Ohio History Journal



VOL. 2.



A.                       Black Art, Known by Indian preachers,


Abraham, convert, assists Zeisberger, 36,                                       78

43, 53-55, 57, 59, 67, 71,  73,  74, 76, 78                 Bonn, John, goes west with Zeisberger,

43, 53-55, 57, 59, 67, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78,

79, 81, 98, 100, 102-103, 8; returns, 9.

Achgohunt, see Echgohund.                                                     Bread, expensive, 95.

Africa, entered by the Moravians, 3.        Bread and butter, served at lunch by

Algiers, entered by the Moravians, 3.                                      Indian, 44.

Allemewi, Chief, influenced, 61, 65; sends                             Brukker, Moravian missionary mentioned,

message to Chief of Senecas, 63; pro-                                     2.

tects converts, 71; message to the     Buckskin, value in trade for bread, 96.

Senecas, 86-88; thanked by Zeisberger                           Buffalo-fish, lowing, 46.

for services rendered, 94;   receives                                Bushkill, mentioned, 33.

belt from Indian preacher, 97.          Butterfield, C. W., Washington-Crawford

"Alligator snapper," described, 111.          Correspondence, cited, 113.

Amochk, Chieftain, mentioned, 98.          Buttner, Gottlieb, labors in New   Eng-

Ancient customs, Indians implored     to      land, 4.

return to, 99.                                            C.

Anohochquage,            Englishman           "betrayed"

Anohochquage,    Englishman           "betrayed"  Calendar, Indian, made by Zeisberger, 56.

Sir William Johnson, 79.

Cammerhof, Bishop, threatened with beat-

Anton, convert, assists Zeisberger, 9, 20, Cammerhof Bishop, threatened with beat-

ing by Indians, 36.

21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,  Canatschari, mention, 58.

43, 44, 46, 51-55, 57, 59, 67, 69, 71-73, Canawaca, Seneca village, 48.

76, 81, 96, 100, 102-103.Canawaca, Seneca village, 48.

76, 81, 96, 100, 102-103.

Asserughney, see Hazirok.                 Canoe building, on upper Allegheny, 13.

Asserughney, see Hazirok.

Cantico, see Kentekey.

Assinissingk, former home of Jachcapus,

Catharine of Russia, invites Moravians

77; inhabitants moved to Allegheny,

20.                                                                                               to enter Russia, 3.

Augustus, hunting ground, 33.                                                   Cattle, among Delawares, 9, 42; owned

by negroes among Senecas, 83.

B.                       Cayuga Lake, mentioned, 10.

Coron and Zeisberger's reception    on

Bakery, started   by  Eliot  at  Gosch-

goschingk, 95.                            the Allegheny compared, 107.

goschingk, 95.

Bambey, mission, S. America, 2.              Cervus Canadensis, mentioned, 10.

Bavaian's Kloof, mission, 3.                                                     Ceylon, entered by Moravians, 3.

Beaver, King, exhorts Indians to obey      Christmas Eve, service, (1768), 101.

Moravians, 94.                                    Charity, play arranged by Indian preacher,

Bedford, Pa., Cayuga Indian from, 50;                                    56.

so-called in 1767, 112.                                                       Chelloway, Job, mentioned, 36.

Belt, given  Senecas by Delawares, de-    Children, forbidden to attend mission, 58.

scribed, 87.                                                                         Chimneys, on Indian houses, 9.

Benjamin, the Mohican backslider men-  Chinkhanning, see Tunkhannock.

tioned, 21, 49, 78.                                Christian, mentioned, 36, 43.

Bethany, mission, 2.                                   Christiansbrunn, Pa., 107.

Bethlehem, Pa., headquarters of Mora-    Clistowocka, visited by Zinzendorf, 4.

vians, 4;  protects converts during      Cocks, in Heaven crowing, 55.

French war, 6.                                     Cold Spring, N. Y., site of Tiozinosson-

Berthelsdorf, reached by Moravians, 1.                                   gachta, 107.



Index.                                  117


Corn,   exchange  for  salt, 47;  that                                          Elizabeth, daughter of Sarah, mentioned,

"talked," 53.                                                                                 49, 55, 61, 66, 70.

Coschcosching, see Goschgoschunk.                                        Embassy, of peace from western nations,

Croghan, George, treaty at Ft. Pitt, 109.                                           1766, 6.

Crawford, Mr., visits Goschgoschingk, 71.                               Emmaus, mission, 2.

Ephraim, mission, S. America, 2.

D.                                                     Esther, Queen, wife of Echgohund, 105.

Damascus, lower Goschgoschingk town,                                 Ettwein, Bishop John, sketch, 32-33; re-

102; inhabitants shoot 800 deer in one                                      port of journey to Friedenshuetten,

fall, 103.                                                                                     32-42; describes great swamp, 34; in-

Dances, chief hindrance to success of                                             spects Wajomik, 34; notes absence

missionaries, 39, 52; white traders,                                           of Shawanese on Susquehanna, 34;

with Indian women, 98.                                                             describes Shawanese grave-stones, 34;

Davis, James, mentioned, 39.                                                           describes Lechawahnek, 35; at Oppen-

Davis, Sam., mentioned, 39.                                                             ing, 36; reaches Friedenshuetten, 36;

De Schweinitz, Life and Times of David                                            advises concerning Allgheny mission,

Zeisberger, cited, 8, 107, 108, 109, 110.                                   37; travels with Allegheny mission-

Debts, contracted by Indians repudiated                                          aries to Tschetschequanik, 38; de-

in war, 100.                                                                                scribes Zeisberger singing, 39; returns

Decorations, worn to church by Indians,                                         to Friedenshuetten, 40; returns to

50.                                                                                              Bethlehem, 41-42; describes Friedens-

Deer, number killed, 1768, 103.                                                       huetten, 41-42.

