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Ohio History Journal




A                       Atwater, Caleb, 451.

Avery's History of United States, 508.

Aborigine, Use of term, 407.                                                     Axes, Copper, 154, 155, 157, 158.

Aborigines, [See Indians].                                                          Aztecs, 425.

The, 421.                                                                                       Confederacy of, 431.

Addresses, Dodge, Samuel D., 18.

Fairbanks, Chas. W., 27.

Harris, Andrew   L., 30.

Meek, Basil, 35.                       Bailey, Anne Sargent, Family connec-

Moore, J. P., Groghan Celebration,                                             tion of, 344.

at, 52.                                                                                         Heroism  of, 345.

Randall, E. 0., 31.                                                                         Life of, 341.

Allen County, Welsh churches in, 223.                                     Ball's Battle, 47, 48.

Welsh settlements in, 222.                                                 Baughman, A. J., Sketch of, 258.

'American Aborigines and Their Social                                   Bebb, Edward, Welsh pioneer, 199.

Customs," Easton, 421.                                                   Bebb, Governor William, 199.

American Wars, Fairbanks, on, 29.                                           Big Bone Lick, Rev. Smith's visit to,

Andrews, Martin R., re-appointed trus-         383.

tee of Society, 249.                 Bishop Gordon, Son's death at Ft. Ball,

Archaeological Exhibit, Society at N. Y.       48.

Academy of Science, 111.                                            Blue Licks, Battle of, 290.

Archaeology, Research in Florida, 446.                                             Rev. Smith visits, 371.

Arrow-heads,   Harness  Mound, found                                    Bone implements, Harness Mound, found

in, 178.                                  in, 162.

Articles--                                                                                    Bone needles, 164.

"A Buckeye Home Coming," 503.                                    Bone ornaments, 170.

"American Aborigines and Their So-                                         Harness Mound, found in, 164.

cial Customs," 421.                                                         Books -

"Anne Sargent Bailey," 340.                                                        "A   History of the late war in the

"Building  a  Commercial System,"                                            western country," McAfee, 56.

316.                                                                                           "The Ohio River a Course of Em-

"Explorations of the Edwin Harness                                           pire," Hulbert, Review of, 106.

Mound," 113.                                                                  Boone, Daniel, Capture of, 280.

"Major-General Arthur St. Clair,"                                               Mention of, 39.

455.                                                                                 Boonesborough, Indians attack, 278.

"Prolific Ohio," 502.                                                          Bounty Lands, 497.

"Tours into Kentucky and the North-                                Bowman, John, Indian expedition of,

west Territory," 348.                     284.

"The Battles of the Maumee," 228.      Braddock, Gen. Edward, arrival of, in

"The Buckeye Pioneers," 504.                America, 494.

"The Croghan Celebration," 1.                                           Braddock's Defeat, Washington at, 494.

"The first steamboat on the Ohio,"                                    Bradstreet, Col., Indian expedition of,

310.                                      21.

"The Mounds of Florida and their       Brady, Capt. Samuel, Sandusky Valley

builders," 445.                           visited by, 49.

"The rescue Case of 1857," 292.                                       "Brady's Leap," 50.

"The Western Indians in the Revo-                                   British -

lution," 269.                                                                               Campaign plans of, in Revolution,

"Washington and Ohio," 447.                                                       285.

"Welsh settlements in Ohio," 194.                                               Cannon of, captured, 66.



Index.                                    519


British - Concluded.                                                                            Circuit Riders, 349, 411.

Detroit Indian Council of, 283.     .                                            Clark, George Rogers--

Effect of Clark's campaign on, 282.                                          Burial place of, 3.

Fort Stephenson, at, 84.                                                              Croghan's kinship to, 10.

Loss at, 61.                                                                          Errors corrected concerning, 403.

Ohio occupied by, 102.                                                                         Expeditions of, 406.

Retreat of, after Ft. Stephenson, 65.                                          Mention of, 43, 110.

Broadhead, Col., Delawares attacked by,                                         Plan to drive out Spanish, 319.

287.                                                                                         Western invasion of, 281.

Bronze found in Florida mounds, 450.                                               Clements, Reuben, Ft. Stephenson siege

Bryant's Station, Indian attack on, 289.         described by, 86.

Burchard Library, 44.                       Clermont County, Rev. Smith's visit to,

Burials, cremations, 141.                        390.

Harness Mound, artifracts with, 144.                                        Cliff l)wellers, 425.

Harness Mound, in, 125, 129.                                                    Commerce, Difficulties of pioneer, 333.

Harness Mound, types, 138.                                                      Method of importing goods to Miami

Textiles found with, 186, 187, 188.                                                       country, 333.

Butler County, Paddy's Run settlement                                                       Pioneer co-operation methods of, 328.

in, 208.                                                                                                Spanish treaty influences, 319.

Butler, Gen., Graves of, 403.                                                             Congregational Church, Radner, Welsh,


C                        Connolly, Dr. John, Arrest of, 273.

Mention of, 270.

Canals, Corrections concerning in Ohio,                                          Contributors-

409.                                                                                                     Douglas, Albert, 455.

Washington's scheme, 499, 500.                                                           Earl, Thomas M., 503.

Celoron  De   Bienville,  Expedition  to                                                        Easton, Rev. J. A., 421.

Ohio Valley, 482.                                                                              Evans, Nelson W., 310.

Route of, 483.                                                                                         Goodwin, Frank P., 316.

Celts, 178, 448.                                                                                              Hopley, Mrs. James R., 340,

Chalcedony, 451.                                                                                          HIooper, Osman C., 504.

