[Continued from page 200.]
ANY observers in the State who have
facts concerning the
earthworks of Ohio, in addition to those
here stated, will
confer a favor upon the world by
forwarding such information
to Professor G. F. Wright, Oberlin, 0.,
the member of the
Editorial Committee in charge of this
department, by whom
the facts will be classified and
published in a future number,
making the QUARTERLY by far the
completest depository of
such information.
In locating ancient remains it is
desirable to note the fol-
lowing points:
The character of the works-whether
mounds, stone graves,
burial places, enclosures, walls,
caches, etc.
Whether explored or not, and if explored
whether relics
were found, the kind of relics, and
where such relics have
been deposited, if known.
The exact locality, as near as can be
determined, in town-
ship and county, and whether near a town
or stream of any
Whether any notice or description has
been published, and
in what book, paper or magazine such
notice may be found.
In all cases where antiquities have
existed, but are now
obliterated, they should be included in
the list and mention
made of their having been destroyed.
Nest of flint implements, found two
miles west of Center-
ville. Described by S. H. Binkley, Am.
Antiq., Vol. III.,
(1881), p. 144.
Bibliography of the Earthworks of
Ohio. 273
Earthworks on the east bank of the Great
Miami River,
three miles below Dayton. Described and figured, Anc.
Mon., pp. 23-24, Pl. viii., No. 4.
Small stone mound near Alexandersville.
Opened, de-
scribed, and contents noted at length by
S. H. Binkley, Am.
Antiq., Vol. III., (1881), pp. 325-328.
Young Mineralogist
and Antiquarian, April, 1885, pp. 79-80.
Enclosure, partly of stone, on the
bluff, two miles south
of Dayton. Described by S. H. Binkley,
Am. Antiq., Vol.
VII., (1885), p. 295. (Possibly the same
as mentioned in
Anc. Mon., pp. 23-24.)
Group of ancient works consisting of
square, circles, and
mounds, near Alexandersville and six
miles below Dayton.
Described and figured, Anc. Mon., pp.
82-83, Pl. xxix., No.
1. S. H. Binkley, Am. Antiq., Vol. III.,
(1881), pp. 192-
193 and 325-328. Young Mineralogist and
April, 1885, pp. 79-80.
The great mound at Miamisburg. Western
(1847?), p. 295. Howe's Hist. Coll.
Ohio, (1847), p. 375.
Anc. Mon., (1848), p. 5, fig. 1. Ohio
Centen. Rep., (1877),
Pl. ii.
MacLean's "Mound Builders," (1879), pp. 59-60,
fig. 1.
Ancient manufacturing village on the
farm of M. T. Dodds,
Esq., near West Carrollton. Described by
S. H. Binkley,
Am. Antiq., Vol. I., (1879), pp.
Aboriginal cemetery on the bank of the
Miami River,
close to Dayton. Full description of the
explorations by
Aug. A. Foerste, Sm. Rep., 1883, pp.
838-844. Also
noticed by S. H. Binkley, Am. Antiq.,
Vol. VII., (1885),
pp. 295-296.
Mound in Brush Creek township containing
stone slab and
skeleton. Reported by J. F. Everhart,
Sm. Rep., 1880, p.
444. Am. Antiq., Vol. III., (1880), p.
Mound on the farm of J. M. Boughman in
Brush Creek
township. (Probably same as preceding.)
Explored and
274 Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
described by L. A. Boughman, Zanesville
(Ohio) Courier,
April 8, 1886.
Mounds, triangles, enclosures, etc.,
near Zanesville, some
of which were explored. Described by Thomas Ashe,
" Travels," (1808), pp.
Four mounds in the vicinity of New
Lexington. Opened
and contents noted.
Flint diggings near New Lexington. Brief notices by
Prof. E. B. Andrews, Rep. Peab. Mus.,
Vol. II., pp. 54-55.
Large mound about thirty feet high on
the top of a hill
one mile northeast of Glenford.
