To the Members:
The annual reports of the Treasurer and
the Secretary
have been by them submitted to this
Committee, which,
in the absence of a meeting of the
Trustees, is authorized
to act upon them. We have examined
them, find them
correct and approve and recommend them
to your careful
From the Treasurer's report you will
learn that at the
close of the year, 297 names (inclusive
of those who have
advanced their fees for the coming
year,) are on the roll
of active members.
During the year the following members
Prof. S. F. Baird, of Washington City,
August 19, 1887.
Judge Silas H. Wright, of Lancaster,
November 18, 1887.
Hon. V. B. Horton, of Pomeroy, January
14, 1888.
The list of members from the date of
organization to
the close of this year will be
published in the March
QUARTERLY. Many of these pay their
annual dues by
donations of valuable articles to the
museum, or of valuable
works to the library. Among the latter
should be men-
tioned Mrs. Mary De Renne, of Georgia,
whose donation
of two rare works was so valuable, we
felt such gifts should
be recognized in an honoary membership.
We hope the Secretary, on whom the
burden of the
work falls, will be aided by every
member of the society.
When he, and the members of the
Editorial Committee,
especially its chairman, do so much for
the society free,
they should be encouraged and upheld by
every one
interested in the preservation of our
history. In no way
Report of the Executive
Committee. 385
can this be done so effectually as by
aiding to increase the
active and life membership. Each member
is requested
to forward to the Secretary the names
and addresses of
those whom you would recommend for
With increased membership the
association will be in
position to publish substantial volumes
of papers every
year, as well as to add constantly to
its publication fund.
From life-membership fees and other
sources the associa-
tion has now an annual income fund of
some $1,200, as
appears in the Treasurer's report.
It is earnestly hoped that members have
not taken a
strictly mercantile view of their
membership of the society.
In the first years of the society it
was not possible to
render a material quid pro quo for membership fees, and at
the same time establish a Publication
Fund. " The society
has accomplished results that cannot be
estimated by any
pecuniary standard of value. It has
encouraged original
research by its meetings and
publications; it has brought
historical students and specialists
together; it has caused
a more frequent exchange of ideas among
them; and it
has awakened greater public interest in
historical studies."
The present enthusiasm for history in
Ohio is in no small
degree the fruit of the Ohio Historical
We confidently appeal to every member
to aid in this
effort. We should have one thousand members
in this
society. By united effort we can secure
them. Will not
each one help?
Executive Committee.
Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly.
FEBRUARY 19, 1888.
To the Executive Committee:
The year of this Society just closed has
been one of
very satisfactory progress. We have been
able to do what
we could not do in the preceding two
years of our growth;
viz., establish a publication, whose
merit grows with itself,
and through which we are now able to
give to our mem-
bers a substantial return for their
money. Heretofore we
have been obliged to be content that we
were establishing
a Society, which in time would be of
great good to the
citizens of our State and country. That
this is apparent
is shown by the large and much varied
correspondence, as
evinced by the postage item in my list
of expenses. The
labor has not relaxed in any case; but
my duties elsewhere,
from which I derive my support, has
necessitated the em-
ployment of considerable clerk hire. By
this means, only,
can the work, necessary to the success
of the Society, be
accomplished now. I am glad to be so
situated that I can
carry forward the legitimate work free
of all expense to
the income. I trust this can be
continued; thus enabling
the Society to pursue this line of
policy, and render a sub-
stantial return for the fees of its
I shall endeavor during the coming year
to increase our
Life Membership, or endowment fund. I
feel assured we
can lay the foundation for such a fund
now -in this, our
first Centennial year-which will in the
near future yield
an annual income sufficient to defray
the annual expenses.
Other societies, old in years, have
struggled long to reach
the condition of the Ohio Society, whose
roll of active
membership is now exceeded by few other
State societies
in America.