Implements of, 449.                                                                              Jones, William  Harvey, 194.

Champaign County, Fugitive Slave Law                                                      Keeler, Lucy Elliott, 1.

cases in, 297.                                                                                      Love, N. B. C., 228.

Chance, Gen. J. C., Portrait of, 13.                                                               Mills, W. C., 113.

Cherokees, "Cult" among, 443.                                                                     Morrow, Josiah, 348.

Johnston party captured by, 98.                                                            Notestein, Wallace, 269.

Chiefs, Black Bird, 282.                                                                                 Prince, Benjamin F., 292.

King Crane, 97.                                                                                     Randall, E. 0., 477.

Pipe, 287.                                                                                               Richmond, Rev. J. F., 445.

White Eyes, 287.                                                                                   Seymour, Lucian, 502.

Chillicothe, Capital of Northwest Terri-                                           Converse, Daniel, Indians capture, 101.

tory, 470.                                                                                Copper, Mounds, in, 120, 123, 125, 144,

Opposition to St. Clair, in, 471.                                                              146, 150, 151, 152, 153, 450.

Chillicothe (Old) Smith's visit to, 395,                                                           Implements of, 154.

398.                                                                                         Cornstalk, Murder of, 279.

Chillicothes, The, 405.                                                                        Crawford, William, Sandusky expedition'

Churches, Paddy's Run Congregational,            of, 39.

201.'                                                                                        Creation, The, Indian legend of, 439.

Welsh, Allen Co., in, 223.                                                          Croghan Celebration, Casket of Croghan,

Welsh, Ohio, in, 206, 219.                                                                     93.

Welsh, pioneer, 214.                                                                  Dodge, Samuel D., address at, 18.

Welsh, Radner, at, 213.                                                              Fairbanks in parade at, 29.

Cincinnati, Account of early, 408.                                                    Gov. Harris' address at, 30.

Pioneer commerce at, 327, 336.                                               Invocation at, 16.

Pioneer growth of, 332, 337.                                                     Meeks' historical address at, 35.

Rev. Smith's visit to, 376.                                                           Moore, J. P.. address at. 52.

520 Ohio Arch

520            Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Croghan            Celebration-Concluded.                                    Deluge, The, Indian legend of, 438.

Program   of, 14.                                                                Dennison, Gov. William, 203.

Prominent visitors at, 15.                                                    De Puyster, Hamilton succeeded by, 285

Randall, Hon. E. O., address at, 31.                                   De Soto, 451.

Spiegel Grove reception, 55.                                              Digger Indians, Marriage customs of,

Vice-President Fairbank's address at,        434.

27.                                                                                    I)inwiddie, Gov.-

Venetian spectacle at, 55.                                                           Washington appointed Major, by, 490.

Croghan -Holmes Episode, 67.                                                           Washington sent with message by, 491.

Croghan, Maj. George-                                                              Dodge, Samuel I)., Address at Croghan

Ancestry and life of, 8, 24.                                                         Celebration, 18.

Birth of, 11.                                                                                 Portrait of, 18.

Burial of, 1.                                                                         Douglas, Hon. Albert, "Major-General

Celebration, 1906, 14.                                                                 Arthur St. Clair," by, 455.

Col. Hayes locates burial place of, 2.                                        Society addressed by, 244.

- Descendants of, 7.                                                               Drinking cups, shell-made, 182.

Disinterment of remains of, 3, 6, 7.                                  Dunmore's War, 269, 270, 405.

Early Military exploits of, 11.

Education of, 11.                                          E

Family connections of, 4.               Earthworks, [See Mounds], [See Harness

Father of, 10.                                                                               Mound].

First burial place of, 5.                                                                Central America, in, 4

Ft. Meigs, at, 12.

Ft. Meigs, at, 12.                                                                          Florida, in, 446.

Ft. Stephenson, at, 58.                                                         -Easton, Rev. J. A., "American Aborig-

Gold Medal awarded to, 104.                       and their Social Customs" by

Grave of, at Locust Grove, Ky., 7.           421.

Inscription on grave of, 16.                                               Echo

nscription on grave of, 16.                                                 Echo, The, Indian legend of origin of,

Letter of, before battle of Ft. Ste-         439


phenson, 13.

aphenson, 13.                                                                  Editorialana, 257, 402.

~Marriage of, 13.                                             .~A chapter of corrections, 402.

Message to Harrison by, 23.                                                      Archaeological exhibit, 111.

Mother of, 10.                                                                             Attack on Ft. St. Clair, 419.

Note of, to Harrison, 58.

Note of, to Harrison, 58.                                                            Central Onio Valley History Confer-

Personal appearance of, 84.                                                      ence, 41

Portrait of, 9, 75.

portrait of, 9, 75.                                                Crawford Massacre Anniversary, 417.

Posts established by, in Ohio Valley,                                        iscourses of Rev. Rhees,

Discourses of Rev. Rhees, 260.


4S4".        ,      .    -Gov. Robert Lucas, 413.

Re-interment of remains of, 3.                                     .

How Gov. Meigs got his name, 417.

\War of 1812, in, 2.

W  ar of 1812, in, 2.            Monument to Anthonv \\ayne, 266.

Croghan, Maj. George, Sr., Military scr-                                         reservation of  rrison's  tomb, 268.

vice of, . -Preservation of f[arrison's tomb, 268.

vice of, 8-    ,,...        .     -                                                      Sacredness of Indian graves, 420.