Smaller mound in the same field; opened;
seven skeletons
found, all with feet toward the center.
Small "signal" mound, half
mile west of the large mound,
overlooking the valley. Reported by
Gerard Fowke.
Enclosure of stone surrounding a stone
mound five miles
north of Somerset.
Earthen enclosure formerly near the
above. Drake's In-
dians of N. A., (15th Ed.), p. 60. Prof.
E. B. Andrews,
Rep. Peab. Mus., Vol. II., pp. 54-55.
Described and fig-
ured by Atwater, Trans. Am. Antiq. Soc.,
Vol. I., (1820),
pp. 131-133, Pl. iii. Mentioned in Anc.
Mon. p. 13; also in
Warden's Recherch., p. 21, Pl. i., Pt.
2, fig. 2.
Early mentions of ancient works in this
county without
specifying exact localities: By an
anonymous writer, Am.
Jour. Sci. and Art, 1st Ser., Vol. XXV.,
(1834), pp. 234-235.
"A Town with a Stone Mound,"
Rafinesque's Cat. Annals
Ky., p. 36. "Mounds and Specimens,"
W. Anderson, Sm.
Rep., 1874, p. 386.
Stone mound on a branch of Hargas Creek,
a few miles
northwest of Circleville. Noticed by
Caleb Atwater, Trans.
Am. Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., p. 184.
Ancient works at Circleville
(enclosures, walls, mounds,
Described and figured by Atwater, Trans. Am.
Bibliography of the Earthworks of
Ohio. 275
Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., (1820), pp.
141-145, and 177-179, Pl.
v. Anon. writer, Am. Jour. Sci. and Art,
1st Ser., Vol.
XXV., (1834), pp. 238-240. Western
Gazetteer, p. 298.
Howe's Hist. Coll. Ohio, (1847), pp.
402-403, and 410-411.
Anc. Mon., p. 60, Fig. 10. Warden's
Recherch., p. 23.
Drake's Indians of N. A., (15th Ed.), p.
59. Am. Antiq.,
Vol. V., (1883), p. 234.
"The Cross," a mound in the
form of a Greek cross, near
Tarleton, in the valley of Salt Creek,
in the southeast corner
of the county. Described and figured,
Anc. Mon., p. 98,
Pl. xxxvi., No. 1.
Earthworks, comprising three lines of
embankments with
corresponding interior ditches, near the
north line of the
county on the right bank of the Scioto
River. Brief notice
and figure, Anc. Mon., p. 36, Pl. xiv.,
No. 1.
Ancient earthworks in Seal
township. Described and
figured, Anc. Mon., pp. 66-67, Pl. xxiv.
Ancient works at Piketon, consisting of
parallel walls,
graded way and mounds. Described and
figured, Atwater,
Trans. Am. Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., (1820),
pp. 193-194. Howe's
Hist. Coll. Ohio, (1847), p. 413. Anc.
Mon., pp. 88-90, Pl.
xxxi., No. 1, and pp. 170-171, Fig. 57,
No. 3. MacLean's
"Mound Builders," pp. 37-38,
Fig, 4.
Stone mound three-quarters of a mile
west of Hiram.
Examined and described by S. N. Luther,
Sm. Rep., 1881,
p. 593.
Ancient burying-ground near Lewisburg,
on Seven Mile
Creek. Am. Antiq., Vol. I., (1879), p.
Ancient embankment and interior wall of
boulders, six
miles southeast of Eaton. Described and figured, Anc.
Mon., p. 33, Pl. xii., No. 2.
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
Fortification near Mansfield. Reported
by E. Wilkinson,
Jr., Sm. Rep., 1879, p. 440.
"Dunlap Works" (enclosure and
mounds) on the right
bank of the Scioto, six miles above
Chillicothe. Described
and figured, Anc. Mon., pp. 63-64, Pl.
xxiii., No. 1. See
also "A," Pl. ii.
"High-bank works," on the
right bank of the Scioto, five
miles below Chillicothe. Full
description and plat, Anc.