Delamattenoos, see Wyandots.

Delaware hymns, sung by Zeisberger, 39.                      F.

Dencke, Daniel, accompanies Zeisberger,

33.                                                                                      Faint-hearted, Indians often, 62.

Diaogu, town mixed Indians, 105.                                            Feast, described by Zeisberger, 18.

Diary of David Zeisberger and Gottlob                                     Feathers, worn by marauding party, 78.

Seuseman. Journey to Goschgoschink                             Fences, Indian, 42; needed for hogs, 42.

on the Ohio and their Arrival there,                                  Fire wood, an Indian necessity, 60.

1768, 42 seq.                                                                      Forest fires, in May on the Chemung, 45;

Diary of David Zeisberger's Journey to                                            explained by Prof. Shaler, 111.

the  Ohio  Called in  Delaware the                                    Forts, Chartres, 73; Stanwix, Treaty of

Allegene, from  Sept. 20th to Nov.                                             (1768), mentioned, 42, 71, 72; Senecas

16th, 1767, 8 seq.                                                                       do not attend, 77; rumor that Sir.

Diary of the Brethren in Goschgocheunk                                         W. Johnson    intended  evil against

on the Ohio August, 1768, Cont., 69                                          deputies sent to, 80; death of chief

seq.                                                                                             of Gonatissege hinders Senecas from

Diary of Rev. David McClure, cited, 113.                                       attending, 81; efforts of Sir William

Doctors, native superstitions, 77.                                                       Johnson to get Senecas to attend, 92;

Dover, Moravian missionary, mentioned, 2.                                   known at Goschgoschingk, 101.

Drinking water, Allegheny in Summer                                    Fox-tails, worn by rowdy Indians, 50.

unfit, 60.                                                                             Franklin, Pa., site of Venango, 108.

Drought, predicted by hostile preacher, 97.                             French  War, disturbs Moravian  New

England missions, 5; drives Indian

E.                                                             converts to Bethlehem  and Nain, 6.

Echgohund,   (Eghohowen,   Echogohund,                               Frenchman, refugee among Senecas, 83.

Egohund), Monsey chief, gives gloomy                          Freudenstadt, Germany, mentioned, 32.

report of Allegheny River Indians,                                   Friedensfield, mission, 2.

10;  inquires about Allegheny, 32;                                    Friedenshutten  II, established, 6;  de-

mentioned, 39.                                                                           scribed, 9 seq.; formerly Wichilusing,

Eghohowen, Echogohund, see Echgohund.                                      20; described by Ettwein, 41-42.

Egypt, entered by Moravians, 3.                                               Friedenstadt, see Languntoutenuenk.

Eliot, starts bakery at Goschgoschingk, 95.                               Friedensthal, Moravian mission, 2.

Elk tracks, confuse travellers, 13; dis-                                       Friedsberg, Moravian mission, 2.

tinct from trails, 107.                                                          Frost, first on Allegheny in 1768, 81.

118 Ohio Arch

118          Ohio Arch. and        Hist. Society     Publications.


G.                      Gruenekloof, Moravian mission, 3.

Guinea, entered by Moravians, 3.

Gabriel, mentioned, 35.

Gachnawage, Canada, 56.

Gachtochwawunok      (Gachtochwawunk),

visited by Zeisberger, 11;  on  first                                  Hachniaje, chief of, encourages Zeis-

fork of Chemung, 44; mentioned, 111.                                    berger, 90.

Ganatissege, death  of Chief of, keeps                                     Hagastaaes, Chief, informed    of Zeis.

Senecas from Treaty of Ft. Stanwix,                                       berger's purposes on Allegheny, 47;

81, 85.                                                                                         summoned by Johnson to Treaty of

Ganatocheracht (Ganatocherat)   site, 112.                                     Ft. Stanwix, 82; hostile to mission.

Ganawaen, Zeisberger and party at, 81,                                         aries, 83; persuaded by enemies to

93.                                                                                               harass Zeisberger, 84.

"Ganosseracheri" (Ganousseracheri), Zeis-                           Hagastaak, see Hagastaaes.

berger Indian name, 48, 84, 111.                                     Hajingonis, Schebosch's Indian name, 111.

Ganotocheracht, on Chemung, 50.                                          Hanna, Charles A., The Wilderness Trail,

Garochati, on Pemidhannek Creek, de-                                           cited, 8, 105, 107, 109.

scribed, 82;   inhabitants  gone  to                                     Handbook of Am. Indians, cited, 112.

Treaty of Ft. Stanwix, 82; numbered                                Hay, John, Journal, cited, 105.

600 warriors, 82.                                                                Hay-fields, needed by Indians, 9.

Gekelemukpechuenk (Gekalemukpechuenk),                          Hay   making, Indian, 42.

location, 58; hostile message from,                                  Hazirok, site, 109.

70; explanation, 71; visited by Pres.                                  Heaven, Indian preachers account of, 55.