Croghan, \illiam, Military service of,                                               Ste historians, 967

State historians, 267.

la             „ , ,10.  .                                                                          The Ohio River, 106.

Croghan's Victory, Celebrations of, 1.                                             The Ohi Rieere      is     l

Croghansville  52\                                                                      rWestern Reserve Historical Society,

Croghansville, 52.                                                                              418.

"Cults" Indians, 442.

"Cults" Indians, 442.                                                                  Educators, Welsh in Ohio, 221.

Cumberland Gap-                                                                   English, Explorations of, in Ohio Valley,

Rev. Smith's encounter with Indians


at, 362.

~~~~~at, 362.  ~Ohio \Valley, in, 479.

Rev. Smith visits, 357, 385.                San      Valley, in, 9.

Sandusky Valley, in, 39.

D                       Evans, Nelson \V., "The first steamboat

on the Ohio," by, 310.

Dalyell, Capt., Indian expedition of, 20.

Daughters American Revolution -

Croghan Celebration, at, 3, 15, 35.

Ft. Stephenson tablet erected by, :5.   Fairbanks, Charles \\., Croghan Celebra-

Delawares, Revolution, in, 286.                  tion address of, 27.


Index.                                    621


Fairfax, Lord, 489.                                                                      Forts - Concluded.

Fallen Timbers, Battle of, 232.                                                           Western, in Revolution, 277.

Finley, Rev. J. B., account of, 411.                                            Franklin, Benjamin, interested in Ohio

-First white settlers in Ohio, 87.               lands, 497.

Flat boats, Commercial importance of,                             Fremont, Cession of land at, 43.

on Ohio River, 336.                                                                 Fort Stephenson located in, 53.

Flint, Iarness Mound, implements from,                                           Hayes' Home at, 54.

177.                                                                                          Lower Sandusky changed to, 51.

Knives of, 179.                                                                   View of, in 1846, 98.

Florida, Indian burials in, 452.                                                   French and Indian War, St. Clair, in,

Mounds in, 446.                              458.

Age of, in, 450.                                                           French, Leaden plates buried by, 482.

Foulks, Elizabeth, Captured by Indians,                                             Ohio Valley, in, 478, 482.

92.                                                                                           Sandusky Valley, in, 39.

Fowk, Gerard, Harness Mound discussed                                         Washington attacked by, 493.

by, 114.                                                                                   Washington   sent with   message to,

Forbes, Gen. John, Ft. DuQuesne taken                                             491.

by, 495.                                                                           Fugitive Slaves, 292.

Fort Ancient, 423.                                                                              Addison-White case, The, 293.

Fort DuQuesne, Capture of, 495.                                                      Arrest of, in Champaign Co., 297.

Fort Hamilton, Description of, 378.                                                  Arrest of in Ohio, 299.

Fort Ienry, Attacks on, 278, 288, 290.                                               Compromise of 1850, on, 292.

kort Hill, 421.                                                                                      Oberlin case, of, 308.

Fort Laurens, Abandonment of, 284.                                                State sovereignty asserted, 305.

Building of, 280.                                                                 Fulton, Robert, Mention of, 315.

Fort Le Bocuf, Building of, 486.

Fort 3Meigs, Siege of, 12, 57, 58.                             G

Fort Necessity, French attack, 493.

\ashington erects, 493.                 Gaines, Sergeant Wm., Reminiscences

Fort Sandusky, Building of, 20.                  of, 81, 82.

Fort Seneca. Harrison at, 83.                                                     Gallia County, Welsh settlement in, 216.

Fort St. Clair, Attack on, 419.                                                     Gallipolis, Rev. Smith's visit to, 370.

Fort Stephenson, Attack on, 23.                                                 Garfield, Jas. A., Quotation of, on his-

Battle of, 12, 60.                           tory, 34.

Building of, 23, 53.                    Gauley Mountain, Rev. Smith's visit to,

British historical account of battle of,     368.

78.                                                                                   Gens, Definition of, 428.

British \ar Office record of battle of,                                        Indian, 427.

77.                                                                                           Rights of, 428.

Clement's account of, 87.                                                  Ghost Dance, The, 441.

Defenders of, 48, 63.                                                         Girty, Simon, Mention of, 50.

Description of, 36, 54.                                                               Moravian Massacre, connection with,

Gaines' reminiscences of, 82.                                                   40.

Historic accounts of, 18.               Gist, Christopher, Logtown Indian Coun-

Indians at battle of, 59, 80.                                                        cil of, 485.

Last survivor of battle of, 80.                                                    Ohio Valley Journeys of, 484, 491.

Location of, 53.                                                                         Surveys lands for Ohio Company,

Loss of men in battle of, 80.                                                     485.

McAfee's account of battle of, 57.                                   Gomer, Welsh settlement of, 222.

Moore's reminiscences of, 52.                                         Goodale, Maj. Nathan, Indians capture,

Proctor's report of battle of, 75.           102.

Randall's account of attack on, 33.     Goodwin,    Frank   P.,  "Building   and