Donations of books, magazines, papers,
etc all that constitute a library
devoted to the preserva-
tion of history, are constantly offered,
which for the present
must be kept in personal libraries of
the officers till a safe
place is provided for them. The same may
be said of the
Reports of Secretary and Treasurer. 387
museum. There is no field in the world so rich in arch-
Geology and prehistoric and historic articles as Ohio,
could the Society but provide a place of safety,
on reasonable terms, to the public, it would quickly be
filled by the finest State collection in America. Can
the members assist to reach this result? United action
will produce wonderful results, and I trust my efforts
be seconded by each member, who, by securing a few
additional members, can materially aid to reach the
end. I trust
I shall have the continued co-operation of all
the members, and can not close without expressing my
thanks to those who have upheld my hands by words of
kindness and by heartily and kindly encouraging me in
the work of the Society.
RECEIPTS 1887-1888.
130 renewals .......................... $5 00 $
650 00
60 new members ................ .... 5 00 300
7 advanced fees for '88-'89 .............. 5 00 35
11 QUARTERLY subscribers .............. 4 00 44
Cash advertising in QUARTERLY.......... 30
Sale of QUARTERLY .................... 17
Advance sales on History of Ohio ......... 34
40 $1,111 10
Printing QUARTERLY No. 1............... 158
" " " 2............... 141 53
" " " 3............... 137 99
Job printing, O. S. Journal ....... . 105
" "
Hann & Adair.............. 102
Editors' expenses ......................19 10
Sundries, A. H. Smythe ................ 9
Library case............................ 16 00
Exchange .............. .............. 20
A. A. Graham, Sec'y, for expenses as per
memoranda, (see below) ............. 356 70 $1,047 31
Balance on hand ...................... 63 79
Miss Susan M. Sturgess, Mansfield ........ 50
J. Q. A. Ward, New York............... 50
Interest receipts ........................ 8
90 $108 90
388 Ohio
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. SECRETARY'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT. RECEIPTS 1887-1888. Cash
received from Treasurer .............
356 70 " " " advance sale of Histor- ies, principally in postage stamps..... 20 60 DISBURSEMENTS. Postage .
............................... 1
5 42 Clerk hire.............................. 57 53 Travel and board-Sec'y and others...... 146
25 Sundries
............................... 8 10 Total .............................. $377 30 $377 30 STOCK ON HAND CLOSE OF YEAR, FEB. 19, 1888. Electrotype Plates - QUARTERLY, No. 1, Vol. 1, cost........ 39
20 "
" 2, " 1, "........ 33
60 " 3,
" 1, ........ 33
60 $106 40 Number of QUARTERLIES on hand-- Vol. 1, No. 1 ......................... 44 " 1, " 2......................... 39 ' 1, " 3 ....... .......... ....... 78 Total .............................. 161copies. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTOR- ICAL SOCIETY. Organized as the Ohio Archaeological Association, September 1, 1875. Reorganized as the Ohio State
Archaeological and Historical Society, and Incorporated March 13, 1885. |
SESSIONS... Columbus. 1st Vice Pres.-R. BRINKERHOFF ......... Mansfield. 2d Vice Pres.-REV. WM. E. MOORE ...... Columbus. Sec'y. and Libr'n.-A. A. GRAHAM ...... Columbus. Treasurer-S. S.
RICKLY.Columbus. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. (For three years.) WM. P.
CUTLER ..........Marietta. E. C. DAWES ...........Cincinnati. REV. WM. E. MOORE ...Columbus. |
DR. N. S. TOWNSHEND.. Columbus. C. C. BALDWIN ..........Cleveland. (For two years.) A. W. JONES ..........Youngstown. HYLAS SABINE ........ .Richwood. REV. H. A.