70; explanation, 71; visited by Pres-

byterian missionaries, 73; sends hea-   Heckewelder, John, A                     Narrative of the

then preacher to confound Zeisberger,                                     Mission       of  the              United  Brethren

78; Delaware capital in Ohio, 113.                                           Among        the Delaware and Mohegan

Indians, mentioned, 1.

Gendaskund, consulted by Zeisberger, 75;

enraged at trader, 98; disliked after                                   Hehl, Matthew, trader, mentioned, 50.

conversion, 100; exhorting, 101; sketch,                            Henry, an Indian, mentioned, 46.

114.                                                                                     Herbs, used to satisfy hunger, 46.

Herrnhut, built by Moravian exiles, 1.

Geneseo, N. Y., site of Seneca capital,                                    Historic Highways of America, Hulbert

107.                                                            cited, 107.

Georgia, Trustees, offer land to Zinzen-                                  Historical Sketches of the Missions

doe o 3;    *   T _r     , * . ..                                                  Historical Sketches of the Missions of

dorf, 3; desire Indians christianized,         United Brethren, see Holmes

o' the United Brethren, see Holmes.

Sr^^t~~~~ . f  + A -History of the Mission of the United

Ghost-feast, described, 66.                   Brethren  see Loskiel.

Glikkikan, desired  to meet Zeisberger,

53; invited by Zeisberger, 54; sketch                                 Hogs, among Delawares, 9; fenced in,

of life, 112.                                                                                  42; meat sacrificed at ghost-feast, 66;

town (Goschgoschingk), 106.

Gnadenhutten, Pa., established, 5.

Gnadenthalut,  Pamis , 3.establish,        Holmes, John, Historical Sketches of the

Gnadenthal, mission, 3.

God, character discussed by Seneca chief                                        issions  of the  United  Brethren,

and Zeisberger, 15; according to In-                                          mentioned, 1.

dian preachers, 24, 28 seq.  of the                                     Hoope, mission, S. America, 2.

Genesee River, 84.                                                              Hopedale, mission, Labrador, 2.

Goschgoschingk, described, 20, 49; inhabi- Horses, among    Delawares, 9;   whites

tants  came   from  Wihilusing, 20;                                             from  Pittsburgh looking for stolen,

reached by Zeisberger, 49; captains,                                         7s'

75;    Seneca rum  market, 90.                                            Houses (Indian)     described, 9;  built for

Zeisberger on Allegheny, 54, 57; of

Goshgoshink, Gcschgoschfink, Kushkush-                                          Senecas at Garochati, 82.

ing, see Goschgoschingk.                                                     Hutberg, see Herrnhut.

"Great Flat," described, 10.                                                         Huts, made nightly in the spring, 47.

Great Island, on West Branch of Sus-                                        Hymns, sung by Indians, 50; see Zeis-

quehanna, mentioned, 70.                                                            berger.


Index.                                  119


I,                     bassy to Six Nations, 6; grant land to

the Delawares, 30, 70, 76; desired war

Indians (by tribes),168)

(1768),. 56.

Cayugas, invite Zinzendorf to visit    (1 8          ,     6.

Ipomoca pandurata, mentioned, 110.

them, 5-6; visited by Zeisberger and

thRun, 56;            visited  by  Zeisberger and   Islands, in Allegheny cultivated, 60.

Rundt, 6;              chief objects to Allegheny

mission, 43; citizen desires child taught,

50.                                                          J.

Cherokees, treat with Six Nations, 113.                              Jachcapus, Monsey chief, 11.

Delawares,  given   bad   name   by                                  James, native convert, mentioned, 39.

Senecas, 16; given land in western Pa.                                      Jew, dissuades Indians from joining mis-

and Ohio by Wyandots, 70, 76; ask per-                                           sion, 54.

mission of Senecas to leave Allegheny, 87.                              John, see Papunhank.

Gachpas, send peace embassy to Iro-                              Johnson, Sir William, opposes Cherokee

quois, 6.                                                                                               War, 18; reported as desiring Seneca

Mingoes, stopped Post at Pasigach-                                          migration,  56;   rumor   of  alleged

kunk, 107.                                                                                            treachery, 79;    summons Hagastaas

Mohawk, language, taught by Weiser,                                      to Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 82; urges

5; warrior, visits Zeisberger, 58.                                                        Senecas to          Treaty   of Fort Stan-

Nanticok, Chief, mentioned, 39.                                                wix, 92;              questions effectiveness of

New England, Indians, false message                                      missionaries, 107, 113; Review of the

from, 72.                                                                                             Past, cited, 113, 114; sends religious

Onondagas, invite Zinzendorf to visit                                        books to Senecas, 114.

them, 5.                                                                                       Joshua, Jr., native convert, mentioned,

Senecas, chief discusses religion with                                      35

Zeisberger, 14; land bounded on west                                       Juntarogu, Pyrlaeus locates at, 5.

by Venango, 30; middle town (second),

31; 48; first town on Allegheny, 47; second,                K.

48; Canawaka, 48; brutal and savage,                                       Kalmucks, Moravian mission, 3.

47; oppose the gospel, 47; at Venango                                             askaskunk (Kaskaskank   mssages sent

Kaskaskunk (Kaskaskank), messages sent

object to Moravians, 51, 62; asked to                    Wangomen returns from,

permit Allegheny mission, 52, 56; written                                       79; message from, 80; site, 113.

to by Zeisberger, 64; hostile message                                       Kentekeys (dances), mentioned, 52, 69, 75.

from, 67; discuss western migration, 72,                                  Kittnnink, Indians attnd srvics, 73.