Shipp, Ensign, at battle of, 27.             Commercial System," by, 316.

Tablet inscription on site of British   Gorgets, Argilite, 181.

army, ,35.                                 arness Mound, 178.

Fort Stephenson Park, 44.                   Graphite,  Harness Mound, found in,

Forts, Sandusky, on, 20.                         1so.

522 Ohio Arch

522            Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Great Miami, Flat boats on, 326.                                             Harness Mound-Concluded.

Greensburg Riflemen at Ft. Stephenson,                                         Stones found in, 132.

72.                                                                                          Stone gorgets and implements found

Greenville,  Commercial importance    of                                               in, 177, 178.

treaty of, 317.                                                                        Structure of, 132.

Rhees' oration at, 260.                                                                        Textiles found in, 185.

H                        Harper, John W., re-appointed trustee,


Halstead, Murat, 203.

Hamilton, Col. Henry -                                                            Harris, Gov. Andrew L.-

Campaign plans of, 283.                                                           Croghan celebration, speech by, 30.

Indians incited by, 277.                                                             Society addressed by, 243.

Proclamation concerning white pris-                              Harrison, Gen. William   H. -

oners of Indians, 90.                                                              Croghan appointed Captain by, 12.

HIannastown, patriotic assembly at, 461.                                        Croghan's disobedience of, 59.

Harness Mound -                                                                               Ft. Stephenson   battle reported  by,

Artifacts with burials, 144.                                                        24, 71.

Awls found in, 163.                                                                    Letter to President concerning Cro-

Bone implements in, 162.                                                          ghan. Holmes episode, 69.

Bone needles in, 164.                                                                  Movements of, after battle of Ft.

Bone objects found in, 162.                                                       Stephenson, 65.

Bone ornaments found in, 164.                                                 Northwestern campaign, of, 56.

Burials and types of, in, 125, 129,                                             Plans of, relative to Ft. Stephenson,

138.                                                                                         62.

Charnel house of, 136.                                                               Tomb of, 268.

Copper axes from, 155, 157, 158.                                             War of 1812, in, 23, 57.

Copper implements from, 154.                                         Hawkins, Thos. L.-

Copper needles from, 158.                                                        "Old Betsey," by, 73.

Cremations in, 136.

Cremations in, 136.                     Hayes, Lucy Webb, 80.

Culture group of, 193.

Ear ornaments found in, 149.                                            Hayes, Rutherford B.-

Explorations of, 113.                                                                  Burchard Library gift, executed by,

Final explorations in, 130.                                                           45.

Flint implements found in, 177.                                                  Home of, 54.

Fowke discusses, 114.                                                        Hayes, Webb C., 55.

Graphite found in, 180.                                                              Croghan's burial-place located by, 2.

Grave types of, 140.                                                                  Portrait of, 1.

Location of, 113.                                                                         Thurston's letter, concerning   Cro-

Miniature Model at N. Y. Academy                                         ghan's burial, 4.

of Science, 111.                                                                      Tribute to, 30, 35.

Moorbead's exploration of, 117, 127,                                Heckewelder, Rev. John, 452.

134.                                                                                          Gauntlet-running described by, 40.

Ocean shells n, 182, 185.                                                   Herrick, lMyron T.-

Pearl beads from, 153, 183.                                                       Appointed trustee of Society, 249.

Pipes from, 121, 174.                                                                 Sketch of  257.

Posts found in, 137.

Pottery from,     158.                  Hocking River-

Probable use of, 133.                         ashington at, 498.

Putnam's exploration of, 122, 133.                                    Holmes, Major-

Relics found in, 126, 127.                                                           War of 1812, in, 67.

Shell-made objects from, 181.                                          Hopley, Mrs. Jas. R.-

Size of, 125, 130.                                                                         "Anne Sargent Bailey," by, 340.

Society permitted to explore, 115.                                     Hughes, Ezekial, Welsh pioneer, 199.

Special features of, 132.                                                    Hulbert, Archer B., "The Ohio River,

Specimens from, 116.                         a course of Empire," by, 106.

Squier and   Davis explorations of,                                    Hyde, Udney H.-

113, 117, 120, 133.                                                                  Fugitive slaves aided by, 294.


Index.                                    523


I                       Indians, [See Mound Builder], 421.

American's attitude toward, in Rev-

Illustrations:--Anne   Sargent   Bailey,   olution, 273.

340; Anne Bailey's Cabin, 341; Ar-           American's atack on Ft. Pitt, 279.

gilite gorgets, 181; Baughmari, A,  Amusements of, 440.

J., 258; Bone awls, 163; Bone orna-            Ancestors of, 452.

ments, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170,          Architectural skill among, 452.

171; Burial with copper implements,         Art among, 422, 452.

159; Chance, Gen. J. C., 13; Copper           British attitude toward, in Revolu-