THOMPSON.. Westerville. DR. I. W. ANDREWS...... Marietta. JAMES S. ROBINSON ........Kenton. (For one year.) ALLEN G. THURMAN ..... Columbus. DOUGLAS PUTNAM ......... Harmar. JOHN W. ANDREWS......Columbus. F. C. SESSIONS ..........Columbus R. BRINKERHOFF........ Mansfield. |
Constitution and By-Laws of
Articles of Incorporation. The undersigned citizens of Ohio, having associated themselves to- gether, and desiring to form a cor- poration not for profit, under the laws of said State of Ohio, do hereby subscribe and acknowledge the fol- lowing articles of incorporation: 1. The name of such corporation shall be THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEO- LOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 2. Said corporation shall be located and its principal business transacted at the city of Columbus, county of Franklin, and State of Ohio. 3. Said Society is formed for the purpose of promoting a knowledge of Archaeology and History, espe- cially of Ohio, by establishing and maintaining a library of books, man- uscripts, maps, charts, etc., properly pertaining thereto; a museum of pre- historic relics and natural or other curiosities or specimens of art or nature promotive of the objects of the Association--said library and museum to be open to the public on reasonable terms-and by courses of lectures and publication of books, papers and documents touching the subjects so specified, with power to receive and hold gifts and devices of real and personal estate for the bene- fit of such Society, and generally to exercise all the powers legally and properly pertaining thereto. 4. Said Society has no capital stock. [The articles of incorporation were signed by twenty-eight persons.] By-Laws. ARTICLE I. MEMBERSHIP. SECTION I. The members of this Society shall be known as Active Members, Life Members, Corre- sponding Members and Honorary Members. SEC. 2. Active members shall pay annually, in advance, a fee of five dollars; shall be entitled to vote and |
hold office; shall receive free all publications of the Society, and have free access to the Museum and Li- brary. Any person who shall an- nually donate articles acceptable to the Society, whose value shall be determined by the Trustees to be five dollars, shall be rated as an active member. SEC. 3. Life members shall pay the sum of fifty dollars. Such pay- ment shall exempt them from all fees, and shall entitle them to all the priv- ileges of active membership. Any person who shall make a donation, acceptable to the Society, whose value shall be determined by the Trustees to be fifty dollars, shall be rated as a life member. Life mem- bers may designate the purpose to which their subscription or donation may be applied not inconsistent with the laws of the Society. All such subscriptions shall be known as the Life Membership Fund, which shall be invested by the Trustees in safe securities, the in- come of which only shall be used. SEC. 4. Corresponding members shall be persons who feel an interest in the Society and its objects, and are willing to aid it by representing its interests, and by securing dona- tions for its Museum and Library. They shall receive free the annual reports and such other publications as the Trustees may direct. SEC. 5. Honorary members shall be persons distinguished for scien- tific and literary attainments, partic- ularly in the department of Ameri- can history. ARTICLE II. GOVERNMENT. SECTION 1. The government of this Society shall be vested in a Board of fifteen Trustees, who shall be chosen by ballot, immediately upon the organization of the Society. Five shall serve for the term of three years, five for the term of two years, and five for one year; and at each annual meeting five Trustees shall be elected for the term of three |
390 Ohio
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. |
years. In case of a vacancy occur- ring in the Board of Trustees, the remaining Trustees shall fill the same until the next annual election, when the vacancies shall be filled by votes of the members. The Trustees shall hold their offices until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified. SEC. 2. The Board of Trustees shall elect a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, a Sec- retary and Librarian, and such other officers and agents as the proper management of the Society may re- quire. They shall also appoint an Executive Committee, a Finance Committe, and such other commit- tees as may be from time to time needed. The Trustees may fix the tenure and compensation of all offi- cers and agents, and may remove the same, whenever the interests of the Society may so require. They may adopt a code of By-Laws for their government, not inconsistent with the laws of this Society, and submit the same to the approval of the members thereof. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS. SECTION 1. PRESIDENT.-The Pres- ident of the Board of Trustees shall be the President of the Society. He shall preside at all meetings of the Society; shall have a casting vote; shall appoint all committees, and shall perform other duties pertaining to the office. In his absence the senior Vice President shall serve, and in the absence of any such offi- cer, any member may be called to the chair pro tempore. The Vice President, the Secretary |
and Librarian, and the Treasurer shall perform the duties respectively connected with their offices, the duties of Secretary and Librarian being performed by one person. ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. SECTION 1. The annual meetings of this Society shall usually be held in the city of Columbus or elsewhere as the Executive Committee may de- cide, on the nineteenth day of Feb- ruary of each year, when that date falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day or Friday; when, however, it falls upon any other day of the week, then the annual meeting shall be held on the Tuesday following. SEC. 2. The other meetings of this Society shall be held at such times and such places as the Trus- tees may direct. SEC. 3. The President or any one of the Trustees shall call a special meeting on a request of any five members. ARTICLE VII. LIABILITIES. SECTION 1.