Kittennink, Indians attend services, 73.

91; fear English westward advance, 76;    Kushkushing, see Goschgoschingk.

turn back from   Treaty of Ft.. Stanwix,

77;  mission                   to, discussed  at Gosch-

goschingk, 79; last town on Allegheny,                       L.

81; chief's death delays Treaty of Ft.                                       La Trobe, Benjamin, A Succinct View of

Stanwix, 81, 114; mission to capital of,                                            the Missions Established Among the

81-93; excellent houses at Garochati de-                                         Heathen, mentioned, 1 note.

scribed, 82; very superstitious, 85; used Longuntoutenuenk   mentioned   114.

Longuntoutenuenk, mentioned, 114.

rum excessively, 85; divided in feeling                                    apland, entered by Moravians, 3.

toward English (by Genesee River), 91;                                  Lawunakhannek, site, 112, 114.

robbed by a trader, 96; and others treat                                   Lechawahnek mentioned, 35.

with Cherokees, 113.    Lechaweke, see Hazirok.

Shawanese, leave the Susquehanna,                                Lichtenfels (mission), Greenland, 2.

34; painted grave-stones, 34; chief at-                                      Life and Times of David Zeisberger, De

tends mission, 51; bring news of Treaty                                          Schweinitz, cited, 8, 107, 108, 109, 110.

of Ft. Stanwix to Goschgoschingk, 101;                                    Life of Sir William Johnson, by W. L.

hereditary priesthood, 114.                  Stone, cited  108.

Tuscarawas, visited by Zeisberger and                           Ligonier, Pa., close commercial relation

Rundt, 6.                                                                                            with  upper Allegheny, (1767-9) 50,

Tulelocs, visited by Zeisberger, 10;                                         65, 72.

mentioned, 106.                                                                         Little        Shingle, on Cowanesque   Creek,

Wyandots (Delamattenoos), send er-                                     106.

120 Ohio Arch

120          Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


Loskiel, G. H., History of the Mission                      O.

of the United Brethren2 Among the

indians in Northt  Aerica, mentionied,  Ogdon, trader, visited by Zeisberger, 34.

Indians in Northt Ameeica, mentioned,

Indians,6. iNo AecOhio, movement of Moravians to, early

I, 5, .         .   .considered, 42.

Loyalhonning, see Ligonier.                                                             considered, 42.

Loyalhonning, see Ligonier.                                                     Ohio State Arch. and Hist. Pub., Vol.

XXI, Nos. 1 and 2 (Moravian

M1.                                                           Records, Vol. 1.) cited, 105, 106, 107,

Machiwihilusing, visited by Zeisberger,                                          108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115.

(1763), 6.                                                                           Oil, carried by Indians to Niagara, 82.

Mack, Martin, labors in New England, 4.                                 Oil wells, on Allegheny tributary, 82.

Macrochelys lacertina, 111.                                                      Okkak, mission, Labrador, 2.

Marcus, Christian Indian, mentioned, 8,                                  Onengen, see Venango.

35.                                                                                       Onondaga, visited by Western peace em

Masasskung, mentioned, 39.                                                             bassy, 6.

Meadows on Chemung, 106.                                                    Oppening, reached by Zeisberger, 36.

Meetings, disturbed by rioters, 68.                                           Otstonwackin, visited by Zinzendorf, 5.

Meniolagomekah, visited by Zinzendorf,

4.                                                       P.

Mequachake,    hereditary    Shawanese                                 Pachgatgoch, mission established, 4.

priesthood, 114.                                                                 Packankee, chief, owned lands on French

Milligan, Mr., mentioned, 72.                                                            Creek, 93; glad to have Moravians

Misquachki (Misquahki)   Nation, men-                                           move thither, 93.

tioned, 77; Indian warns Zeisberger,                               Painted stones, protect Shawanese graves

84.                                                                                              by the Susquehanna, 34.

Missionaries, influence questioned by Sir                                Panawaku, reached by Zeisberger, 31.

William  Johnson, 107.                                                      Papunhank, ("John") mentioned, 9, 21,

Mohican Indians, received missionaries,           ,

25, 32, 105.

4.                                                                                         Paramaribo, mission, S. America, 2.

Montour, Andrew, mentioned, 71.                                           Pasigachkunk (Passigachgungk) deserted,

Moon, eclipse, an ill-omen, 56.                                                         12; inhabitants moved to the Alle-

Moravians, progress to Ohio early con-                                  gheny, 20; mentioned, 32, 45, 111.

sidered, 42.                                                                        Pasikachk, "a board," 106.

Moravian Records, Vol. I., (Ohio State                                    Pasturage, of vital importance to Indians

Arch. and Hist. Pub., Vol XXI, Nos.

1 and 2) cited, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,                            Pennsylvania Archives, mentioned, 8.

110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115.                                             Pennsylvania Records, mentioned, 8.

Mountains:                                                                                  Persia, entered by Moravians, 3.

Blue Ridge, Pennsylvania, ranges, 8,                               Peter   good  hunter, 43; starts   for

105;  Broad,   plateau  of,  107;                                         Friedensuettan via Great Island on

Moosic, 109; Pennsylvania, named                                  Wst Brah, 70.

by Weiser, q. v.; Wajomick, 34;                                       e, ht      b  nan, 4.

