximately two or three miles.

Saturday, November 10.

Because of the continued rain, Washington's party

did not start out until noon and made only twelve miles,

according to his diary, to the lower end of the long


13 Hulbert, Op. cit., p. 475.

14 Ohio Arch

14       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

reach where he camped. As a matter of fact his esti-

mate of the distance is in error by about three miles.

The distance traveled was only nine miles, hence the

rapid current must have affected his estimation of the


This location is made from the brief entry in his

diary, "Arrivd at the lower end of the long reach abt 12

Miles, not setting of till 12 O clock."


Sunday, November 11.

From the journal which was injured it appears that

the party negotiated the long reach on November 11,

for the fragmented sentence reads as follows, ". . . we

got . . . head of the long reach abt . . ." In the briefer

journal he states simply, "Came about 16 Miles after

hard working the greatest part of the day." The long

reach measures almost exactly sixteen miles in length,

thus his camp can be located in a general way, but

again the side of the river cannot be determined.

Monday, November 12.

High water delayed the party again on November

12, and caused Washington to consider having the

horses brought to Mingo Town just below the modern

city of Steubenville. From his briefer journal we learn

that they made only five miles against the strong cur-

rent. His camp probably was at about the position of

New Martinsville, West Virginia.

"Only got about 5 Miles . . ." from the diary is all

that we have to make the location, for his entry in the

journal is devoted to the weather and the conditions of

the river in flood.

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 15

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  15

Tuesday, November 13.

From the briefer journal we learn that Washington

"Reached the uppermost broken Timber Creek distant

about 7 Miles, contending with a violent Currt. the whole

day." The stream referred to was mentioned in the

longer journal in the entry of October 25. This can be

identified as Sunfish Creek in Belmont County in Ohio.

It is possible then that Washington may have camped

on the Ohio side of the river at or near the mouth of

Sunfish Creek.


Wednesday, November 14.

Washington's briefer journal states that they "Came

to the Captening or Fox Grape Vine Creek distant about

10 Miles." In the longer but mutilated journal he men-

tions a distance of eleven miles. A measurement of

the river course between Sunfish Creek and Captina

Creek shows that the distance is only a little over eight

miles. Washington states definitely that he got out on

the west side and walked through a neck of land below

the mouth of the Captening (modern Captina Creek).

It is probable then that he camped on the Ohio shore

just above the mouth of the aforementioned creek.


Thursday, November 15.

The weather had improved and the party was mak-

ing better time upstream. In the briefer journal Wash-

ington recorded: "Reached Weeling (on the West)

where there had been an Indian Town and where some

of the Shawnas are going to settle in the Spring, distant

from our Incampment 12 Miles." His estimate of the

distance from their last camp is a few miles under the

actual distance covered even if we assume that he

16 Ohio, Arch

16       Ohio, Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

camped on November 15 two or three miles above the

mouth of Captina Creek. As a matter of fact Washing-

ton gives elsewhere in his journal a list of places and

distances which he made at Fort Pitt from Thomas

Hutchins' compilation, and from this record the dis-

tance may be derived by taking the difference between

the distances of the two places below Pittsburgh. This

difference is nineteen miles. A careful measurement of

the distance on the modern accurate maps shows it to

be just short of nineteen and a half miles.

Since Washington mentioned the Wheeling River on

the west side of the Ohio it is probable that he camped

on that side.

There is still an alternative location to be considered.

The stream now called the McMahon Creek enters the

Ohio from the west side about four and a half miles

below the Wheeling Creek of Ohio. This stream is

nearly fifteen miles above the Captina. In the record

for the following day Washington mentions that they

traveled upstream thirteen miles and camped a short

distance below the mouth of two cross creeks. I am

inclined to the opinion that Washington camped at the

mouth of McMahon Creek on the Ohio side of the river,

for thirteen miles upstream places his next camp ap-

proximately where he states it was, just below the second

cross creeks.

Friday, November 16.