ax, 156, 157, 158, 160; Copper ear             tion, 272, 275.

ornaments, 150, 151; Groghan, Maj.         British, Detroit council with, 283.

George,   9,    75;    Croghan   Burial,         "Brotherhood" of, 429.

[Frontispiece];        Croghan  casket, in      Cannibalism among, 452.

state and guarded, 15, 93; Grogha  Civilization types of, 425.

Clark's Campaign's influence on, 282.

Centennial parade, 85; Croghan Gold         Clarks Campagns nfluence on, 282.

Commerce of, 451.

Medal, 104; Croghan's grave in Ken-         Commerc      e

Commercial beginnings with, 317.

tucky, 7; Decorated     pottery, 161;           Communism    of, 423.

Dodge, Samuel D., 18; Engraved   Confederacy of, 430.

bone   ornaments,   171;     Fairbanks,        Convicted of murder at Lower San-

Chas. W., 27; Flint arrow   points,  dusky, 43.

180; Flint knives, 179; Ft. Sandusky,            Council of neutrality with, at Ft.

36, 37; Ft. Stephenson attack, 24;    Pitt, 273.

Ft. Stephenson redoubt, 42; Fremont,         Courtship and marriage among, 432.

1846, 98; Games, Sergeant Wm., 81;        Cults of, 442.

Harness Mound, 113, 110; about fin-         Dancing among, 441.

ished, 193; copper plates, 146, 148,            Distribution of, 425.

149; celt, 178, Harness group 117; Dwellings of, 424.

graves, 129, 134; grave types, 140;            Elizabeth Foulks captured by, 91

pipes, 174, 175, 176; platform grave,         Family of, 426.

144;  rectangular  grave,  142,  144;           "Fellowhood" among, 430.

textiles, 187, 188, 189; uncremated            Florida burials of, 452.

burial, 142; Harris, Gov. Andrew L.,         Ft. Stephenson, at, 59.

31; Hayes, Webb C., 1; Herrick,    Games of, 441.

Myron T., 257; Love, N. B. C., 228;          Gauntlet running, 40, 42.

Manner          of     Mound              opening, 125;                     Gens of, 427.

Maumee        N alley         earthworks,  393;                            Habits of, 434.

Meek, Basil, 35; Mica ornaments,  Hamilton incites, 277.

172, 173, 174; Moore, J. P., 52;      Hospitality of, 435.

Moorehead's   tunnels        in   Harness     Hunting grounds invaded, 269.

Mound, 130; Obsidian        knife, 180;        Identity with Mound Builders, 424

"Old   Betsey,"   70;            Paddy's   Run  Johnston party captured by, 95.

Church, 201; Pearl beads, 184; Rad-         Lancaster treaty with, 480.

nor  211; Baptist Church, 213; Cem-          Logstown conference with, 485.

etery, 212; Congregational Church,           Lower Sandusky, at, 99.

214; Randall, E. 0., 32; Scene at     Maxims of, 438.

Croghan    Celebration,      68;        Sharon                                "Mountain Chant" of, 442.

Valley, 207;   Shell-made drinking-          Myths among, 436.

cups, 182, 183; Spiegel Grove, 54;            Neutral tribes of in Revolution, 276.

Squier and Davis view    of Harness         Niagara Conferencce with    Six Na-

Mound, 120; Stamm, Dr., 56; St.   tions, 271.

Clair,  Arthur,   456;   Tunnington,            Origin of, 452.

Maj. C. C., 16; Valley of the Log Personal ornamentation of, 448.

Pond, 205; Washington, Lawrence,         Pioneers attacked by, 378.

480; Washington, the Surveyor, 490;        Polygamy among, 432.

Welsh Hills Church and School, 208,        Racial type of, 423.

209.                                                                                            Re-interment of, 452.

524 Ohio Arch

524            Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Indians - Concluded.                                                                  Licking County-

Revolution, in, 269.                                                                    Welsh settlement and Welsh schools

Sachems among, 431.                                                               in, 203, 208.

Sacredness of graves, 420.              Little                         Miami River, Smith's visit to,

Sandusky Valley, 37.                                                                 394.

Social determination of, 428.                                            Washington's land upon, 499.

Social etiquette among, 434.           Livingstone, Chancellor, 311, 315.

Smith's [Rev.], association with, 355.                               Logstown Indian Conference, 485.

Smith's account of barbarity of, 361.                               Loramic, location of, 407.

Smoking habit among, 453.             Louisiana  Purchase,  Commercial influ-

Snake dance, 443.                            ence on Ohio, 331.

St. Clair's relation with, 47.             I.ove, Rev. N. B. C.-

Sun dance of, 443.                                                                     Re-appointed Trustee, 249.

Treatment of captives by, 100.                                         "The Battles of the Maumee," by,

Tribes of, 426, 430.                                                                    228.

Tribal council of, 429.                 Lower Sandusky, 43

\\ar of 1812, in, 23.                                                                     First Ohio settlers at, 87.

White prisoners among, 90.                                              Indians at, 99.

Whittaker boys captured by, 89.                                       Name changed, 51.

Indian Territory organized, 469.            Lucas, Robert, biography of, 413.

Iroquois Confederacy, 431.



Marietta, settlement at, 110.

Jackson County, Welsh settlements, 216.                                  Marietta, settlement at, 110.

-Jamestown Exposition, Soc.et      y a     t, "Major-General     Arthur   St.   Clair,"

Jamestown Exposition, Society at, 247,                                             ougas                    455.

I y   t,  47,            Douglas, 455.


J 21.e ffesn  T a                       LMartzolff, C. L., prize essays suggested

Jefferson, Thomas--

Detroit Campaign planned by, 287.                                  a               , battls   , 2

St. Clair charges referred to, 472.  lla                                       nee, battles o, 2.

,        McFarland, \V. F., "Chapter of Cor-

St. Clair removed by, 475.                   rctions" by, 402

rections," by, 402.

Johnson, Richard M., 70.

-,. ,  S T 1 '  o     ^    r Mclntosh,  Gen.,  Indian expedition of,

Johnston, Charles, Indians capture, 95.                                             o

Jones, W\illiam  H. -                                                                          280.

WeshSt,  nt  i                 O," by,      McPherson, Gen. James B., burial place

"Welsh        Settlements in              Ohio," by,          o