Mon., pp. 50-51, Pl. xvi., and
"I," Pl. ii.
Ancient enclosure on the right bank of
the Scioto river,
about one mile south of Chillicothe.
Described and figured
in Anc. Mon., p. 59, Pl. xxi., No. 3.
See also "H," Pl. ii.
"Blackwater group," on the
right bank of the Scioto
river, eight miles above Chillicothe.
Described briefly and
figured in Anc. Mon., p. 63, Pl. xxii.,
No. 2.
Mound on the third bottom or terrace of
the Scioto river,
six miles below Chillicothe. Explored by
Squier and Davis;
described and figured by E. G. Squier,
Amer. Journal Sci.
and Art, 2d Ser., Vol. III., (1847), pp.
"Clark's Work," on the North
Fork of Paint Creek, five
miles from Chillicothe. Described and
figured by Caleb
Atwater, Trans. Am. Antiq. Soc., pp.
182-183, Pl. vi.
Also described and more correctly
figured in Anc. Mon., pp.
26-29, P1. x., and Fig. 27.
"Mound City," a square
enclosure with rounded corners,
enclosing several mounds, (the works
from which Squier and
Davis obtained most of their celebrated
collection). Other
works in the vicinity. Described and
figured in Anc. Mon.,
pp. 54-55, Pl. xix., and "E"
and "F," Fig. 2. For de
scription and figures of articles
obtained, see Chaps. x-xvi.
E. G. Squier, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts,
2d Ser., Vol. III.,
(1847), pp. 239-242. J. P. MacLean,
"Mound Builders,"
pp. 48-49.
Mound in Mound City, containing a
so-called "altar."
Bibliography of the Earthworks of
Ohio. 277
Explored by Squier and Davis. Described
and figured by
E. G. Squier, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts,
2d Ser., Vol. III.,
(1847), pp. 239-242.
Ancient works in Liberty township, eight
miles southeast
of Chillicothe, on Paint Creek.
Described and figured by
Caleb Atwater, Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc.,
pp. 146-148, Pl.
vii. Anc. Mon., p. 56-57, Pl. xx., and "K,"
Pl. ii. Sev-
eral mounds in the same locality.
Described and figured
also by E. G. Squier, Amer. Jour. Sci.
and Arts, 2d Ser.,
Vol. III., (1847), pp. 243-245.
Enclosures (circle and square) and
mounds, on the left
bank of the North Fork of Paint Creek,
at Frankfort, better
known as "Old Town," or Old
Chillicothe. Described and
figured, Anc. Mon. pp. 60-61, Pl. xxi.,
No. 4.
Earthworks (enclosure and mounds) on
Paint Creek, oppo-
site Bourneville. Described and figured
by Caleb Atwater,
Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc., Vol. I.,
(1820), p. 146, Pl. vii.
Anc. Mon., pp. 58-59, P1. xxi., No. 2.
Western Gazetteer,
p. 303. Drake's "Indians of N.
A." (15th ed.), p. 58. See
also Warden's Recherch., pp. 23-24, for
descriptions and fig-
ures of these and other works on Paint
Enclosure near Bourneville on the north
side of Paint
Creek. Described and figured in Anc.
Mon., p. 86, Pl.
xxx., No. 3, and "D," Pl.
iii., No. 4.
Group of small works occupying the high
lands on the east
side of the Scioto opposite Chillicothe,
consisting of a series
of small circles. Mentioned and figured
in Anc. Mon., p.
92, Pl. xxxii., No. 3, and at "L,"
Pl. ii,
"Cedar Bank Works," on the
east side of the Scioto River,
five miles above Chillicothe. Described
and figured in Anc.
Mon., pp. 53-54. Pl. xviii., and "B,"
Pl. ii.
"Hopeton Works," on the east
bank of the Scioto, four
miles north of Chillicothe. Described
and figured in Anc.
Mon., pp. 51-52, Pl. xvii.