No debts shall be contracted by this Society, nor any of its Trustees, officers or agents. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. SECTION 1. These By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote at any meeting of the Society. Any amendments shall be proposed in writing, and shall, if required by a majority of those present, lie over for action until the next meeting. |
LIST OF MEMBERS. [From Date of Organization, March
12th, 1885, to February 19th, 1888.] HONORARY MEMBERS. |
De Renne, Mrs. Mary,Savannah, Ga. Force, Judge M. F., Cincinnati, O. Nicholson, Col. John P., Philadel- phia, Pa. *Died October 18, 1886. |
Smucker, Isaac, Esq., Newark, O. *Whittlesey, Col. Charles, Cleveland, Ohio. |
Members of the Society. 391 |
CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. *Baird, Prof. S. F. Washington,D.C. Darling,Gen. Chas. W.,Oneida,N.Y. Powell, Maj. J.W.,Washington,D.C. Putnam, Prof. F. W., Cambridge, Mass. Thomas, Prof. Cyrus,Washington,D. C. Ward, Mrs. Fannie B., Ravenna, O. LIFE MEMBERS. Sturges, Miss Susan M.,Mansfield,O. Ward, J. Q. A., New York. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Aldeman, E. R., Marietta. Anderson, J. H., Columbus. Andrews, Dr. I. W., Marietta. Andrews, Mrs. I. W., Marietta. Andrews, Prof. M. R., Marietta. Andrews, John W., Columbus. Andrews, Gwynne, Columbus. Andrews, C. H., Youngstown. Arnett, Rev. B. W., Wilberforce. Avery, Dr. Elroy M., Cleveland. Axline, H. A., Zanesville. Babcock, Rev. C. H., Columbus. Backus, A. L., Toledo. Baldwin, Dr. J. F., Columbus. Baldwin, Jos. W., Columbus. Baldwin, Charles C., Cleveland. Barger, B. F., Dayton. Barney, E. J., Dayton. Bar ett, James, Cleveland. Bates, James L., Columbus. Bedell, Rev. G. Thurston, Gambier. Beecher, C. A., Cincinnati. Bennett, S. W., Bucyrus. Beresford, Dr. A. E., Germano. Bliss, Mrs. Mary, Columbus. Bohl, Henry, Marietta. Bonham, L. N., Oxford. Bosworth, Sala, Cincinnati. Braddock, John S., Mt. Vernon. Brazee, John S., Lancaster. Bretts, W. H., Cleveland. Bridge, Henry A., Columbus. Brickell, W. D., Columbus. Briggs, J. C., Columbus. Bright, Geo. W., Columbus. Brinkerhoff, Roeliff, Mansfield. Brister, E. M. P., Newark. Brooks, J. T., Salem. Brown, Abram, Columbus. |
Brown, Thomas, Waynesville. Brown, Leroy D., Reno, Nevada. Brown, Benj. S., Columbus. Bruhl, Gustav, Cincinnati. Butler, Cyrus, New York City. Buell, Wm. H., Marietta. Burgess, Solon, Cleveland. Bushnell, Dr. Wm., Mansfield. Burr, Rev. Erasmus, Portsmouth. +Bryant, Charles W., Granville. Byers, Rev. A. G., Columbus. Cadwallader, J. D., Marietta. Candy, Robert, Columbus. Chamberlain, W. I., Ames, Iowa. Chamberlain, W. H., Cincinnati. Chapin, John W., Columbus. Chittenden, Henry T., Columbus. Church, S. H., Columbus. Clarke, Robert, Cincinnati. Clark, Dr. C. F., Columbus. Cochran, T. J., Cincinnati. Conrad, S. A., Massillon. Collins, Wm. A., Toledo. Cooper, W. C., Mt. Vernon. Cope, Alexis, Columbus. Cotton, Dr. J. D., Marietta Cowen, B. F., Cincinnati. Cowles, Edwin, Cleveland. Crall, Leander, New York City. ++Curtis, Henry B., Mt. Vernon. Curtis, Henry L., Mt. Vernon. Curtis, W. F., Marietta. Curtis, R. L., Marietta. Cutler, Wm. P., Marietta. Cutler, Rev. Carroll, Cleveland. Cutter, F. J., Marietta. Curry, W. L., Marysville. Dana, Geo. W., Belpre. Dann, J. W., Columbus. ¶Daugherty, M. A., Columbus Davis, Theo. F., Marietta. Dawes, R. R., Marietta. Dawes, E. C., Cincinnati. Day, L. W., Cleveland. Dean, Prof. B. S., Hiram. Delano, Columbus, Mt. Vernon. Dennison, Mrs. Wm., Columbus. Denver, J. W., Wilmington. Derby, Prof. S. C., Columbus. Derthick, F., Mantua. Deshler, Wm. G., Columbus. § Devereux, J. H., Columbus. Doane, John M., Columbus. |