Wolf,- 0~, 33a                                   Pike, shot by Indian, 46.

7Wolf, S, 3~3.                                    Pilgerhut, mission, S. America, 2.

N.                                                     Pine forest, mentioned, 12.

Pinns punqgens, mentioned, 107.

Nain, mission, Labrador, 2.                                                       Pipi, Jo., mentioned, 39.

Narrative of the Mission of the United                                       Pantations, of Indians on Allegheny, 48;

Brethren Among the Delaware and                                           not fenced in, 49, 50.

Mohegan Indians, see Heckewelder.                               Play, arranged   by Indian preacher for

Negroes, among Senecas, 83.                                                           charity, 56.

New Year Service (1769) well attended,                                 Plumes, worn by rowdy Indians, 50.

102.                                                                                     Pochapuchkung, visited by Zinzendorf, 4.

*Nicobar Island, entered by Moravians, 3.                               Portage, most available between Susque-

Nitschman, Moravian missionary, men-                                         hanna and Allegheny, 13.

tioned, 2.                                                                             Post, Christian Frederick, studies Iro-

Nitschman, Susanna, martyrdom, 40.                                             quois language. 5; at Pasigachkunk,

Noapassisqu, visited by Zeisberger, 11.                                           11, 107; sketch of life, 111.


Index.                                  121


Powder, Glikkikan desired to know how                                 Muskingum, visited by Presbyterian

to make, 53.                                                                                       missionaries, 73.

Prairies, on Chemung, 10.                                                                Oil Creek (Canoos), 92.

Preachers, native, Zeisberger encounters,                                      Onondaga, (Zinochfoa), mentioned, 5.

22, 23, 24 seq.; 27 seq., mentioned, 37;                                    Pemidhannak, Pemidhannek, Pemid

doctrines and teaching, 55; denounced                                             hanek, see Genesee.

by  Zeisberger, 57; on                          the  Mus-                      Schulkill, mentioned, 4.

kingum, 58; have    seen                       God, 59;                       Sugar Run, site of Friedenshutten, 6.

adept in Black Art, 78.                                                               Susquehanna, visited by Zinzendorf,

Presbyterian missionaries reported on the                                              4; mentioned, 6; west branch,

Muskingum, 73.                                                                                  mentioned, 70.

Priest, among Misquachki, tortured, 77.                                  Tionesta, mentioned, 7; site of Gosch-

Proclamation of 1763, mentioned, 114.                                           goschingk, 106.

Pyrlaeus, Christopher, labors in Iroquois                               Tunkahannock, 110.

land, 5.                                                                                        Venango Creek, see French Creek.

Q.                                       Wechquetank, 109.

Wyalusing, 101.

.Quakers, influence among Indians, 52.        Zinochfoa, see Onondaga.

Zoneschio, see Genesee.

R.                      Rochefoucauld describes "Spanish Ram-

Rauch, Christian Henry, opens mission                                  parts," 106.

in America, 3.                                                                   Rogers, Journal of Sullivan's Expedition,

Raystown, see Bedford.                                                                     cited, 105.

Rebecca, Friedenshutten woman, 22, 23.   Roth, John, missionary, mentioned, 105.

Report of the Journey of John Ettwein,         Rum, not to be sold by trader, 50;

David Zeisberger and Gottlob Sense-                              Allemewi   forbids  importation, 68;

man   to Friedenshuetten  and their                                  brought by Senecas, .73; market for

S'tay There, 1768, 32 seq.                                                           Senecas (Goschgoschingk) 91; exces-

Rest-cure, taken by Indians, 46.                                                         sively used at Zoneschio, 85.

Review  of the Past, etc., by Sir Wm.           Rundt, Gottfried, accompanies Zeisberger

Johnson, cited, 113.                                                                     to Iroquois land, 6.

Rivers, Creeks, etc.                      Russia, entered by Moravians, 3.

Allegheny, source, 12, 13, 46; route

of warriors, 30; commerce, 30;                        S.

first fork, 46; second fork, 46;        Saint Croix, entered by Moravians, 2.

Seneca villages, 47, 48; flanked by                           Saint Thomas, entered by Moravians, 2.

mountains, 48; islands cultivated,   Sangipak, mentioned, 42.

60; water bad in Summer, 60.        Salome, mentioned, 43; brother, mention-

Bear, mentioned, 109.                                                                 ed, 44, 51, 74.

Beaver, message concerning removal

of Allegheny River to, 69.               Salt, exchanged for corn, 47.

of Allegheny River to, 69.              Samuel, convert, 78.

~Canoos, see Oil.                                     Samuel, convert, 78.

Cheman, rte of Ir        oi, 5     lt              Sarah, sister of Samuel, mentioned, 49,

Chemung, route of Iroquois, 5; last                                   51      4, 55, 61, 66, 70.

house on, 43.                                                                        51, 54, 55, 61, 66, 70.

house on, 43.

Cowanesque, mentioned, 106.                                           Savannah, reached by first Moravians, 3.

French, named by Senecas as good       Saxony, the refuge of Moravians, 1.

place for Allegheny   Indians to     Schebosch, Indian name, 111.

settle, 30; chosen as mission site,    Schechschiquanuentk, inhabitants ask for

75; owned by Packanke, 93.                                                        missionaries, 44.

Genesee, crossed by Ziesberger, 5, 12, Scheschequaningk, mentioned, 32.