Stone mound near Chillicothe. Noticed by
Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., p.
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
Mounds, circles and stone mound at
Chillicothe. Thomas
Ashe, "Travels," (ed. 1808),
pp. 181-182. Williamson's Ob-
servations on Climate of Amer., p. 190,
(Appendix D.).
Atwater, Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc., Vol.
I., (1820), pp. 181-
182and 184. Western Gazetteer, p. 303.
Drake's Indians of
N. A., (15th ed.), p. 58. Anc. Mon., p.
92, Pl. xxxii.,
No. 4.
Group of burial mounds on the plain in
the immediate
vicinity of Chillicothe. Plan and
description, Anc. Mon.,
pp. 170-171, Fig. 57, No. 2.
Singular earthworks (circles and lines)
in the valley of Paint
Creek, one mile west of Bainbridge, on
the turnpike leading
from Chillicothe to Cincinnati.
Mentioned and figured in
Anc. Mon., pp. 92-93, Pl. xxxii., No. 5.
Mound at Adelphi. Examined. Noticed in
Big Rapids, Michigan, Aug. 7, 1885.
Explored, described
and figured by James D. Middleton.
Stone enclosure of 140 acres on top of a
hill one mile
southeast of Bourneville. Described and
figured by Atwater,
Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc., pp. 148-150.
Western Gazetteer
p. 303. Anc. Mon., pp. 11-14, Pl. iv.,
and p. 4, P1. iii.,
(C), No. 1. Drake's Inds. N. A., (15th Ed.), p. 58.
Another singular stone work near the
above, described and
figured in Anc. Mon., p. 86, P1. xxx.,
No. 4; also Pl. iii.,
No. 1 (E). Notice and figure
copied by S. D. Peet, Amer.
Antiq., Vol. V., (1883), p. 254.
"Junction Group," consisting
of four circles, three cres-
cents, two squares and four mounds, on
Paint Creek, two
miles southwest of Chillicothe. Described and figured in
Anc. Mon., pp. 61-63, P1. xxii., No. 1.
Earthworks on Scioto River, twelve miles
above Chilli-
cothe, consisting of wall and ditch.
Described and figured
in Anc. Mon., pp. 34-35, Pl. xii., No.
Mounds near Hallsville. Reported by
Luther Yeaple.
A number of small mounds in Concord
township, close to
the Fayette county line. Some of these
probably lie in
Fayette county. Reported by Gerard
Bibliography of the Earthworks of
Ohio. 279
Mounds in the vicinity of Roxabelle.
Reported by W. J.
Mound fifteen feet high, two miles east
of Clarksburg.
Mounds in Jefferson township, on
Caldwell's and Ritten-
our's lands.
Mounds in Franklin township, on Foster's
and Higbee's
Mounds at Anderson Station, six miles
west of Chillicothe.
Reported by Gerard Fowke.
Mound on Mount Logan, opposite
Chillicothe. Western
Gazetteer, p. 303. Drake's Indians. N.
A., (15th Ed.), p.
58. Marked on P1. ii., Anc. Mon.
"Mounds and walls are numerous in
this county; a wall
from four to seven feet high extends
from the Great to the
Little Miami, a distance of seven
miles." Western Gazet-
teer, p. 301.
Ancient works five miles north of
Portsmouth, consisting
of a circular enclosure and inclosed
effigy mound. Described
and figured, Anc. Mon., pp. 83-84, P1.
xxix., No. 2.
Ancient works near Portsmouth,
consisting of enclosures,
walls, mounds, etc. Described by Caleb
Atwater, Trans.
Amer. Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., (1820), pp.
151-156. Anc.
Mon., pp. 77-78, Pl. xxvii. Further
description, pp. 78-82,
by groups (A. B. C.) on P1. xxviii.
(Groups A and C of
this plan lie on the Kentucky side, in
Greenup county). De-
scribed from another survey by G. S. B.
Hempstead, Jour.