*Died August 19, 1887. ++Died
Nov. 5, '85. ¶Died Jan. 15,'87. +Died August 31, 1886. §Died
March 17. '86. |
392 Ohio
Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. |
Harris, Israel H., Waynesville. Hart, Dr. B. F., Marietta. Hart, Dr. F. O., West Unity Haskins, Chas. F., Columbus. Harter, M. D., Mansfield. Hartzler, Prof. J. C., Newark. Harvey, Prof. Thos. W., Painesville. Hay, John, Cleveland. Hayden, W. B., Columbus. Hayes, Hon. R. B., Fremont. Hedges, Henry C., Mansfield. Henderson Dr. J. P., Newville. Hills, Rev. O. A., Wooster. Hinsdale, Prof. B. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Hirsh, L., Columbus. Hite, J. C., Lancaster. Hoadly, Hon. George, New York. Holden, L. E., Cleveland. *Horton, V. B., Pomeroy. Hott, Harry, Gallipolis. Hoyt, James, M., Cleveland. Hughes, Philip, Hamilton. Ide, Mrs. Harriet, Columbus. Irons, Rev. John D., New Concord. Janney, John J., Columbus. Johnson, S. L., Columbus. Jones, Asa W., Youngstown. Jones, Prof. E. A., Massilon. Kagy, Isaac, Tiffin. Kelley, H. C., Marietta. Kemmler, Wm. F., Columbus. Kerschner, Rev. L. M., Yellow Springs. King, Rufus, Cincinnati. Kirkley, Dr. C. A., Cleveland. Knabenshue, 0. D., Columbus. Knight, Prof. Geo. W., Columbus. Ladd, Rev. Henry M., Cleveland. Lee, Alfred E., Columbus. Levering, Allen, Mt. Gilead. Lindenberg, Henry, Columbus. Little, Dr. James, Logan, Lockwood, C. B., Cleveland. Loving, Dr. Starling, Columbus. Lovejoy, Mrs. N. E., Columbus. Loy, Rev. Marcus, Columbus. Lukens, Prof. J. T., Lebanon. Lyman, R. H., Cincinnati. McClymond, J. W., Massillon. McCord, David A., Oxford. McCurdy, Robert, Youngstown. |
Dodge, H. H., Cleveland. Dodge, W. S., Cleveland. Doren, John G., Dayton. Drinckle, H. C., Lancester. Duer, Geo. W., Millersburg. Durrett, R. T., Louisville, Ky. Dutton, A. S., Cheshire. Eaton, Dr. John, Marietta. Eells, Dan P., Cleveland. Ellis, S. H., Springboro. Ellis, John W., New York City. Ely, Heman, Elyria. Evans, Dr. E. S., Columbus. Ewing, Hugh, Lancaster. Falconer, Dr. Cyrus, Hamilton. Farquhar, Dr. O. E., Zanesville. Farrar, Wm. M., Cambridge. Fearing Henry, Harmar. Ferris, Aaron A., Cincinnati. Fieser, F., Columbus. Finch, Dr. C. M., Columbus. Findley, Samuel, Akron. Finley E. B., Bucyrus. Firestone, C. D., Columbus. Follett, Martin D., Marietta. Foraker, Joseph B., Cincinnati. Foster Charles, Fostoria. Foster, W. S., Urbana. Freed, A., Lancaster. Freeman, George D., Columbus. Gard, Hiram, Vincent. Gard, D. H., Columbus. Gardner, Geo. W., Cleveland. Garfield, Mrs. Lucretia R., Mentor. Gates, Beman, Marietta. Gates, N. B., Elyria. Gilmore W. J., Columbus. Gilmore, W. E., Chillicothe. Gladden, Rev. Washington, Colum- bus. Glazier, A. W., Belpre. Godfrey, T. J., Celina. Goodnough, Prof. W. S., Columbus. Gordon, W. J., Cleveland. Graham, A. A., Columbus. Gray, S. C., Deavertown. Green, Rev. F. M., Kent. +Gregg, H. H., New Lisbon. Grover, Rev. J. L., Columbus. Haddock, Mrs. T. T., Cincinnati. Hall, Theodore Parsons, Detroit, Mich. Hamilton, Dr. J. W., Columbus. Handy, Truman P., Cleveland. |