45; towns, 46; branch, 82, 83;          Schmick, see Schmueck.

"Spirit" of, 84; prairies, 92.              Schmidt, George, missionary to Africa, 3.

Heads, mentioned, 109.                                                      Schmueck, Br., & Sr., mentioned, 9, 36,

Hudson, Moravian mission, 4.                                             37, 95, 105.

Leheigh, mentioned, 5, 34.                                                  Schoenbrunn, mission among Kalmucks,

Mahony, mentioned, 5.                                                                 3.

122 Ohio Arch

122          Ohio Arch. and        Hist. Society      Publications.


Schrueck, Rev. and Mrs., mentioned, 35.                               Tiohuwaquaronto, last Seneca town, 31.

Schwonnak, "a    white,"  derisive  name                                 Tionienwaquagaronto, reaclhed   by  Zeir-

given Gendaskund, 100.                                                            berger, 93.

"Sea tortoise," shot by Anton, 4S.                                             Tiozinossongachta    (Tiozinossongochta,

Seal, seen in Susquehanna, 38.                                                        Tiozinossungochta), Seneca town, 13,

Segapuch, an island, 36.                                                                   31, 107.

Seidel, Christian, mentioned, 35.                                              Tobago, entered by Moravians, 3.

Seidel, Nathaniel, letter read, 37.                                             Tobyhanna Creek, mentioned, 109.

Seiffart, Anthony, missionary to America,                            Toltschig, John, missionary to America,

3.                                         3.

Senseman, Gottlob, report, 32; mentioned,                             Traders, fail to deliver letters, 74; attend

81; sketch, 33.                                                                            services, 78; lose correct date, 96; act

Shad, caught May 6th, 38.                                                                riotously, 98, 100; promise good be-

"Shades of Death," see Swamp.                                                       havior, 99; had many Indian debtors,

Shaler, Prof., explanation of forest fires,                                        100.

111.                                                                                    Treaty of Fort Stanwix, see Fort Stan-

Shamokin, visited by Zinzendorf, 4.                                                 wix.

Sharon (mission), S. America, 2                                              Trails, warriors, 19; distinct from   elk

Shekomeko, mission established, 4; visit-                                         tracks, 107; Wyoming, 109.

ed by Zinzendorf, 4; abandoned by                                  Tschctschiqranik       (Tschetsclequanik,

converts, 5                                                                                  Tschechschequaningk), mentioned, 10,

Sign, left on tree by travellers, 46.                                                   38, 39, 40; inhabitants desire resident

Silesia, the refuge of Moravians, 1.                                                 Moravians, 39; connected with trail

Sind, an Indian convert, 10.                                                              to West Brancl, 40.

Slaves, converts said to become, 51, 60.                                 Tulpchokin, visited   by Zinzendorf, 5;

Sommelsdyke (mission), S. America, 2.                                         Pyrlaeus studies with Weiser at, 5.

Sorcerers, among Delawares, 16.                                           Tunkhannock, site, 110.

Spangenberg, Bishop, enters American                                   Turtle, land, described, 111.

mission, 3; Oneida name, 111.                                          Turkey, killed by fright, 20.

Tuscarawas (Tuscarawi), site, 49, 112.

"Spanish Ramparts," described, 11.          Tutear huts

Tutelar huts, 10.

Staircases, on Seneca houses, 82.

Stone, W.  L,  Li  of i   illI   Tutelo, (Totero), see Tutelocs (Indians.)

Stone, W. L., Life of Sir William John-

son, cited, 108, 112, 113.

Succinct Fiew of the Missions Establish-

ed Among the Heathen, A, see La         I'nitas Fratrum, missionary record, 1 seq.


Swamp: Bear, 109; "Great Swamp," de-                          V.

scribed, 8, 12, 34; "Great Swamp"

(Broad Mt.), horse fed corn in, 31;                                   Venango, on Warrior's Trail, 19; boun-

reached by Ziesberger, 45; change of                                      dary  line, 3); Senecas    object to

course in, 45; mentioned, 82, 107, 109.                                    coming of Moravians, 51.

Sweating hut, built by Indians,



PT~~. ~            Wajomick, visited by Zinzendorf, 5.

Teaching of native preachers, 24 seq.                                       Walpole Company, Johnson's attitude to,

Tea, served by Indian, 44.                                                                 112, 113.

Tenkannek River, crossed by Zeisberger,                                 Wampum, used to show      gratitude, 53;

36.                                                                                                received with a warning message, 61.

Tgirhitontie, Bishop Spangenberg's Oneida                               Wangomen, sister dies, 71; brings mes-

name, 111.                                                                                   sage helpful to mission from Kaskas-

Thirty Years War, effect on the Unitas                                             kunk, 79, 80; see Preachers.

Fratrum, 1.                                                                           Warriors Trail. to Venango, 19.

Thomas,   Zeisberger  preaches   on  the                                   Iflaslhigton-Crau'ford Correspondence, C.

Story of, 60.                                                                                W. Butterfield, cited, 113.

Thuerstein, Lord, title of Zinzendorf, 33,                                   Weather-boarded Seneca houses. 82.

