Archaeological Exhibit for the
Centennial. 173
The State should pay for it, pay
generously for it, and should
authorize the placing of a copy of the
final report in the
hands of every contributor to the
exhibition, and in every
public library of the State, with a
large edition over for dis-
tribution by the proper officers of the
State and the experts
who prepared the report.
There are a few magnificent collections
which ought to be
placed unbroken in the Exposition, and
among the first of
these is that of Mr. Thomas Cleaney, of
Cincinnati. His
collection should be placed where the
archaeologists of the
State can study it in detail, and should
then become the
property of the State by purchase. It
would make a grand
beginning for such an archaeological
collection as the State of
Ohio ought to have, and would doubtless
draw to it many
other collections which otherwise would
be lost or carried
out of the State. It would be well if
all the owners of large
collections would put them on
exhibition, but the real value
of the final report will depend upon the
completeness of the
collection of typical specimens from all
parts of the State.
THE Ohio Archaeological and Historical
Society desires to
procure for publication, first in the
QUARTERLY, a complete
list of all owners or collectors of
archaeological and historical
specimens in Ohio,-especially those
whose collections
illustrate Ohio antiquities. I will esteem
it a favor if all who
read this will send me the names and
addresses of any whom
they may know to be collectors. Blanks
will be furnished,
if desired, on which to send such
We wish to secure this information, not
only for use in our
regular Society work, but also that an
exhibit may be made
by every Ohio collector in our coming
Centennial Exposi-
tion in the autumn of 1888. A. A. GRAHAM,