+Died March 6, 1888. *Died Jan. 14 1888 |
Members of the Society. 393 |
McFadden, John F., Columbus. McFarland, Prof. Robt. W., Oxford. McIntosh, E. S., Beverly. McIntosh, Mrs. C. J., Beverly. McIntosh, Mrs. Eliza, Beverly. McIntire, A. R., Mt. Vernon. McKown, Dr. G. E., Mt. Vernon. McMahon, J. A., Dayton. McMillen, Reuben, Youngstown. McNeill, John B., Lancaster. McQuigg, George, Pomeroy. Macauley, Daniel, New York City. Maclean, J. P., Hamilton. Manley, Manlius, Galion. Mark, Prof. E. H., Louisville, Ky. Markeson, C. E., Columbus. Marten, Charles D., Lancaster. Mather Samuel, Cleveland. Matthews, Stanley B., Washington. Matthews, C. B., Cincinnati. Matthews, Alfred, Painesville. Mattox, A. H., Cincinnati. May, Manuel, Mansfield. Metz, Dr. C. F., Madisonville. Miles, W. Y., Columbus. Mills, John, Marietta. Miller, T. Ewing, Columbus. Millikin, Dr. Dan., Hamilton. Moore, C. H., Clinton, Ill. Moore, Thos. W., Harmar. Moore, Rev. Wm. E., Columbus. Morehead, Warren K., Xenia. Morgan, George W., Mt. Vernon. Moses, Prof. Thos. F., Urbana. Munson's Joel Sons, Albany, N. Y. Nash, George K., Columbus. Neil, Robert E., Columbus. Neil, Moses H., Columbus. Noble, Henry C., Columbus. Noble, Warren P., Tiffin. Norris, C. H., Marion. Nye, A. T., Marietta. Olds, C. N., Columbus. Orton, Prof. Edward, Columbus. Outhwaite, Joseph H., Columbus. Palmer, Corwin F., Dresden. Parrott, Charles, Columbus. Patton, A. G., Columbus. Payne, Hon. Henry B., Cleveland. Peabody, S. P., Columbus. Peabody, James R., Zanesville. Peaslee, John B., Cincinnati. Peetrey, Isaac G., London. Perkins, Douglas, Cleveland. Perkins, Henry B., Warren. |
Peters, O. G., Columbus. Peters, Geo. M., Columbus. Pierson, Rev. H. W., Toledo. Plimpton, H., Columbus. Pool, Harwood R., New York City. Pratt, Amasa, Columbus. Priest, F. M., Bryan. Prince, Prof. F. M., Springfield. Putnam, Douglas, Harmar. Randall, E. O., Columbus. Reeve, Dr. J. C., Dayton. Reinhard, Jacob, Columbus. Renick, Alexander, Chillicothe. Renick, Harness, Circleville. Rice, Harvey, Cleveland. Rickly, S. S., Columbus. Robe, W. H., Cherry Fork. Robertson, W. T., Harmar. Robinson, James S., Kenton. Robinson, Dr. J. D., Wooster. Ruggles C. B., Cincinnati. Ryan, Daniel J., Portsmouth. Sabine Hylas, Columbus. Schueller, Dr. J. B., Columbus. Schultz, Wm. A., Lancaster. Scott, Rev. W. H., Columbus. Scovil, Rev. S. F., Wooster. Sessions F. C., Columbus. Sessions, Mrs. Mary, Columbus. Shawan, Prof. J. A., Mt. Vernon. Shepard, Dr. W., Columbus. Sherman, Hon. John, Mansfield. Siebert, John, Columbus. Sinks, Geo. W., Columbus. Smith, Rev. N. S., Columbus. Smith, Mrs. N. S., Columbus. Smith, H. R., Mansfield. Smythe, A. H., Columbus. Snyder, P. M., Marietta. Snyder, John, Jr., Springfield. Southworth, Prof. Geo. C. T., Gam- bier. Squire, Andrew, Cleveland. Steele, Robt. W., Dayton. Stevenson, Prof. R. W., Columbus. Stimson, R. M., Marietta. Sturges, Willis M., Mansfield. Sturgess, John E., Mansfield. Sullivan J. J., Millersburg. Sullivant, L. S., Columbus. Super, Prof. C. W., Athens. Swayne, Wager, New York City. Tappan, Prof. Eli T., Gambier. Thompson, Rev. H. A., Westerville. Thompson, Ralph, Springfield. Thompson, Peter G., Cincinnati. Thompson, Dr. J. C., Rollersville. |