109.                                                                                      Wecliquetalk, site. 109.


Index.                                  123


Weiser, Conrad, accompanies Zinzendorf,                                     reaches Wilawane. 10; in Chemung

6; instructs Pyrlaues, 5; names Penn-                                     flats, 10; reaches Wenschikochpiechen,

sylvania mountains, 109.                                                          10; passes Great Flat (Chemung), 10;

Wenschikochpiechlen, mentioned, 10.                                            reaches Assinissingk, 11; notes stone

Wequetank, visited by Zeisberger, 33.                                            pyramids (Spanish ramparts?), 11;

White men, from Pittsburg, report Pres-                                        reaches Gachtochwawunok, 11; reaches

byterian  missionaries on the Mus-                                          Noapassisqu, 11; loses the trail, 11;

kingum, 73.                                                                                reaches Pasigachkunk, 12; points out

Whitfield, George, invites Moravians to                                          limit of canoe navigation on Che-

Pennsylvania, 4; school for negroes,                                       mung, 12; loses trail, 12; leaves the

4; sells stone house to Moravians, 4.                                        Chemung, 12;    reaches  the  Great

Wichilusing, visited by Zeisberger, 20.                                            Swamp, 12; crosses dividing ridge,

Wilawane, reached by Zeisberger (1768),                                     12; notes change   of direction  of

10, 43; people of, decry Allegheny                                        storms, 12; reaches Genesee River,

mission, 43, 44; people of, hoped Ohio                                   12;  crosses  dividing   ridge,  12;

Indians would    return, 44; family                                           reaches head of Allegheny River, 12;

move to the Allegheny, 45.                                                       sees first.pine forest, 12; follows elk

Windows, in Indian houses, 9.                                                          trail by mistake, 13; lost in a wilder-

Witchcraft, on the Muskingum, 70, 71;                                            ness, 13; reaches the Allegheny, 13;

known to Indian preachers, 78.                                                 notes canoe-building place, 13; out-

Wolves, make music, 48.                                                                 lines most convenient Susquehanna-

Women: paid little attention by mission-                                          Allegheny  route, 13; passes   wild

aries, 17; aged, brought to hear Zeis-                                       swamp, 13; reaches Tiokuwaquaronto

berger, 30; Indian, ostracized, 33;                                             (?), 13; finds good road, 13; arouses

(white), prefer captivity to freedom,                                       suspicions of Senecas, 13; reaches

47; hostile to mission, 57, 58; white,                                          Tiozinossongochta, 13; well received,

captive returned to Indians, 59; in-                                           13; mission questioned, 13; instructs

toxicated, 85; missionaries attitude to,                                      Seneca chieftain, 14-17; gets dark re-

108; hinder missionaries, 113.                                                   ports  of   Allegheny  Indians, 16;

Wood, see fire wood.                                                                        reaches Panawaku (?), 17; delayed

Wyoming, deserted by Post in French                                             by entertainment, 17; hears Johnson

War, 6; trail, route, 109.                                                             is displeased with Senecas, 18; de-

scribes a                dance, 18; reaches the

7~~Z.  ~"mountains"         (hills), 19; gets  on

wrong road, 19; notes warriors trail

Zacharias, convert, mentioned, 49.                                                   to Venango, 19; reaches Goschgosch-

Zeisberger, David, pupil of Pyrlaeus, 5;                                           ingk, 20; on   width  of Allegheny

on mission among Six Nations, 5; on                                         (Tionesta, Pa.), 20; describes Gosch-

mission on Susquehanna, 6; arranged                                        goschingk, 20; remembered by many

for settlement at Friedenshutten, 6;                                            inhabitants, 20; summons a meeting,

Dairy of Journey to the Ohio Called                                           20; explains his mission, 20-21; meets

in Delaware the Allegene from Sept.                                          Wangomen, 21; answers Wangomen,

20th to Nov. 16th, 1767, 8-32; Life and                                       22; difficulties of the location, 22;

Times of, by    De   Schweinitz, 8;                                             describes the towns, 23; on savagery

reason for Allegheny journey (1767),                                      of younger people, 23; meets the

8;  companions,   8;  reaches  Wolf                                            blind chief Allemewi, 22-24; proposes

Range, 8; traverses Great Swamp, 8;                                         to spend the winter, 24; describes

meets Marcus, 8; reached Friedens-                                          Indian preachers, 24-26; final meeting

hutten, 9; secures Anton and John                                               called, 26; gives Wangomen's speech,

for Allegheny journey, 9; describes                                          27-28; replies, 28-30; points out un-

Indian houses, 9; notes lack of pas-                                            favorable location of Goschgoschingk

turage, 9; leaves Friedenshutten, 10;                                          for mission, 30; hears the Senecas

reaches  Sind's house, 10; reaches                                              have suggested new site on French

Tschechschequaningk, 10; meets Ech-                                       Creek, 30; learns that Allegheny is

gohund, 10; hears bad     report of                                               the "route of warriors," 30; meets

Allegheny Indians, 10; on the Che-                                             aged woman, 30; final services, 31;

mung, 10; among the Tutelocs, 10;                                             leaves  Goschgoschingk,   31;  route

124 Ohio Arch

124          Ohio   Arch. and      Hist. Society     Publications.


homeward, 31; meets Egohund, 32;  the story of Thomas, 60; looks for

reaches Bethlehem, 32; appointed to                                        islands to cultivate, 60, 61; assisted by

found Allegheny mission with Sense-                                      Allemewi, 61; alarmed   by   message

man, 32; starts westward with Ett-     f;-om  the Senecas, 62; corrects Alle-

wein and Senseman from                  Bethlehem.                     r-mci's message             to  Senecas, 63-64;