~~~~~194. ~~~~of, 25.

Tns194. David  Wels  Asionary   196   Meigs, Return J., origin of name, 417.

Jones, David, W\elsh Missionary, 196.

Meigs County, W ashington in, 498.

Kf                      Meek, Basil, address at Croghan Cele-

bration, 35.

Kaskaskia, Clark's capture of, 281.          Miami Exporting Company, 329.

Kenton, Simon, 39.                                                                     Miami Valley -

Kentucky River and Cliffs, Smith's de-                                    Cost of transportation from, 325.

scription of, 361, 374.                                                             Description of, 379.

Development of, 316.

Earthworks in, 379, 391, 393.

Lake Dwellers, 424.                                                                           Early pioneer roads, in, 320.

Lands, Smith's estimate of, 359.                                                Prehistoric race in, 382.

Lancaster, Treaty of, 480.                                                                 War of 1812, influence on, 335.

Leaden plates, 482.                                                                            Washington's land upon, 499.

Letters -                                                                                      Mica -

Commodore Perry to Gen. Harrison,                                       Found in Mounds, 450.

64.                                                                                           Harness Mound orna'ments from, 172.

Gen. Iarrison to Gov. Shelby, 64.   Mineral Springs, Rev. Smith's discovery

Thruston   R.  C.   Ballard  to  Col.        of, 366.

Hayes, 4.                                                                        Mills, Prof. William  C.-

Wyatt,   Mary    Croghan,   to  Miss                                          Curator's report by, 250.

Keeler, 8.                                                                               harness Mound explored by, 113.


Index.                                    525


Mingoes, in Revolution, 278.                                                         Northwest Territory - Concluded.

Mississippi Valley Land Company, 496.                                            Smith's   (Rev.)  tour,  observations

Mississippi Valley commercial communi-                                        and description of, 364, 377, 380,

cation with Ohio, 335.                                                              399.

Missionaries--                                                                                       Smith's second journey to, 386.

Atkins, Quintus F, 103.                                                                 St. Clair governor of, 464, 468.

Badger, Rev. Joseph, 103.                                                           St. Clair removed as governor of,

Brown, J. W., 201.                                                                       475.

Welsh, 195.                                                                                  Territorial legislature of, 468.

Moore, J. P., Croghan celebration ad-                                               Notestein, Wallace -

dress by, 52.                                                                             "The Western Inlians in the Revo-

Moorehead, Warren K., explores Har-                                              lution," by, 269.

ness Mound, 127, 134.

Moravians -

British punishment of, 288.

Gnadenhiitten Massacre of, 289.         Obsidian,  Harness   Mound    implements

Sandusky Valley, in, 39.                     of, 177.

Mound Builders [See Harness Mound],                                      "O. K." origin of, 404.

[See Indians], 228.                                                           Ohio-

Commerce of, 451.                                                                    Admission of, 472.

Florida, in, 446.                                                                           Controversy over admission of, 457.

Food of, 453.                                                                               St. Clair on admission of, 473.

Identity with Indian, 424.                                                    Ohio Company, acreage of, 403.

Implements of, 448, 450.                                                    Ohio Company, First, 479, 480.

Miami Valley, 379.                                                                    Effect of organization, 481.

Origin of, 445.                                                                             Gist surveys lands of, 485.

Mounds [See    Earthworks], [See Har-                                             Lands granted to, 481

Ohio River--

ness Mound] -

nAge of, in Florida, 45.                  Early explorers of, 107.

Age of, .in Florida, 450.                                       310, 312, 315.

First steamboat on, 310, 312, 315.

CAltar, 117.to  oFlat-boat trade of, 319.

Construction of, 449.

oHistoric events upon, 109.

Copper found in, 120, 123, 125, 144,                                         historic events upon, 109.

Copper found in, 120, 123, 125, 144,                                        Hulbert's book on [Review   of], 106.

146, 150, 151, 152, 153.                         o

Materials found in, 448.

Materials found in, 448.                                                   Pioneer upstream   boats on, 334.

Platform  burials in, 139.                                                           Pioneer commercial statistics, 331.

Purposes of, 447.                                                                       Smith's visit and description of, 382,

North Carolina, 452.

Ohio, 452.                                                                                   Ohio Sons of the Revolution, prize

Temple, 119.                                                                              article of, 269.

"Mounds of Florida and Their Build-                                         Ohio Valley -

ers," Richmond, 445.                                                             Celoron expedition to, 482.

Muskingum, Washington at, 498.                                                      Contest for, 480.

English in, 479, 484.

N                           French in, 478.

Leaden plates buried in, 482.

Natural Gas, Rev. Smith's discovery of,                                          Title for, 480.

369.                                                                                        Trading posts in, 484.

Navajo "Mountain chant," 442.                                                        Washington's interest in, 478.

"Negro Catchers," 392.                                                                     Washington's knowledge of, 500.

Nemacolin's Path, 493.                                                              "Old Betsey," 70.

'New Orleans," First Ohio River Steam-                                          History of, 72, 73.

boat, 312.                                                                               Poem  to, 73.

Newberry, Prof. J. S., 451.                                                              Returned to r'remont, 1.

Northwest Territory--                                                               "Old Britain," 485, 486.

Division of, 469.                                                                 Ornaments -

Party spirit in, 469.                                                                   Animal jaw-bones as, 167.

626 )Ohio Arch

626           )Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Ornaments - Concluded.                     Randall, E. O., Annual report of, to

Bear-teeth as, 167.                                                                    Society, 245.

Engraved bones as, 170.                                                           "Archaeological Exhibit," by, 111.

Human jaw as, 165.                                                                 "Attack on Ft. St. Clair," by, 419.

Mica as, 172, 173.                                                                     "Central Ohio Valley History Con-

Pendants of bones and teeth, 166.                                            fcrence," by, 415.

"Crawford Massacre Anniversary,"

p                             by, 417.

"Croghan Col., address of, 31.

Paddy's Run, Settlement of, 196, 198.                                              "Gov. Robert Lucas," by, 413.

