Ohio History Journal

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Address of Governor McKinley

Address of Governor McKinley.          207







(INTRODUCTION BY J. R. KNOX: - The people of Ohio like

to see their Governor, the soldiers of the army like to see their

old comrade, everybody wants to see McKinley, and I have the

pleasure now, fellow citizens, of presenting to you Governor Mc-

Kinley of Ohio, who will now address you.)


Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Your president has said that the people of Ohio want to see

the Governor of their state. I heartily reciprocate that feeling

when I say that the Governor of Ohio wants to see the people of

Ohio. It affords me special pleasure, to be present and rejoice

with you here to-day. It is pleasant, not only to meet on this

historic ground and occasion, but both a privilege and pleasure

to have the opportunity to attest my respect and veneration for

the brave men and noble women who were the pioneer settlers

of Ohio and of the great Northwest. It is not too eulogistic for

us to claim that no better or purer people ever laid the founda-

tions of society and government at any other time or place in

all the world's history. Certainly the record of the pioneers of

Ohio from 1788 to 1803 is a broad heritage, a priceless legacy,

for any commonwealth to enjoy. Seldom has a great community

been established under circumstances more adverse, nor with

greater cost in blood and suffering, privation and toil, than at-

tended the erection of the state of Ohio in what was then a sav-

age and unbroken wilderness from the river to the lake. It is

fitting that we should rejoice that it is now so great and so pros-

perous and everywhere celebrated as perhaps the fairest and most

beautiful land anywhere to be found in our majestic common


But not to us of the present day is the praise and gratitude

due, but to the grand men of that historic age, which produced

a Washington, a Wayne, a St. Clair, a Putnam, a Cutler, a