33; holds    consultation                 about All-                             plans to  spend         winter, 65; writes

gheny       mission,  37;                preaches   aL                       Matthew Hehl, 65; converts Allemewi,

Friedenshutten, 37; meets messengers                                     65; describes ghost dance, 66; de-

from Goschgoschingk, 38; sends mes-                                     scribes returning victorious Iroquois,

sengers back to Goschgoschingk, 38;                                       6C; alarmed by a message from      the

promises to reach Great Swamp in  Gcnesee, 67; goes hay-making, 67;

30 days, 38; baggage carried in canoe,                                   notes Wangomen's renewed hostility,

38;  accompanied    by   Ettwein  to 67; services disturbed, 68;confers with

Tschetschequanik, 38; sings Delaware                                    disturbers, 69; converts propose re-

hymns, 39; preaches, 39; questions moval of mission to Beaver River,

stability of local converts, 39; leaves                                       69;   advises  awaiting  word   from

with          party  for the              Allegheny, 39;                     Seneca chief, 70; disturbed by hostile

Dairy        (with Gottlob               Senseman) e,                       message from    the Muskingum, 71;

Journey            to                         Goschgoschingk   on  the     builds canoes for harvesting island

Ohio and Their Arrival There, I768, crops, 71; praised by Crawford, 71;

42-69 (continuation of same, 69-101);                                    advised to locate mirrion near Pitts-

regrets that Ettwein could not go to   burgh, 71; remarks on sale of western

Allegheny, 43; role of the party, 43;                                        lands by          Six Nations, 72; receives

reaches Wilawane, 43; reaches last                                        letter from               Milligan, 72; hears of

house on Chemung, 43; answers ob-                                        Presbyterian missionaries on the Mus-

jections of the people of Wilawane,                                        kingum, 73; visited by whites from

43;  reaches   Gachtochwawunk,    44;                                     Pittsburgh, 73; asks traders not to

journey by water ends at Passikach-                                       bring rum, 73; receives news from

kunk, 45; account of cattle being Bethlehem,   74;   regrets  entrusting

driven westward, 45; reaches Great                                        letters to traders, 74; sums up success

Swamp, 45; reaches head of Genesee,                                   of mission, 74; makes proposals to

45; takes water at the first fork of      converts regarding removal, 75-76; in-

Allegheny, 46; eats herbs, 46; encamps                                 formed by Senecas of the fear of

at second fork, 46; describes the fish                                        white immigration, 76; talks with

of the Allegheny, 46-47; questioned at                                    superstitious savage, 77; assailed by

Tiohuwagquaronto, 47; sends word to                                      preacher from the Muskingum, 78; on

Chief Hagastaaes, 47; trades corn for                                      oil wells. 79; remarks on     coming

salt, 47; meets envoys from    Gosch-                                     Treaty of Ft. Stanwix, 79-80; cheered

goschingk, 48; describes Tiozinosson-                                      by   Wangomen's    report from    the

gochta as deserted, 48; no'ts Indian  Beaver River, 80; starts with embassy

plantations, 48; reaches Canawaca, 48;                                   to the Seneca capital, 81; account of

reaches   Goschgoschingk,  49;   first                                       the journey, 81-93; arrives at Zones-

services upon arrival, 49-50; selects                                        chio, 84; account of meeting with

plantations, 50; opposed by Senecas                                        Seneca    chiefs,  85-92;  arrival  at

at Venangs, 51; promotes embassy to                                     Goschgoschingk, 93; cheered by mes-

the Seneca chief, 52, 54, 56, 62, 63,                                        sage from    King  Beaver, 94; hires

65, 66, 67, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79; doubts harvesters, 94; receives letters from

influence of Ouakers, 52; selects site                                       Bethlehem, 95; account of the starting

for mission, 52; learns of Glikkikan,  of a bakery by Eliot, 95; befriends

53; hears superstition of the speaking                                       a robbed Seneca, 96; corrects calen-

corn, 53; mentions a Jew trader, 54;                                        dar of traders, 96; notes passage of

account of Wangomen, 55; makes an                                      Iroquois warriors, 97; advises with

Indian calendar, 56; mentions project                                     converts          about        removal,   98;  has

of English settlement on the Ohio,    trouble                            with                 riotous      traders, 98;

56; describes Wyandots as anxious   difficulties                      with                 old    women,   99;

for war, 56; explains eclipse of moon,                                     counsels with Gendaskund, 100; holds

56; difficulties, 58; seq., preaches on                                      a happy Christmas service, 101; ren-


Index.                                    125


ders thanks at New Year's services,                                          allow Moravians to build Hutberg or

102; gives Indian's legends of Heaven,                                     Herrnhut, 1; interested in missions

103; promises to conduct services at                                         at Copenhagen, 2; visits West Indies,

Damascus, 104.                                                                          2; offered a tract of land in Georgia,

3; in America, 4; journeys in Amer-

Zeisberger, David, Jr., misionary, men-        3; in America, 4; journeys in Amer-

ica, 4-5.

tioned, 8, 9, 33, 105.                      ica, 4-5.

Zoneschio   (Zonnesschio,   Zonesschio),

Zininge, visited by peace embassy, 6.                                              on site of Geneseo, N. Y., mention

Zinzendorf, Count, Bethelsdorf estate, 1;                                          ed, 46, 47, 84, 101, 107, 111.