172 Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications. [VoL.
Your presiding officer has called on me,
owing to some de-
lay in the arrival of trains, which has
delayed the forming and
moving of the procession, to address you
for a few minutes, and
has charged me with being a speaker of
some note, and as he
has placed me on trial before you on
that charge, I feel pretty
certain that when you have heard me, you
will promptly acquit
me of the charge, as it was not my
expectation to address the
people here, for I came to see and hear,
and not to talk.
This is my first visit to your city, and
those of you who
know the place so well, with its
beautiful surroundings, no
doubt think that my traveling in this
respect has been sadly
One hundred years ago! What a change!
When the 600
pioneers, or thereabouts, landed here
one hundred years ago, if
this city as it is now could have then
met their gaze as they
floated down the Ohio river, how
different would have been their
feelings from what they were under the
circumstamces at that
time? In place of the log cabins,
uninhabited, that then met
their gaze on their first visit to this
place, I, on my first visit,
look upon a beautiful city of more than
12,000 inhabitants.
We are now, I am told, holding this
meeting on the grounds
where stood the log cabins that met the
gaze of your ancestors
when they arrived here, but instead of
log cabins, you now have
this beautiful park; the Ohio river
sweeps on the south side
of it just as it did one hundred years
ago, but, on the bosom of
that river now float the magnificent
steamers that we see at your
wharfs, instead of an occasional
flat-boat; and in place of the
thick forest that then covered these
grounds, you now have this
fine park, your level streets, miles in
length, built up on either
side with fine business blocks, or
beautiful residences. What a
change! But all this had a beginning,
and that beginning was
one hundred years ago to-day, and under
circumstances that
would have appalled a less heroic
Among the pioneers that landed here,
most, if not all of
them, knew but little about such
hardships, as were to stare