Paint Creek, Smith's journey along, 397.                                         "IHow Gov. Meigs got his name," by,

Pearls, Harness Mound, in, 153, 183.                                               417.

Imitation beads, 184.                                                                 "New Trustees," by, 257.

Phratry, The, 429.                                                                             Official itinerary, as Secretary, 248.

Pickawillany, Attack on, 486.                                                            "Sacredness of Indian graves," 420.

Description of, 410.                                                                   "The Ohio River," 106.

Location of, 407.                                                                        "Washington and Ohio," by, 477.

Pioneers, Negro preacher, 384.                                                        "Western    Reserve   Historical  So-

W\elsh, in Ohio, 200, 216.                                                          ciety," 418.

Pipes, Indian, 449, 453.                                                            Renegades, 39, 89.

Mounds, in, 121.                                                                Revolutionary War -

Harness, in, 174.                                                                 American blunders with Indians in,

Platform, 174, 175, 176.                                                             279.

Tubular, 190.                                                                               Corrections on Ohio's part in, 406.

Poetry -                                                                                               English plans in the West, 271.

"A Buckeye Home Coming," 503.                                            Kentucky pioneers in, 284.

"Old B'etsy," 73.                                                                         Renegades in, 282.

"The Buckeye Pioneers," 504.                                                   St. Clair, in, 461.

"The Battles of the Maumee," 228.                                            Western Indians in, 269.

"Prolific Ohio," 502.                                                         Rhees, Morgan J., Oration 'by, 260.

Point Pleasent, Battles of, 279, 343.                                          Rhys, Morgan   ., Welsh pioneer, 197.

Rev. Smith's visit to, 369.                                                   Richland County Historical Society, 505.

Pontiac's Conspiracy, 19, 20.                                                    Richmond,   Rev. J. F., . "Mounds of

Pottery, Decorated, 161.                                                                    Florida and their builders,"    by,

Florida Mounds, in, 450.                                                              445.

Harness Mound, in, 158.                                                    Roads, Pioneer, 320.

Indian, 425, 453.                                                                          Character of, 322.

Moundbuilder, 447.                                                            Rogers, Robert, Sandusky expedition of,

Potomac Company, Organization of, 500.           39

Presbyterian  Church, Radnor, Welsh,        Roosevelt, Nicholas J., First Ohio steam-

215.                                        boat built by, 310.

Prince, Benj. F., "The Rescue Case of

1857," by, 292.                                             S

Proctor, Gen., Ft. Stephenson, at, 63.                                        Sachems, 431.

Ft. Stephenson   battle reported by,                                   Salt Springs, 383.

75.                                                                                             Blue Licks at, 371.

Putnam, F. W., Harness Mound explor-                                    Sandusky County, Organization of, 50.

ations of, 117, 122, 133.                                                  Sandusky, Bradstreet's expedition to, 21.

British take possession of forts on,

Q                                                               20.

Quebec Act, 496.                                                                                 Crawford's expedition to, 39.

Quebec, Battle of, 458.                                                                       First English expedition to, 39.

French in valley of, 39.

R                           Indians in valley of, 37.

Moravians in valley of, 39.

Radnor, Commercial history of, 215.                                                 Naming of, 403.

Welsh settlement at, 210.                                                             Origin of name, 38.


Index.                                    527


Sandusky - Concluded.                                                                  Society - Concluded.

Pioneer petition to occupy valley of,                                          Officers of, 256.

,6.                                                                                               Permanent home for, 247, 254.

Roger's expedition to, 39.                                                             Prize essays of, 254.

Sandusky River, Ball's Battle on, 47.                                                   Publications of, 246.

Blockhouses on, 52.                                                                      Secretary's annual report to, 245.

Santee    Dakotas,   Marriage    customs                                             Secretary's itinerary, 248.

among, 433.                                                                              Standing committees of, 245.

Schools, Paddy's Run, 203.                                                                 Treasurer's report to, 252.

Pioneer, 203, 218.                                                                        Trustees of, 255.

Welsh, in Ohio, 208.                                                                    Trustees of, elected, 254.

Trustees of, new, 249.

Scioto River, Mounds on, 113.rustees of, new, 249.

Scouts, Pioneer, 269.                       Spain, Commercial importance of treaty

Seminoles, 451.                                  with, 319.

Serpent Mound, 410.                                                                    Spiegel Grove, View of, 54.

Shaw, Dr. Albert, 203.                                                                 "Squaw  Campaign," 280.

Shells, Harness Mound objects, from, 181.                                Squier and Davis-

Shipp, Ensign, Ft. Stephenson, at, 60.                                                  Harness Mound described by, 113

Sioux, The, 441.                                                                                  Harness Mound explored by, 117, 133.

Slavery, Rev. Smith, on, 375, 377, 381.                                      Stamm, Dr., Croghan Celebration at, 56.

Slaves, [See Fugitive Slaves].                                                      States' Rights, Doctrine of, regarding

Smith, Rev. James--                                                                           fugitive slaves, 305, 308.

Big Lick, visited by, 354.                                                            Admission of Ohio, on, 473.

Blue Lick visited by, 371.                                                    St. Clair, Arthur-

Burning Springs discovered by, 369.                                         Arrival of, in America, 457.

Difficulties in tour of, 360.                                                         Arrival of, in Marietta, 464.

Drought in Kentucky described by,                                          Charges preferred against, 472.

373.                                                                                         Commissioned in American army, 462.

Family of, 351.                                                                          Financial ruin of, 463.

Gallipolis visited by, 370.                                                          Governor N. W. Territory, 464, 468.