As Washington continued upstream he took time to

ascend the hills near Wheeling, West Virginia, where

he could see the Wheeling River meandering through a

bottom of fine land. On the downstream journey he

observed two sets of cross creeks and it was just below

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 17

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  17

the second set that he camped on November 16. ". . . A

little below the 2d cross Creeks, we incampd distance

from our last 13 or fourteen Miles," is the record from

his longer journal. The distance from McMahon Creek

to Short Creek in Ohio, which is one of the cross creeks

referred to by Washington, is almost exactly thirteen

miles. The shorter diary is not very enlightening, for

the entry "Got within 13 miles of lower cross Creeks,

13 Miles," not only confirms the statement in the journal

but also contradicts it. From the more extended account

of the adjacent lands in his journal we may conclude

that his camp was just below the lower set of cross



Saturday, November 17.

At about three o'clock Washington arrived at Mingo

Town on the Ohio side of the river about three miles

below Steubenville. This was where he camped with

the Indians on the night of October 22. Here he hoped

to be met by the Indian who had been sent ahead to

bring the horses from  Fort Pitt.  The floods had

so delayed him that he passed through Mingo Town

". . . only the morning before. . . ." This probably means

the morning of the previous day.


Sunday, November 18.

Washington was still at Mingo Town on November

18. His very brief entry for that date relates his bar-

gaining with the Indians to take his canoe to Fort Pitt,

for which he agreed "to pay 6 Dollars and give them a

Quart Tinn Can."



Vol. XLI--2.

18 Ohio Arch

18       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Monday, November 19.

The Indians set off with the canoe on November 19

but Washington was detained at the Mingo camp. This

gave him time to make an extended entry in his journal

including a corrected list of places and distances which

he had made at Fort Pitt prior to his downstream jour-

ney. He had copied these distances from the record of

Thomas Hutchins, who later became geographer to the

Continental Army.


Tuesday, November 20.

The horses arrived at one o'clock and Washington

set out at two "and got about 10 miles." He probably

traveled eastward overland directly toward Fort Pitt,

and camped about five or six miles east of the Ohio-

Pennsylvania boundary.


Wednesday, November 21.

On Wednesday, November 21, Washington reached

Fort Pitt, a distance of about twenty-five miles from the

camp of the night before. His entry for this date is

concerned chiefly with the character of the land and its

vegetal cover.

On November 22 Washington spent the whole day

at Fort Pitt settling his accounts and entertaining

friends. The following day he set off for Mt. Vernon

which he reached on December 1 after having been

absent from home nine weeks and a day, on his longest

journey into the interior of North America.

On this "Tour to the Ohio" Washington penetrated

the Ohio country as far west as the junction of the

Kanawha and Ohio Rivers. On thirty-one consecutive

nights from October 20 to November 19, 1770, he

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River 19

Washington's Camp Sites on the Ohio River  19

camped upon the banks of the Ohio and Kanawha

Rivers. Of these thirty-one camp sites only thirteen

can be located with certainty and of these, two sites

were used on two or more different occasions. For

example, he spent four nights at Mingo Town, one on

the downstream journey and three on his return.

Five additional sites can be located with less cer-

tainty, but either from direct statement in the journal

or from the context it is possible to give the probable

side of the river chosen for the camp.

Of the remaining thirteen camps eight can be lo-

cated in a general way, that is, the approximate position

along the river can be given. Either because Washing-

ton failed to be explicit in his journal or because of the

accident which destroyed portions of the record for ten

days we are unable to determine the side of the river

on which he camped.

Five positions shown on the map are so uncertain

that they cannot be regarded as definite in any sense

whatever.  The position along the river probably is

within five miles of the actual site, but it is still a very

approximate location even as shown on the small scale


In this year of the bicentennial celebration of the

birth of George Washington it would be an appropriate

undertaking of the communities along the Ohio River to

attempt to mark these sites used by Washington in so

far as they can be located.