394 Ohio Archaeological
and Historical Quarterly. |
Thresher, E. M., Dayton. Thresher, J. B., Dayton. Thurman, Allen G., Columbus. Tiffin, Miss Diathea M., Chillicothe. Tod, Henry, Youngstown. Todd, Dr. Jos. H., Wooster. Townsend, Amos, Cleveland. Townsend, Charles, Athens. Townshend, Prof. N. S., Columbus. Turner, S. R., Marietta. Turner, Will C., Columbus. Twiss, George H., Columbus. Vail, Henry M., Cincinnati. Venable, Prof. W. H., Cincinnati. Vincent, H. C., Marietta. Vincent, O. B., Austin, Nev. Waddell, Dr. Wm. A., Chillicothe. Waite, Hon.M. R.,Washington,D.C. Waite, Richard, Toledo. Waggoner, Dr. Joseph, Ravenna. Wall, Edw. B., Columbus Washburn, George G., Elyria. *Ward, Durbin, Cincinnati. Warner, Dr. R. G., Columbus. Warner, A. J., Marietta. |
Waters, Israel R., Marietta. Welch, J. M., Athens. Welker, Martin, Wooster. Wells, C. K., Marietta. Wells, M. P., Marietta. Wetmore, C. J., Sr., Columbus. Wheeler, F. A., Marietta. White, Dr. C. C., Columbus. White, Prof. E. E., Cincinnati. White, Henry C., Cleveland. Whiteley, Wm. S., Springfield. Wick, Paul, Youngstown. Wilcox, James A., Columbus. Willard, Rev. Geo. W., Tiffin. Williams, T. C.. Columbus. Williams, A. J., Cleveland. Williams, W. W., Cleveland. Williamson, Samuel E., Cleveland. Wilson, A. J., Cincinnati. Wing, Charles T., New York City. Wing, L. B., Newark. Wright, Prof. G. F., Oberlin. Wright, J. S., Cincinnati. +Wright, S. H., Lancaster. Yorston, John C., Cincinnati. Young, Gen. John. H., Urbana. |
*Died May 22, 1886. +Died Nov. 18, 1887. |
To the Members:
The annual reports of the Treasurer and
the Secretary
have been by them submitted to this
Committee, which,
in the absence of a meeting of the
Trustees, is authorized
to act upon them. We have examined
them, find them
correct and approve and recommend them
to your careful
From the Treasurer's report you will
learn that at the
close of the year, 297 names (inclusive
of those who have
advanced their fees for the coming
year,) are on the roll
of active members.
During the year the following members
Prof. S. F. Baird, of Washington City,
August 19, 1887.
Judge Silas H. Wright, of Lancaster,
November 18, 1887.
Hon. V. B. Horton, of Pomeroy, January
14, 1888.
The list of members from the date of
organization to
the close of this year will be
published in the March
QUARTERLY. Many of these pay their
annual dues by
donations of valuable articles to the
museum, or of valuable
works to the library. Among the latter
should be men-
tioned Mrs. Mary De Renne, of Georgia,
whose donation
of two rare works was so valuable, we
felt such gifts should
be recognized in an honoary membership.
We hope the Secretary, on whom the
burden of the
work falls, will be aided by every
member of the society.
When he, and the members of the
Editorial Committee,
especially its chairman, do so much for
the society free,
they should be encouraged and upheld by
every one
interested in the preservation of our
history. In no way