Anthrop. Inst. Great Britain and
Ireland, Vol. VII.,
(1877-8), pp. 132-136, Pl. iv., by R. B.
Stone graves formerly existed on the
hills below the mouth
of the Scioto. Reported by Gerard Fowke.
A mound in the northern part of Van
Buren township.
Explored; contained balls and burnt
human bones. De-
scribed by C. Williamson,
"Science," Vol. IX., (1887),
p. 135.
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
An ancient fort on the land of William
and Randolph
Robinson, near the south line of Boston
township, on the
east bank of Cuyahoga river, and a mound
a mile up the
valley therefrom on the land of Nathan
Point. Described
and figured by Colonel Whittlesey, Tract
5,West. Res. Hist.
Soc., (1871), pp. 13-15, and 39.
Rock-shelters three miles west of Hudson
village, contained
ashes, human bones, stone implements,
Deposit of black chert disks on the farm
of Mr. M. Gra-
Reported by M. C. Read, Sm. Rep., 1879, pp.
439-440. Amer. Antiq., Vol. I., (1878),
p. 98.
Ancient earthwork (enclosure), known as
"Island Fort,"
at Copley. Brief description and figure
by Colonel Whittle-
sey, Tract 41, West. Res. Hist. Soc.,
pp. 33-34.
Ancient works (walls, ditches and
caches), near North
Hampton. Described and figured by Colonel Whittlesey,
Tract 5, West. Res. Hist. Soc., (1871),
pp. 15-18, Pl. v.,
vi., vii.
Ancient works, consisting of walls,
ditches, pits, mounds,
etc., near Northfield. Described and figured by Colonel
Whittlesey, Tract 5, West. Res. Hist.
Soc.,(1871), pp. 12-13,
P1. iv.
Large deposit of leaf-shaped flint knives
on the border of a
marsh near Akron, Ohio. Noticed by M. C.
Read, Am.
Antiq., Vol. I., (1878), No. 2, p. 98.
Mound one-third of a mile southeast of
Braceville, on a
terrace above the Mahoning river.
Examined and described
by S. N. Luther, Sm. Rep., 1881, p. 592.
Mound about one mile north of the
village of West Farm-
ington. Examined; contained various
specimens. Described
by F. Miller, Sm. Rep., 1877, p. 268.
"Fort Ancient," on a bluff in
Washington township, over-
Bibliography of the Earthworks of
Ohio. 281
looking the Little Miami, six miles east
of Lebanon. De-
scribed and plan given in the
"Portfolio" (Phila., 1809).
Described and figured by Caleb Atwater,
Trans. Amer.
Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., (1820), pp.
156-159, P1. ix. Howe's
Hist. Coll. Ohio, pp. 503-505. Drake's
"Pictures of Cin."
(1815), p. 2. Western Gazetteer, p.
292. Anc. Mon.,
(1847), pp. 18-21, Pl. vii. Drake's
Inds. N. A. (15th Ed.),
p. 58. Amer. Antiq., Vol. I., (1878),
pp. 49-51, and Vol.
V., (1883), pp. 238-239. Statement of
present condition,
Sixteenth Rep. Peab. Mus., (1884), Vol.
III., pp. 168-169;
also by Prof. Cyrus Thomas, with
figures, in "Science, "Vol.
VIII, (1886).
A mound on N. W. Quar. Sec. 23, Franklin
Opened and briefly described.
Two mounds on the S. W. Quar. Sec. 22,
Franklin town-
ship, between the turnpike and the
township line. Opened.
Briefly noticed by J. P. MacLean, Sm.
Rep., 1883, p. 851.
Ancient works (fortifications and
mounds) near Foster's
Crossing, on the hills west of the
Little Miami. Brief notice
by Josiah Morrow, Sm. Rep., 1879, p.
439. Reported
also by J. D. Blackburn.
"The Marietta Works,"
consisting of enclosures, mounds,
embankments, etc., situated on and near
the site of the pres-
ent town of Marietta. Described in the
Albany (N. Y.)
