- The good
fortune of the settlement at Marietta
continues up to this
very hour. We can congratulate each
other upon the priv-
ilege of having heard the eminent
Senator from Massachu-
setts. We can congratulate him, that he
has connected his
name for all the centuries to come with
the most fortunate
colonization that ever occurred on
earth. Whenever here-
after, century after century, this
ceremony and celebration
shall be repeated, no one having
anything to do, in a prom-
inent way, with it will fail to read and
enjoy, as we have
enjoyed, the magnificent address of
Senator Hoar. To be
sure it leaves the task of those who are
to follow him a
a most difficult one. We can say that in
all the annals of
the past no more fortunate history is to
be found than that
which began at Marietta a hundred years
ago to-day. We
can say that no body of men more fit by
their origin, by
their ancestry, by their history, by
their own experience,
and by their education can be found
anywhere, ever have
been found, to establish in a new
country new institutions
and make new States than those who did
it here at Mari-
etta, a hundred years ago.
These last few days, Thursday evening
and yesterday,
were almost entirely given up to Ohio.
When anything
good is to be talked about it is very
well understood that
the lion's share is likely to be
claimed, at least, by the citi-
zens of Ohio. We have learned, and
learned, I think,
with a peculiar pleasure, from Professor
Putnam, of Harvard
College, that away back in the obscurity
of the unknown
past that we can not penetrate, it was
the long-headed
race that succeeded and captured Ohio;
that it was the
short-headed race that were driven off
from Ohio.
Of course, when we speak of the race who
made this
first settlement we must remember that
it was not merely
that magnificent district known now as
Ohio, but it was the