PRESIDENT CHAPIN represents Wisconsin and the Con-
gregational Church. He brings a
commission from Gover-
nor Rusk. I don't know whom I represent.
One of the chief elements of success in
Manasseh Cut-
ler as a negotiator was not mentioned
yesterday in the very
beautiful and exhaustive discussion
which was given by
the gentleman who made the address. He
was spoken of as a
brave man, as a man of learning, a man
of courtesy; but
I think that one great element was his
power of administering
very elegant and sweet taffy to the
people of that day, and
I rather think I can augur great success
for my youthful
brother, General Eaton, from his
prominence and great
excellence in the same department.1
I have listened to what has been
presented here, with
great interest. I have heard that there
is, or was, or is to
come, an Ordinance of 1787. I have
heard, also, that there
is a place called Massachusetts; that
seems to be a pretty
well fixed fact. And Colonel Tucker,
yesterday, made it
clear that there is also a place called
Virginia. I was
delighted with this fresh
information. But really, my
friends, when you come to think of it,
this Ordinance of
1787-practically carried into operation
in 1788, and about
which our friends, the descendants of
Dr. Manasseh Cutler,
make so much, and the descendants of
General Rufus Put-
nam make so much, about which indeed all
the descend-
ants of these great men come here and
make so much-and
none too much-when you come to think of
it, I repeat,
how youthful you are in comparison with
Indiana; and
1General Eaton, the presiding officer of
the evening, had introduced
Dr. Tuttle in the following words:
"Many of you have been greeting
during these meetings an old friend,
formerly a student and instructor
here, long prominent as the very able,
successful and scholarly Presi-
dent of Wabash College. I have the
pleasure of introducing to you Dr.
Tuttle, of Wabash College."