Gazette, 1788; (republished in the Hist.
Mag., 2d Ser., Vol.
III., (1868), pp. 50-51.) Brief
description and plat made by
Winthrop Sargent and communicated to the
Amer. Acad.
of Arts and Sci., (Bost.), 1787;
published in the Memoirs
Am. Acad., New Ser., Vol. V., (1883),
pp. 25-28. Noticed
by Harte in 1791. Described in Harris's
"Tour," (1805), pp.
149-161. Thomas Ashe, "Travels,"
(ed. 1808), pp. 126-
141. Western Gazetteer, p. 310. Atwater,
Trans. Amer.
Antiq. Soc., Vol. I., pp. 168-173.
Priest's "Am. Antiqui-
ties," pp. 160-162. Warden's
Recherch., pp. 21-22, Pl. ii.
Howe's Hist. Coll. Ohio, pp. 515-517.
Anc. Mon. from
Survey by Colonel Whittlesey, (1847),
pp. 73-77, Pl. xxvi.
282 Ohio
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
Shell heaps and mounds on
Blannerhassett's Island. Ex-
plored and described by J. P. MacLean.
Sm. Rep., 1881,
pp. 683-684, and Sm. Rep., 1882, pp.
Mound on the Muskingum, about four miles
from Marietta,
from which copper articles were
obtained. Explored, and
described by Daniel Drake in a letter to
Caleb Atwater.
Trans. Amer. Antiq. Soc., Vol. I.,
(1820), pp. 174-175.
Enclosure (oblong, one end square, the
other round) ac-
companied by eleven mounds, near the
town of Lowell.
Brief notice and figure, Anc. Mon., p.
92, Pl. xxxii., No. 2.
Mounds, walls and ditches on the
Muskingum river. De-
scription (copied from Harris's
"Tour"), Western Gazetteer,
or Emigrant's Directory, p. 314.
"Tyler's Fort," an ancient
entrenchment on Sec. 24. upon
the heights northeast of Tylerstown.
Described by Geo. W.
Hill, Sm. Rep., 1877, p. 261.
Enclosure and burial mound south of the
road leading
from Lake Fork to Blatchleysville.
Described by H. B.
Case, Sm. Rep., 1881, p. 595; marked H.
on diagram,
p. 594.
Several mounds near Shreeve. Reported by
E. D. Pea-
cock, Sm. Rep., 1879, p. 439.
Ancient walls and ditches on the right
bank of the Maumee
river, two miles above Toledo. Described
and figured by
Colonel Whittlesey, Anc. Mon., p. 40,
Fig. viii.
A list of the ancient enclosures of
Ohio, so far as known,
giving the counties and townships in
which each is located, is
found in J. P. MacLean's "Mound
Builders," pp. 230-233.
A similar list, but more complete, is
given in the Ohio Cen-
tennial Report, pp. 137-141.
[Continued from page 200.]
ANY observers in the State who have
facts concerning the
earthworks of Ohio, in addition to those
here stated, will
confer a favor upon the world by
forwarding such information
to Professor G. F. Wright, Oberlin, 0.,
the member of the
Editorial Committee in charge of this
department, by whom
the facts will be classified and
published in a future number,
making the QUARTERLY by far the
completest depository of
such information.
In locating ancient remains it is
desirable to note the fol-
lowing points:
The character of the works-whether
mounds, stone graves,
burial places, enclosures, walls,
caches, etc.
Whether explored or not, and if explored
whether relics
were found, the kind of relics, and
where such relics have
been deposited, if known.
The exact locality, as near as can be
determined, in town-
ship and county, and whether near a town
or stream of any
Whether any notice or description has
been published, and
in what book, paper or magazine such
notice may be found.
In all cases where antiquities have
existed, but are now
obliterated, they should be included in
the list and mention
made of their having been destroyed.
Nest of flint implements, found two
miles west of Center-
ville. Described by S. H. Binkley, Am.
Antiq., Vol. III.,
(1881), p. 144.