Journals of, 348.                                                                         Injustice to, 456.

Journey, Homeward      from  N. W.                                       Intemperate speech of, 470.

Ter., 384.                                                                                Jefferson removes, 475.

Miami to Scioto, 397.                                                         Landholder, 459.

Ohio, to, 376, 386.                                                             Last days and death of, 476.

Second, into N. W. Ter., 386.                                               Life of, 455.

Mliami Valley   earthworks describedEarly, 457.

by, 393.                                                                                  Marriage of, 459.

Mineral Springs discovered by, 366.                                        Mention of, 50, 110.

Point Pleasant visited by, 369.                                                 Monument for, Resolution on, 455.

Powell Mountain visited by, 356.                                             Opposition to, at Chillicothe, 471.

Sketch of, 348.                                                                           Personality of, 458, 460.

Society, Annual (22nd) Meeting of, 242.                                         Pioneer, in Pennsylvania, 459.

Annual Meeting of Trustees of, 255.                                       Portrait of, 456.

Archaeological and   historical dona-                                     Reference to service of, 245.

tions, 250.                                                                              Revolutionary War, in, 461, 462.

Arch. exhibit at N. Y. Academy of                                        Tirade of, against Congress, 474.

Science, ll.                                                                            Washington's friendship for, 462.

Curator's report to, 250.                                                    Steamboats, First, on Ohio River, 310.

Douglas, Hon. Albert, addresses, 244.

Field work of, 250.

Gov. Harris addresses, 243.

Harness Mound explorations by, 115.                             "Tallegwi," 424.

Jamestown Exposition, 247.                                                    Tarhe, 40, 42, 91.

Life members of, 420.                                                     Tecumseh, at Ft. Stephenson, 84.

New, 249.                                                                 Teeth, ornaments of, 167, 169.

528 Ohio Arch

528            Ohio Arch. and       -list. Society Publications.


Textiles, found in Harness Mound, 185.                                            "Washington and Ohio," Randall, .477.

Thames, Battle of, 85.                                                                       Washington Lawrence-

Thruston, R. C. Ballard, letter concern-                                            Interest in First Ohio Company, 480.

ing Croghan burial place, 4.                                                               Portrait of, 480.

Tobacco, Indian use of, 453.                                                             Wayne, Anthony--

Transportation -                                                                                 Monument to, 266.

Cost of pioneer, 324.                                                                              Sermon to army of,. 263.

Pioneer methods of, 318, 333.                                                  Treaty of, 234.

Sail-boats used on Ohio River, 334.                                          Weaver, Abraham, Cannoneer at Ft.

Tressel, Rev. W. E., Invocation       at         Stephenson, 72.

Croghan Centennial, 16.               "Welsh   Settlements in   Ohio,"  Jones,

Tribe, definition  and  organization  of,        194.

430.                                  Welsh -

U                           Beulah settlement of, 196.

Characteristics of, 194.

Underground Railroad, 293.                     Chidlaw, Benj. W., 210.

Clannishness of, 194.

V                           Early churches founded by, 219.

Educational interests of, 207.

Vincennes, Hamilton's expedition against,                                       Educators among, 218, 221.

230.                                                                                         Gallia County Settlements of, 216.

W                                                             Jackson County Settlements of, 216.

Language of, 225.

Walpole Land Grant, 497.                                                                 Licking County settlement of, 203.

War of 1812 -                                                                                     Military Service of, 209, 216.

Commercial   influence   on   Miami                                       Ministers produced among, 220.

County, 335.                                                                           Missionaries among, 195.

Contemporary history of, 32.                                                   Ohio historian of, 210.

Croghan in, 2.                                                                             Pioneers among, 216.

Indians in, 23.                                                                             Political interest among, 221.

Robert Lucas in, 414.                                                                 Prominent men among, 226.

Sergeant Gaines' reminiscences of, 82.                                           Radnor settlement of, 210.

value of, 23.                                                                           Religious fervor of, 195, 203, 21D.

W\ashington, George -                                                                                   Settlements of, 227.

A diplomat, 491.                                                                         Whittaker family, 94, 95.

Ancestry of, 487.                                                                       Whittaker James-

Early life and schooling of, 488.                                               A Wyandot chief, 91.

First trip toward the west, 489.                                                              First settler in Sandusky Valley, 88.

Fort Necessity erected by, 493.                                                Indians destroy home of, 105.

Friendship for St. Clair, 462.                                                      Influence of, in   Sandusky  Valley,

Gist accompanies, to Ohio, 491.                                                           102.

Ohio, in, 498.                                                                              Whittaker, Mrs. James -

Lands purchased in Ohio, 499.                                                              Hospitality of, 102, 103, 104.

Learns surveying, 489.                                                              Whittaker Reservation, 94.

Major of Militia, 490.                                                                Wood, Col. Eleazer, Ft. Stephenson en-

Marriage of, 496.                            gineer, 66.

Mississippi Land Company organized      Worthington, Thomas, in St. Clair con-

by, 496.                                   troversy, 471.

Ohio River, on, 495.                                                                   Wyandots -

Opinion on Quebec Act, 496.                                                                Gens of, 427.

Part taken in settlement of West,                                                          Marriage customs of, 43C.

487.                                                                                                     Revolution, in, 276.

Portrait of, as surveyor, 490.                                                                SBndusky Valley, in, 38.

Property inherited by, 487.

Soldier, 493.                                              Z

Surveys for Lord Fairfax, 490.                                                 Zane's Trace, 320.

Versatility of, 477.                                                                    Zeisberger, David, 40.